Shepard Spring 2019 English 162 Essay Rubric Pack English 162 Essay 1 Summary Response Rubric Assignment: For the first phase of this essay write 1000 words which finds connections between the two articles of your choice from our book on a similar topic and then incorporate your own thoughts on the academic conversation as described in our text. The paper must include a clear thesis, supporting points, address the opposing side and credible sources. It should also include proper MLA documentation. Page number count does not include title page or references/works cited page. Evaluation and Special Requirements: This paper will demonstrate your understanding of persuasive, and rhetorical techniques and proper handling of citations within and at the end of the paper as well as proper formatting in MLA style. Please pick three or four connection between the articles and then write about your take on the topic at the end of the paper. For the second phase of this paper, you will add to your synthesis of the articles you found for the first part of the paper by doing additional research with outside sources and incorporating them to support your argument about what you think about the environmental issues presented in your synthesis essay. Your final version of the paper should be 1500 words. This assignment is worth 100 points and 20% of your final grade and is based on the following criteria: Grammar/style—20 points Clarity, detail—50 points Use of Reasoning--20 points Timeliness—10 points Essay 2 Rubric Research Essay Part 1 Part 1 includes: The Annotated Bibliography Part of the required library research for your essay involves putting together an annotated bibliography. As you probably know, a bibliography is an alphabetical list of those sources that are pertinent to your research topic. An annotated bibliography, however, asks you to go one or two steps further by adding a brief summary and/or commentary after each entry. The purpose of such a bibliography is to identify the research you have done in support of your essay and to assist other readers who might be interested in doing their own research on your topic. For each source you list in you bibliography you will write a 5075 word paragraph that summarizes your source. The Format 1)Each entry should begin with the correct MLA citation for the source. These should be arranged on the page just as you would arrange the citation on a works cited page. The difference here is that the citation will be followed by a paragraph summary of the source. 2)These summaries should begin with a sentence that includes the author, the genre of the source (editorial, scholarly article, book length study, biography, etc.), a rhetorically accurate verb such as asserts, argues, suggests, implies, claims, etc., and a "that clause" containing the major assertion (thesis statement) of that . .]. After the first sentence the summaries should go on to explain how the author develops and supports the thesis. What supporting claims does the writer use to support the thesis? How is the source organized? What kinds of evidence and examples does the author use? How well does the evidence support her claims? Conclude the paragraph by discussing the source's overall usefulness to your research. The Content Your bibliography can include a mixture of books, journal articles, and in-depth reference articles. I expect you to consult the library's computerized catalogue, on-line subscription databases such as Academic Search Complete,Opposing Viewpoints, Lexis Nexis,The Electronic Journal Center, and others Your bibliography should not include, articles from an Internet website, articles from a general encyclopedia, or entries from a dictionary.The bibliography should have no fewer than 5 annotated sources. Remember that all of your sources must relate to the topic you have chosen. You will need to follow the current MLA form for listing sources in a bibliography. Consult the MLA Handbook or another source that includes a description of proper MLA form. The annotated bibliography, which should be typed double-spaced. Below is an example of what one of your citations should look like. Mandel, Jerome. "The Grotesque Rose: Medieval Romance and The Great Gatsby." Modern Fiction Studies 34(1988): 541-558. In this journal article Mandel argues that Gatsby follows many of the conventions of medieval romance, and analyzes East and West Egg as competing courts, Buchanan as a prince/Lord with Daisy as unattainable queen/fair lady. Gatsby and Nick are both construed as knights; Jordan is only mentioned in passing as a sort of attendant figure on Queen Daisy. This whole analysis seems somewhat farfetched. Note Cards Using a system of note cards allows you to manage and organize your source information in a variety of ways. Note cards enable you to organize information according to concepts rather than sources. Since each card focuses on only one idea, the card can be grouped with related information from other sources. Using cards that include multiple ideas from particular sources makes synthesizing information much more difficult. Your cards must include notes from a minimum of 5 different sources. Three of the sources may come from our course readings. Author last name/Title Title of Card (reflects subject matter) of Source (links card to working bib.) Summary/Paraphrase/Quote of source information. One idea/topic per card.Do not summarize an entire article, book, etc. on one card. Take steps to avoid plagiarism. Copy source language exactly in a quote OR accurately summarize/ paraphrase source info. in your own words. List page numbers cited after entry. Working Bibliography cards (see pp. 169-70) A working bibliography is a record of the sources you have consulted during your research process. These bibliography cards are kept separate from your note cards. You must include a minimum of 10 sources in your working bibliography. Include a correctly formatted MLA citation. Consult HW p. 497 and Chapter 34, p. 576 to find the appropriate citation format for the particular source you are using. Keep cards in alphabetical order by author’s last name or (if no author is identified) by the first significant word in the source title. Place the call number of library sources on the upper left of the card. On the back of the card add brief comments about the source content and its usefulness. Part 2 The Research Paper In this essay you will employ the strategies of analysis and synthesis covered in the course to write a research paper on a controversial topic of interest to an academic audience. You may wish to select a topic from within the discipline or field you expect to enter. What, for example, is a current controversy in the field of nursing? In law enforcement? In business? Purpose Your purpose is to persuade an academic audience that your position is reasonable and worth considering. Your goal should be to convince this audience of professors and students like yourselves that your topic has value and that your points are worth considering because they are supported by research. Length This essay will end up being 1500 words in length and must include information from no fewer than five authoritative sources. Note: Five is the minimum number necessary to fulfill the assignment. Essays that cite information from fewer than five sources cannot receive a passing grade. Documentation: All source information you use in the paper must be appropriately documented and cited according to the MLA format. Website Evaluation Note: Only one of your sources may be a website and, like all sources, it must be authoritative, reliable, and relevant. Read QA pp.159-64. Review the textbook’s discussion of the “research log.” This can be kept in a spiral notebook, in a computer file, or on loose leaf paper stored in a two pocket folder. In your log brainstorm possible topics from the suggested list. Look for different ways to narrow the focus. Select one and draft a series of research questions (see p. 162). ENGLISH 162 Literary Analysis of a Novel Essay REQUIREMENTS: Length: 1500 words at least Goal: Literary Analysis of a Novel Task: Analyze Handmaids Tale book and Hulu series based on critical theories found in research of scholarly sources. Special Requirements: Proper handling of MLA citation by using summary or paraphrase in addition to direct quotation in the paper Must include anthology reading and/or one critical commentary as basis for analysis of Handmaids Tale and use at least two outside scholarly sources in the paper. Revision Policy: You are allowed to revise your paper for a better grade and receive full points but you must have SIGNIFICANT REVISIONS to the paper. MLA or APA Format: 25% Content and Clarity: 25% Organization: 25% Grammar and Mechanics—25% 100 points Essay 4 Opinion Response Essay English 162 Final Exam Essay Length: 750-100 words 3-4 pages Goal: In-Class Final Exam Essay Task: Find an essay either online or in the back of our textbook on the argumentative topic of your choice that that you would like to respond to. Write a three to four page response that includes the following: 1. A summary of what the article is about and the author’s stance on the issue. 2. Your response to their argument—whether you agree or disagree—with supporting citations from the text and any other sources you feel are relevant. Worth 10% of your final grade. Final Exam Due Date: