Pre-AP Chinese 2019-2020 Instructor Mrs. Lei He 何蕾老师 Prerequisites Rising 7th grade and above students and the admission will be based on the replacement test. Course Description This course is designed for students who have several years of Chinese learning and reached intermediate Chinese language proficiency. The course aims to prepare students for AP Chinese which is a full year course that cover the equivalent of a second year college Chinese course. Lessons focus on high frequency vocabulary, sentence structures and writing in order to maximize student comprehension, retention and ability to communicate in the target language. In addition to communication, the course also addresses the Standards' other four goals: cultural competence, connections to other school disciplines, comparisons between Chinese language and culture and those of the learners, and the use of the language within the broader communities beyond the traditional school environment. More specifically, they will learn about: Teenage life, talking about school; Language and identity, discussing successes and challenges in learning Chinese and the impact of Chinese celebrities; Family and social traditions, exploring holiday traditions and social customs, being a global citizen, making the world a better place; Cultural symbols such as Chinese literature and writers as well as Chinese cultural heritage; Related cultural aspects through authentic products and practices are along with each topic. In addition, students will learn about China’s geography, customs, literature, and traditions as well as explore similarities and differences between China and the United States. Course Objectives To prepare and get ready for the Chinese AP test To meet the national guidelines in Chinese language proficiency and performance. To be fluent in Chinese word processing on computer. To read selections of Chinese authors, to discuss and answer questions on content and analyze selections by theme, characters, plot, time, and place. To read newspapers, magazines, and other readings of thematic units. To write essay and exams To be able to apply all of the four skills and other knowledge learned from the class to the daily lives. Page 1 Textbook and Materials The textbook entitled Easy Steps to Chinese, Jiā Yóu ! (加油 !) and the primary school Chinese textbook are primary textbooks used for this course. Step Up Chinese is another supplementary textbook that will be using in this class. Besides the materials in these textbook, there is also a collection of readers that cover current events (news), short passages, articles and literature, cultural festivals, historical stories, Chinese philosophy from Chinese newspapers, online resources and books. From supplementary textbooks, movies, documentaries, TV shows, as well as songs in Chinese are all covered more or less. Assignments Homework assignment includes oral presentation on varied topics, learning new vocabulary, daily reading and dictation on characters, and preparing for discussion and presentation in class. Weekly writing will also be assigned. It emphasizes correct use of handwritten characters and Pinyin spelling. Additional Information Pre AP Chinese course is designed around themes. The theme provides a purpose as well as a vehicle to use language. This course is also integrated with Microsoft Chinese input methods so students can get the necessary opportunity to be familiarized with the online testing for AP in the future. All lessons are designed to follow 5Cs with 3 modes in order to meet the requirements set by the College Board. Page 2