PETIT MANOIR DE LA SCIENCE Kimberly Anne C. Madero Emmelynne Angela Raviz Marie Crist Conmigo Marc Ellis Valencia Angelo Sumulat Rich Danzell Espinosa Glenmark Aes Mera Kathlene R. Macuha David Micah T. Francisco Johnrey S. Nagera Angellie Almacin PROPONENTS MRS. GRETA BRITOS GEN CHEM TEACHER Region V-Bicol Schools Division of Camarines Norte MABINI COLLEGES, INC. February 2019 1|Page I. RATIONALE Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. It is a structured and systematic body of knowledge wherein we explore, hypothesize, analyse, and study the nature and manners of an object and the natural universe that is established around measurement, experiment, observation and formulation of laws. As Thompson (2005), have said in his book, “Science as a Lifestyle”, the role of a scientist is to not just simply seek for answers but it is also important that you make the answers you have collected useful, relevant and worth the effort. Generally, one can say that Science is a never-ending pursuit for knowledge that is aimed for the betterment of the lives of people. Being an all-encompassing learning area, Science has a lot of branches, the four main branches being the Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Social Sciences and Mathematics and logic: each branch is categorized in different type of subjects that covers different areas of studies such as Chemistry, Physics, Electrology and Ecology that are included in this study. Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances interact with energy. Many people think of chemists as being white-coated scientists mixing strange liquids in a laboratory, but the truth is we are all chemists. Understanding basic chemistry concepts is important for almost every profession and Chemistry is part of everything in our lives. On the other hand, Biology is the science of life. Its name is derived from the Greek words "bios" (life) and "logos" (study). Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms and ecology, is one of the categories that lies within this 2|Page branch of Science. Ecology, also called bioecology, bionomics, or environmental biology, study of the relationships between organisms and their environment. Some of the most pressing problems in human affairs—expanding populations, food scarcities, environmental pollution including global warming, extinctions of plant and animal species, and all the attendant sociological and political problems—are to a great degree ecological. Another branch of Science is Physics. It is the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them. Physicists study such subjects as gravity, light, and time. Albert Einstein, for example, the famous physicist who developed the Theory of Relativity, is a major contributor in the field of Physics. Various Science concepts are often taught to students in an early stage and these concepts are often recalled and revisited as the students go to higher grade levels because of the spiral holistic approach of the modern education system. Although these concepts are imparted to the students multiple times, a certain depth in the understanding of the students remains lacking because of the shortage of hands-on activities that will let the students understand these concepts not only in theory but also its uses and real-lie applications. With these in mind, the proponents have thought of the PETIT MANOIR DE LA SCIENCE, a French phrase that is a loosely-translated from the phrase “The Little Mansion of Science”, a device that aims to be a learning and teaching aid to both students and teachers in the learning area of Science. The device is an educational diorama that is composed of a mansion that is dedicated to Chemistry, a farm that presents Ecology, a phone charger which shows the concept of free energy, and a swing carousel which showcases the different concepts of Physics. The purpose of this device is to benefit young elementary pupils who are still taking baby steps in their introduction to the numerous concepts of Science. Aside from this, this device is also inclined 3|Page to give the junior and senior high school students a chance to visualize and gain a qualitative change in their knowledge and understanding of the concepts they have learned only from their textbook and be able to comprehend the relevance and uses of these concepts. College students taking up engineering may also find this device helpful by going back to the basics and understanding the underlying principles within to ensure the safety of not only swing carousels and houses but any structure and thus avoid accidents. The proponents have created this device with commonly-found materials so that reproduction of the device will be easy and possible. Future improvements may also be implemented to the device by adding in a third floor and making use of sturdier materials in order to improve the stability of the house. The swing carousel may also be resized in order to be proportionate with the house as well as the furniture and appliances inside the house. A dynamo, wirings and a switch may also be implemented in the swing carousel so that there will be two options in operating the ride; either manual or automatic. 4|Page MATERIALS AND METHODS This section will discuss the materials used and the procedures implemented by the proponents in the construction of the device. II. MATERIALS The following materials were used by the proponents in the building of the base, construction of the little house, the farm, the pendulum, and the phone charger: ¼ marine plywood Manila Paper Glue Illustration board Chip Board Dynamo Paint Wires Used Cartons LED lights light strips switches Popsicle sticks barbecue sticks wood glue strings Masking tape fake grass colored sand used cloth Cotton sewing kit cutter scissors Empty alcohol bottle 1”x1”x8” wood 5|Page III. METHODOLOGY A. Making the Base of the Device 1. Before making the base of the device, prepare the materials that will be used like plywood paint, used cartons or cardboards, paint, glue and other tools. 