Uploaded by Kostas Pantis

Holiday Emotions Executive Summary

Executive Summary
Overview: Holiday Emotions is a Tourism Business Platform developing products and services that will
help small SMB’s in the Tourism Industry compete with larger corporations and succeed their goal to
create happy travelers full of emotions!
Problem: Tourism SMB’s need tools and services to organize their business activities. We have spent
the last two years connecting with Tourism professionals all around Greece to understand the core needs
of the industry. We have met passionate people that are struggling to offer the best to their visitors and
customers. Not only those people inspired us, but then also confirmed our plans and showed us that we
are working on the right path.
Solution: We have developed the infrastructure and the tools that will help our customers scale up
their business in a quick and affordable way. We have also analyzed the international travel markets
to deeply understand what it really takes for a Tourism SMB to spread its wings and compete in a
taught and fully competitive environment.
HE TravelWorks is our product line with sophisticated set of tools & services that help Tourism SMB’s
define their own products / services, publish them to holidayemotions.com & other marketplaces,
manage & schedule their daily operations via HE APP, support their customers, receive online
payments, connect with their customers online from a unique single point 24/7.
HE WebEmotions is our product line that offers a 360 online presence, designed to effectively reach
International Travel Markets and built meaningful relations with potential customers worldwide! Access
to all major media platforms, vertical marketplaces, HE WebEmotions secures that our customer gets
the maximum impact from Social Media, Advertising Platforms, Verticals. Protect your brands
reputation throughout the internet with sophisticated tools and professional consulting by our experts’
Opportunity: Travel and Tourism is a multibillion dollars industry with millions of SMB’s around the
World. The Last mile in Tourism was out of the scope for most of the big players. Hotels, AirTickets and
rent a car are now more than ever commodities that trade internationally. It’s the last mile SMB’s that will
play the major role in Future Travelers Experience. And it’s our Business Opportunity to provide them with
the tools and services to compete internationally.
Team: We are a passionate group of friends and professionals that our love for the Tourism Industry
brought us around the same table discussing how we could develop tools and services to support the
Tourism SMB’s.
Christos Koutas – CEO 30 years experience in Tourism Industry (Car ‘n Motion), Automobile (Toyota
Hellas) & FMCG (Elbisco). ΜΒΑ, Bath University
Kostas Pantis – Director of Product - 24 years of experience in Digital Marketing for SMB’s (Newsphone
Hellas, Greek Yellow Pages), Restructuring & Corporate Finance. BBA, Mediterranean College
Thodoris Trikalinos – Operations Manager - 15 years experience in Tourism Industry Car ‘n Motion) &
Automobile (Toyota) ΜΒΑ, ALBA Graduate Business School
Stefanos Chrisafopoulos – CTO - 15 years in the field of Authoring, Coding & Web Development
Graduate from IEK Delta
Vangelis Georgiadis - CMO 35 years experience in Advertising & Corporate Branding (Geo-Y&R, g360)
MBA, Northeastern Illinois University
https://corporate.holidayemotions.com – We organize Last mile Business in Tourism