CHART OF EFFECTS OF SPINAL MISALIGNMENTS "The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and strnctures of the human body." (Gray's Anatomy, 29th Ed., page 4). Misalignments of spinal ve1tebrae and discs may cause iffitation to the ne1vous system and affec t the struc tures, organs, and functions that may result in the conditions shov.rn below . Areas Blood supply to the head, pituitaiy gland, scalp bones of the face, brain, inner & middle ear, sympathetic nervous s stem Eyes, optic nerves, audito1y ne1v es, sinuses, mastoid bones, tongue, forehead Cheeks, outer ear, face bones, teeth, trifacial nerve Nose, Ii s, mouth , eu stachian tube Atlas - - • _.1• Axis Cervical Spine 6C Neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils Stiff neck, pain in upper anus, tonsillitis, whoo ii12 couoh, crou 7C Thyroid gland, bursae in shoulder, elbows Bursitis, colds, thyroid conditions Anus: elbow dov.rn; hands , wrist , IT 4T 5T Liver, solar plexus, blood 6T Stomach 7T 8T 9T Pancre as, duodenum S leen Adrenal and su ra-renal glands IOT Kidneys llT Kidneys, ureters 3T Sacrum 12T Small intestines, lymph circulation IL Large intestines, inguinal ring 2L Appendix, abdomen , upper leg 3L Sex organs, uterus, bladder, knees 4L Prostategland, muscles oflower back, sciatic nerve 5L Lower legs, ankles, feet SACRUM Coccyx fingers ; esophagus and trachea Heart: valves and coverings, corona1 arteries Lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, chest, breast Gall bladder, common duct 2T Lumbar Spine Effects Headaches, ne1v ousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, ne1vous breakdov.rns, amnesia , chronic tiredness, dizziness Sinus trouble, allergies, crossed eyes, deafness, eye troubles, earache, fainting s ells, ce1tain cases of blindness Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema Hi bones, buttocks Asthma, cough difficult breathing, sho1t ness of breath, pain in lower anus and hands Functional hea1t conditions and ce1tain chest conditions Bronch itis, pleur isy, pneumonia , conoestion , influenz a Gall bladder conditions,· aundice, shinoles Liver conditions, fevers, low blood ressure, anemia, oor circulation, aithritis Stomach troubles: ne1vous stomach , ind igestion , heait burn, d s e sia Ulcers, gastritis Lowered resistance Allergies, hives Kidney troubles, hardening of the aiteries, chronic tiredness, ne hritis elitis Skin conditions: acne, pimples, eczema, or boils Rheumatism, gas pains, certain types of sterili Constipation, colitis, dysente1y , diaff hea, some ru tures or hernias Cramps, difficult breathing, acidosis, ' van' cose vem s Bladder troubles, menstrnal troubles: painful or irregular periods, misca!1'iages , bed w ett ing , impotency , change in life s m toms, man knee ains Sciatica, lumbago, difficult/painful or too fre uent urination, backaches Poor circulation in the legs, swollen ankles, weak ankles and arches, cold feet, weakness in the legs, leg cram s