2. Start by cutting down the plywood into a rectangular shape based on your preferred measurements of the device. 3. Using a pencil, divide the plywood into 4 sections where different parts will be placed. 4. Paint the plywood brown and a mix of green and yellow to create a realistic effect of the base. B. Designing the Biology Farm 1. Prepare the tools and materials needed in constructing this part of the device like the popsicle sticks, miniature plastic grasses, paint, cardboard, small stones and print the needed pictures and figures for this part. 2. Construct a fence around the farm using the popsicle sticks and paint it white. Attach it then on every side of the farm. 3. Create a small pond using the blue paint and put the small stones around the pond. 4. Adhere the miniature plastic grasses around the farm. Make sure to create enough spaces for the printed figures that will be put inside the farm. 5. Glue the printed figures on a piece of cardboard, cut out the pictures for the different concepts that will be shown in the farm. 6. Attach the pictures for every concept that they belong (Respiration Cycle, Water Cycle and Food Chain). Place it with enough emphasis to avoid confusion with the concepts included in the farm. 6|Page C. Constructing the Swing Carousel 1. Prepare the rubber bands, strings, tape, sticks and cartons or cardboards to be used in making this part. 2. Sketch a circle that fits the designated section assigned for the carousel. 3. Create two wheels from the cardboard one bigger than the other and attached rubber bands that will work as gears that can be manually controlled of the spinning of the carousel. 4. Place the wheels at the center of the circle. Make sure that the sticks fit the holes of the circle and check the durability of the wheels before attaching it to the center of the circle. 5. Secure the longer stick at the middle of the center and the shorter at the side for the controller. 6. After placing the wheels and sticks, cut out a circle and a strip that will be attached into the circle from the carton or cardboard with the same size of the circle. This will serve as the base of the carousel and will cover up the wheels attached at the center. 7. Create holes at the center and side of the base of the carousel for the sticks and attach the base to the sketched circle that was drawn on the base of the device. 8. Create the roof of the carousel using cardboards or cartons. 9. Make miniature swings using cardboards or cartons and strings and attach it to the roof of the carousel. 10. Connect the roof of the carousel to the stick that is at the center. 11. Put LED strips around the carousel. 12. Secure the handle that serves as the manual controller and decorate the other parts of the carousel 7|Page D. House of Chemistry 1. Prepare all the materials needed in making this part of the device. 2. Make the structure of the house using cardboards and attached it to each other. Separately make the second floor and the first floor of the house. 3. Paint the house with white color for the first coating. 4. Print or Draw the different posters and different figures connected to chemistry that will be put inside the house. 5. Placed the different figures/posters around the house. Put different things connected to chemistry 6. Paint and decorate the house. 8|Page IV. FUNCTIONALITY This section of the paper will present the steps of using the device, enumerate the various science concepts included and then explain why how these concepts affected the construction and functionality of the device. The device will discuss the following concepts: Concept of the Center of Mass, Centripetal and Centrifugal Force, Angular momentum, Wheel and axle, pulley, Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, pendulum, The first law of thermodynamics – the Law of Conservation of Energy, common elements and their information, organic compounds, water cycle, animal and plant respiration, food chain and free-energy Swing Carousel Operating the swing carousel is really simple, just rotate the handle at the located at the base of the carousel so that the top of the carousel will rotate. In the creation of the device, the Concept of the Center of Mass was taken into consideration so that the swing carousel will be stable and stand straight without leaning on any side. Note, that the Center of Mass is the point in an object where its mass is proportional in all directions. The concept of simple devices was also used in order to create the swing carousel because it has made use of the concepts of wheel and axle and the pulley. The two gears underneath the swing carousel are both examples of a wheel and axle, since a wheel and axle is a simple lifting machine consisting of a rope which unwinds from a wheel on to a cylindrical drum or shaft joined to the wheel to provide mechanical advantage. In the same sense, it is also a pulley since a pulley is really a wheel and axle with a rope or chain attached which is why whenever you rotate the handle, the pillar made of barbecue sticks at the center also rotates. 9|Page While one is rotating the swing carousel, it can be observed that the swings attached to the ceiling of the top of it elevates outwards in an angle but falls straight when the swing carousel is at rest. That actually is the presentation of the Centripetal and Centrifugal Force. Centripetal and Centrifugal are both forces that can be seen acting on an object that travels a circular and a curved path. Centripetal force is the real force that acts upon an object pulling it towards the center of rotation. And in the case of the swing carousel, the centripetal force is the strings connected to the swings preventing them from flying away from the center. On the other hand, Centrifugal force, as described by the American Heritage Dictionary, is “the apparent force, equal and opposite to the centripetal force, drawing a rotating body away from the center of rotation, caused by the inertia of the body,” One of the points that differentiates Centripetal and Centrifugal forces with each other is that the perspective in which one can see these two forces in