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Animal Farm Chapter 3: Analysis & Questions

Questions and Answers
The pigs supervised the work. They did no
actual work.
There was no wastage and no animal stole
Boxer did the work of three horses.
It seemed the entire work of the farm rested
on his shoulders.
He was always on the spot where the work
was the hardest.
He started working half an hour earlier than
the rest.
His motto was “I will work harder”
Nobody stole, nobody grumbled, the
quarrelling and biting and jealousy which had
been normal features of life in the old days
had almost disappeared.
Nobody shirked their work.
Mollie: She did not get up early in the
morning and had to leave work early because
there was always a stone in her hoof.
Cat: when there was work to be done the cat
disappeared. She re-appeared at mealtimes.
Benjamin: He seemed unchanged. He did his
work in the same, slow obstinate way as
before. He never volunteered for extra work.
No work.
Breakfast an hour later than usual.
Hoisting of the flag.
General assembly in barn where the coming
week was planned and resolutions put
Ended with singing of Beasts of England.
Green: green fields of England
Hoof & horn: Future republic of Animals
Resolutions were put forward
Snowball and Napoleon was never in
Only pigs put forward resolutions
The animals only voted
Headquarters for the pigs.
In the evenings they study blacksmithing,
carpentering, and other necessary arts from
books which they have brought from the
He organized the animals into several
The Egg production committee
The Clean Tails League
The Wild Comrades Re-Education Committee
The Whiter Wool movement
Some animals could just not remember any
letters of the alphabet.
Four legs good, two legs bad.
The sheep could not learn the alphabet and
could not memorize the seven
The education of the young was more
important than anything that could be done
for those that were already grown.
He took five-year-old children away from
their parents.
The pigs used it for themselves.
The pigs could get it and all the apples as
well because they need it to keep them
The pigs are brainworkers. They need apples
and milk to help them run the farm. They
don’t even like apples and milk but they eat it
for the sake of the animals and the farm. If
they did not do it Jones would come back.
If they did not, Jones would come back.
They were afraid that Jones would come back
if the pigs did not get enough apples.
He makes them afraid of Jones’ return to
convince them the pigs need the apples.