SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 1 Ahmad Alsafarini 5/3/2019 ENG/E 180.08 Under the supervision of Instracture Caterine Marie Harrington ISTANBUL BILGI UNIVERSITY We can interpret the concept of sustainable development in more than one way, but within its content is a development project that seeks to balance the different needs and often the competition, as opposed to the awareness of the environmental, social and economic constraints we face as a community, more than 50 per cent of people worldwide Live in cities, and the World Health Organization predicts that this proportion will continue to rise. People migrate to cities for many reasons, including family links and career opportunities. Urbanization changes the economic, social and political situation of a country or region and has many major negative effects. Air pollution, suspended particulate matter in the air comes from combustion of automotive fuel by exhaust. Dust, lead and smoke form particles. They pose a serious threat to health. Lead alone has great damage to the brain of the human mind, learning difficulties and early death in children, and some solutions can be found to solve such damage as,Combating poverty by promoting economic development and job creation, involving the local community in local government Intensified urban growth may cause greater poverty, with governments unable to provide assistance to all people, and increased reliance on energy may lead to increased air pollution with a major adverse impact on human health. Cities are usually at a high level of accumulation and overcrowding in activities Which are complex populations supported by transport systems. The larger the city, the more complex it is and the potential for health problems, especially when this complex process is poorly managed. Urban productivity depends heavily on the efficiency of the transport system in transporting workers, consumers and shipping between producers and multiple destinations. Traffic congestion, parking difficulties, is one of the most common transport problems in large urban gatherings, usually exceeding the threshold of about one million people. By the 21st century, drivers were spending about 3 times more time in congestion than they did in the latter part of the 20th century. One of the important factors behind this trend is the affordability of housing where housing is located away from central areas (The Geography of Transport Systems,urban transport challenges). We can find solutions to these problems by devising tough policies to reduce urban encroachment, such as setting a certain limit in each area, making some fines and reusing them to take care of The environment. So is everything about caring for the environment?Living within our environmental range is one of the fundamental principles of sustainable development. One of the consequences of not doing so is pollution and climate change.But the focus on sustainable development is much broader than just taking care of the environment. It is also a guarantee of a strong, healthy and just society which is a good investment for the future. This means fulfilling the diverse needs of all people in current and future societies, promoting personal well-being, social cohesion and integration, and creating greater opportunities for all. How does this affect me?,The way we deal with development affects everyone. Making environmental decisions in the community affects everyone directly or indirectly. Poor planning of communities, for example, reduces the quality of life of people living in them.Sustainable development provides an approach to better decision-making on issues that affect our lives. By developing health plans that suit current life, for example, we can ensure that people are easily accessible to health care and recreation facilities.)sustainable development commission ,what is sustainable development). Urbanization solutions,Despite the progress of China economically, but still suffer from problems in the standard of living of the individual and then because of non-urbanization also brings benefits as if creating new opportunities and wide openness to the world ,Urbanization has a systematic and equitable system for everyone in society,(mckinsey and company,the Urbanization solutions,lu mai) Urbanization poses a danger to the environment if it is dealt with in the wrong way, which is already happening now, we can benefit from urbanization in one way or another we can develop a clean environment for cities in which we can expand our living areas without harm to the environment. In this regard will not care about him, although the damage caused by it affects everyone, setting up an environmental regulatory body that limits toxic emissions is very necessary.