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Mental & Emotional Health: Thoughts & Well-being

1.Our journey of though
 as
a person thinks on the inside, this is who
they will become on the outside.
 Our
character becomes the complete sum
of all of our thoughts.
thought is a seed; this seed grows not
only into an action but also into an emotion
 The
thoughts of our lives become the
habitual patterns of our lives.
Philippians 4:8
8 And
now, dear brothers and sisters, one
final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true,
and honorable, and right, and pure, and
lovely, and admirable. Think about things
that are excellent and worthy of praise.
 Reading
Bible and meditating on them
( Devotion Journal)
 Making a mental checklist of God
( who is God)
 Review your daily Devotion.
 Decide
today to live free from negative
and harmful thoughts and to replace
them with God thoughts.
2. Our Thought Life
 All
seeds of thought produce a tree of a
am Manufacturing my own depression,
sadness, loneliness , etc.
 You
cannot choose your circumstances,
but you can choose your thoughts.
 What
are we coloring our life with?
 color
your life with the rainbow: joy,
health, excitement, enthusiasm, optimism,
goodwill? It’s up to you
3. Freedom From Poisonous
Johns Hopkins Medical School has found
that 70% of disease is psychosomatic. What
does that mean? The word psyche means
“the mind,” and soma is “the body.” This is
not to say that 70% of diseases are not real,
but rather that the origin of these diseases is
not found in a physical cause. The origin, in
nature, first occurred in the mind
 Thoughts
have the ability to make us well
or to poison the body
 Negative thoughts weaken the immune
system and poison the bloodstream
 Ask
God who is in control, not the people
or circumstances .
 Trust God, the God of peace
Philippians 4:4-7
 4 Magkalipay
kamo permi sa Ginoo. Kag ginasulit
ko, magkalipay kamo!
5 Ipakita ninyo ang inyo kalulo sa tanan nga tawo.
Malapit na ang pag-abot sang Ginoo. 6 Indi kamo
magpalibog sa bisan ano, kundi pangayua sa
Dios ang inyo mga kinahanglan paagi sa
pangamuyo nga may pagpasalamat. 7 Kag kon
himuon ninyo ini, magahatag ang Dios sing
kalinong sa inyo tagipusuon kag hunahuna
tungod nga kamo ara kay Cristo Jesus, kag ang
kalinong nga halin sa iya indi gid matungkad sang
aton pag-intiendi.
8 Luwas
sina, mga utod, hunahunaa ninyo
permi ang mga butang nga maayo kag
dalayawon: ang mga butang nga husto,
talahuron, matarong, putli, matahom, kag
halangdon. 9 Sunda ninyo ang tanan nga
butang nga inyo natun-an sa akon mga
pagpanudlo kag mga hinimuan. Kag
ubayan gid kamo sang Dios nga
nagahatag sang kalinong.
Isaiah 26:3
“Hatagan mo, GINOO, sang kompleto nga
kalinong ang tawo nga ang iya hunahuna
nasintro sa imo, kay nagasalig siya sa imo.