action. One can see the Centripetal Force when one is observing from the outside while the Centrifugal Force is experienced or felt by the passengers as if they are being pushed outwards in the swing carousel. Angular momentum relates to how much an object is rotating and it depends on the distribution of mass of an object. It can be found by integrating over the mass of all parts of the object and their distances to the center of rotation, but it is also possible to look up the moments of inertia for common shapes. The Three Laws of Motion of Isaac Newton can also be witnessed in the swing carousel. The first law of motion, the Law of Inertia states that an object in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless exerted upon by an external force. The swing carousel will not move, unless the handle is rotated and the rotation of the swing carousel stops because of its inertia, the tendency of an object to retain its state of motion. Meanwhile, the second law of motion or the Law of Acceleration states that force is directly proportional to its acceleration and inversely proportional 10 | P a g e to its mass because the greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia, the greater the force required in order to move it. The third law of motion, the Law of Interaction states that for every action, there is a reaction, equal in force and opposite in direction. Turning the swing carousel may feel a bit of resistance and this is all because of air resistance. As the sides of the swing carousel push the air while you rotate it, the air around it applies equal force but opposite in direction. The Law of Conservation of Energy is also present in the swing carousel. The Law of Conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed in one form to another. In the case of the swing carousel, energy is first applied to the device by rotating the handle which became kinetic energy as the swing carousel rotates and became heat that was released to the surroundings. Lastly, this physics-stuffed carousel utilizes the concept of pendulum. The swings act like a pendulum, an object with a mass, called a bob that dangles from the end of a rod or string, and swings freely. Mansion The mansion have made use of the concepts of organic compounds and included some common elements and their information. Organic compounds are chemical compounds in which one or more atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, most commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen. The mansion is composed of two floors; each floor is filled with different information about chemistry. The windows, for example has the atomic number and atomic mass of a certain element. 11 | P a g e Biology Farm The biology farm aims to depict or present the different roles in an ecosystem and their different relationships to each other and to their environment. The farm shows the water cycle, also called hydrologic cycle, cycle that involves the continuous circulation of water in the Earthatmosphere system. Of the many processes involved in the water cycle, the most important are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Although the total amount of water within the cycle remains essentially constant, its distribution among the various processes is continually changing. Evaporation, one of the major processes in the cycle, is the transfer of water from the surface of the Earth to the atmosphere. By evaporation, water in the liquid state is transferred to the gaseous, or vapour, state This transfer occurs when some molecules in a water mass have attained sufficient kinetic energy to eject themselves from the water surface. Transpiration is the evaporation of water through minute pores, or stomata, in the leaves of plants. For practical purposes, transpiration and the evaporation from all water, soils, snow, ice, vegetation, and other surfaces are lumped together and called evapotranspiration, or total evaporation. The transition process from the vapour state to the liquid state is called condensation. Condensation may take place as soon as the air contains more water vapour than it can receive from a free water surface through evaporation at the prevailing temperature. This condition occurs as the consequence of either cooling or the mixing of air masses of different temperatures. By condensation, water vapour in the atmosphere is released to form precipitation. Precipitation that falls to the Earth is distributed in four main ways: some is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation, some may be intercepted by vegetation and then evaporated from the surface of leaves, some percolates into the soil by infiltration, and the remainder flows directly as 12 | P a g e surface runoff into the sea. measurement of runoff is made by stream gauges and plotted against time on hydrographs. The farm also included a simple example of a food chain. Food chain, in ecology, the sequence of transfers of matter and energy in the form of food from organism to organism. Food chains intertwine locally into a food web because most organisms consume more than one type of animal or plant. Plants, which convert solar energy to food by photosynthesis, are the primary food source. In a predator chain, a plant-eating animal is eaten by a flesh-eating animal. In a parasite chain, a smaller organism consumes part of a larger host and may itself be parasitized by even smaller organisms. In a saprophytic chain, microorganisms live on dead organic matter. Free-energy Mobile Phone Charger The free-energy mobile phone charger is located inside the mansion. It is composed of two dynamos connected with an elastic band which were then soldered to a mobile phone connector. By free-energy, many may understand it as a means of extracting energy from some sort of perpetual mobile or something that violates the first law of thermodynamics, the law of conservation of energy, which is impossible. Objectively speaking, it is not really free energy since you apply the energy first hand by spinning the elastic band. 13 | P a g e V. 14 | P a g e DOCUMENTATION