adassdsas ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Company can use also this process. Theemployee selection process which includes interviews,tests,backgrounds,checks and so forth should be viewed as an opportunity to learn about individual’s level of moral development, locus of control, ego strength and personal views. The company must train our employees because of career development. Human resource planning is the process by which managers ensure thatthey have the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the righttimes. aasasasa CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Having analyze the policies and procedure through interviews with lower and highermanagement level and also work grade IV inferred some recommendations which are as follows: First of all, the human resource management has not assumed its mature shape in truesense of the world. The activities are limited only to pay roll and record keeping. While HRD has limited roles and responsibilities which should be enhanced. Secondly, on employee’s level, there is a dissatisfaction regarding pay and benefits, that’swhy employees’ motivation level is low. Employees are not sure about company’s concerns about their grievances. Career ladder for each employee should be defined well. Negligence of workers should be supervised strictly. Work safety precautions should be told properly to the employees. Workers should be properly trained. adadadadad Book: Principles of Management, Author: Stephen P. Robbins adadad Bibliography We met their: Production Manager – Syed Asim ShameemPlanning Manager - Mr. SiddiqueFinishing In charge – Farhan Amin adadadadadad