1. What is the Continental Drift Theory? 2. Who is the person credited with developing the theory of continental drift? 3. What is Pangea? 4. Compare Pangaea with the world map. What have you noticed? 5. What do the Glossopteris fossils tell us about the early positions of the continents? 6. If Glossopteris fossils were found in Antarctica, what was the climate of this continent before? 7. If the climate and the position of a place are relative to each other, where then was the initial location of Antarctica 250 million years ago? 8. What does the presence of Mesosaurus fossils tell about the initial location and positioning of South America, Africa, and Antarctica? 9. Why did scientists reject Wegener's idea of continental drift? 10. If the continents will continue to move, try to predict the Philippines’ location 100 million years from now.