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Science 3 Lesson Plan: Parts of Plants

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to describe the parts of different kinds
of plants.
Subject Matter:
The parts of different kinds of plants
Value Focus: Love and appreciation to plants
Printed pictures, flashcards,
Teacher’s Activity
1. Drill
I have here some words to show you, all
you have to do is to read it aloud. Is that
Pupils’ Activity
Yes ma’am
( showing the words)
2. Review
Yesterday, we discussed about the
different kinds of animals and what they
- What happens when animals are
not provided with their needs such
as food and water?
- Do you have pets at home?
- How can you take good care of your
own pet?
- Very good
- Well done!
Now let’s go to our new topic for today.
3. Lesson Proper
1. Engage
I will give you a short game. I will show a
picture then you need to puzzle it.
Okay Very Good!
Animals will die
Give them food to eat and water to drink.
Teacher’s Activity
What can you see the
What is the title of our song?
Does the song mention about the parts
of the plants?
Pupils’ Activity
After that i will show the two kinds of
pictures of different kinds of plants.
Let the pupils guess what plant is in the
Essential Questions:
- How many plants can you see in the
picture? What are those plants?
2. Explore
a. Task 1
Our lesson for today is about the
parts of different kinds of plants.
( I will show the different parts of the
plants and then asking questions)
- How many parts of the plant do you
- Do you have any idea what are roots?
Stem? Leaves? Fruits? Flowers?
- How can we describe the parts of
different kinds of plants?
( show them a different parts of plants)
b. Task 2 (Group activity)
I will give them a group activity.
Let the pupils report their work
Before we start our activity what are the
standards in having group activity.
Standards in Group activity
1. Work quietly
2. Cooperate with group
3. Avoid roaming around
4. Make your work neat and clean
5. Return borrowed materials
Standards in Group activity
1. Work quietly
2. Cooperate with group
3. Avoid roaming around
4. Make your work neat and clean
5. Return borrowed materials
Directions: Ihatag ang kinalain lain nga parte
sang tanum. Itapik ini sa kahon nga inyo makita.
Naga angot ini sa
kinalain lain nga
parte sang tanum
pareho ang dahon,
bulak kag bunga
para ipadala ang
tubig kag minerals
halin sa ugat.
Ini ang produkto sang
isa ka tanum nga naga
protekta sang liso sini
sa sulod. Isa mani sa
parte sang tanum nga
naga hatag sang
pagkaon sa tawo kag
Ini ang parte sang tanom nga
ginahalinan sang bunga.
Nagahatag man ini sang manami
nga lantawun sa isa ka tanum.
Isa ini sa parte sang
tanum nga nagabulig
para makahimo sang
bunga sa pamaagi nga
proseso nga ginatawag
nga photosynthesis.
Isa ini sa parte sang tanum nga
naga suyop sang tubig kag
minerals halin sa idalom sang
Directions: Ihatag ang kinalain lain nga parte sang
tanum. Itapik ini sa kahon nga inyo makita.
Naga angot ini sa
kinalain lain nga
parte sang tanum
pareho ang dahon,
bulak kag bunga
para ipadala ang
tubig kag minerals
halin sa ugat.
Ini ang produkto sang
isa ka tanum nga naga
protekta sang liso sini
sa sulod. Isa mani sa
parte sang tanum nga
naga hatag sang
pagkaon sa tawo kag
Ini ang parte sang tanom nga
ginahalinan sang bunga.
Nagahatag man ini sang manami
nga lantawun sa isa ka tanum.
Isa ini sa parte sang
tanum nga nagabulig
para makahimo sang
bunga sa pamaagi nga
proseso nga ginatawag
nga photosynthesis.
Isa ini sa parte sang tanum nga
naga suyop sang tubig kag
minerals halin sa idalom sang
( pupils will listen carefully)
1. Presentation
Now our lesson for today is about the parts
of different kinds of plants.
2. Discussion
I will show you a picture and tell me what
part of the plant is this.
The Roots
The Stem
What part of the plant is this?
1. ROOTS –Roots are the most important
part of a plant as they are responsible for
transferring the necessary nutrients to the
plant. They are the agents responsible for
delivering water and minerals to the
plants. Besides that, they are also the
active support system of plants without
which the plants would fall to stick the soil.
How about this one?
2. STEM -Stems are also support system
for the plants. Their main function is to act
as delivery agents for the nutrients and
water stored in the roots and transferring
them to the other plant parts in the form of
glucose. Stems also transfer food from the
leaves to the other parts of the plant.
Teacher’s Activity
Pupils’ Activity
Next picture is?
The Leaves
The Flowers
The Fruits
3. LEAVES –Leaves are the fundamental part of a
plant as all the necessary food for the plants are
stored in the leaves. A special part about leaves is
that they are designed for the process of
photosynthesis which contributes to the process of
making food in the leaves.
Next is?
4. FLOWERS –Flowers are known as the
reproductive products of plants. They are mostly
responsible for producing fruits. They also contain
pollen which helps in the pollination of the flower.
Now, the last one?
5. FRUITS – Fruits are the products of
reproduction in plants. The most essential
component from which reproduction starts, that is
the seed, is the present in the fruit. Therefore, they
act as a protective layer for seeds.
Now you know the different parts of the plant.
Teacher’s Activity
Pupils’ Activity
4. Generalization
How many parts are there in a plant?
What are those different parts of the plant?
What is the function of root?
What is the function of stem?
What is the function of a leaves?
What is the function of flower?
What is the function of fruits?
There are 5 parts in the plant.
The different parts of the plant are Roots, Stem,
Fruits, Flower and Leaves.
Roots are the most important part of a plant as
they are responsible for transferring the
necessary nutrients to the plant
Stems are also support system for the plants.
Leaves are the fundamental part of a plant as all
the necessary food for the plants are stored in
the leaves.
Flowers are known as the reproductive
products of plants.
Fruits are the products of reproduction in
Very Good!
And now you know the different parts of the plant,
let’s have an activity.
5. Application
( okra)
Cut out those words in the box and paste the parts of the plant and their
functions to the right place.
Cut out those words in the box and paste the parts of the plant and their functions
to the right place.
Make seeds for the plant.
Sock up water and
minerals from the ground.
Contains and protects the seeds
Catch energy from sunlight and
produce food for the plant.
Support the plant and carries water
and minerals through the plant
Class answers your activity carefully!
Teacher’s Activity
6. Evaluation
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if
the statement is false. Write your answers in the
space provided.
_______1. Flowers are known as the reproductive
products of plants.
_______2. Roots are the fundamental part of a plant
as all the necessary food for the plants are stored in
the leaves.
_______3. Stems are also support system for the
________4. Fruits are the products of reproduction in
_______5. Fruits are the most important part of a
plant as they are responsible for transferring the
necessary nutrients to the plant.
Pass your paper if you already finish answering
the test.
V. Assignment
draw. Label it according to their corresponding
parts and functions.( personalized)
Pupils’ Activity
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if
the statement is false. Write your answers in the
space provided.
T___ 1. Flowers are known as the reproductive
products of plants.
___F__2. Roots are the fundamental part of a plant as
all the necessary food for the plants are stored in
the leaves.
___T___3. Stems are also support system for the
___T____4. Fruits are the products of reproduction in
____F__5. Fruits are the most important part of a
plant as they are responsible for transferring the
necessary nutrients to the plant.
Yes ma’am