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Chapter 16 Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer

Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
● Sequence of genes being turned on and off = regulation of gene expression
● Model organisms
○ Species that are easy to raise in the lab and experiment on
■ Fruit fly
● Fertilized egg --- larva --- adult wing --- adult
● Stem cells = hope for medical treatments
● Proper gene expression is crucial to functions of life
16.1) A Program of Differential Gene Expression Leads to the Different Cell
Types in a Multicellular Organism
● Embryonic development
○ Fertilized egg gives rise to many different types
■ Each with different structure and function
● cells -- tissues-- organs --- organ systems--- organisms
A Genetic Program for Embryonic Development
● zygote -- organism is a remarkable transformation
○ Three interrelated processes
■ Cell division
■ Cell differentiation
■ Morphogenesis
● Mitotic cell division = large number of cells
● Cell division
○ Produce great ball of identical cell
● Differentiation
○ During embryonic development
○ Cells become specialized in structure and function
● Morphogenesis
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
○ Organism shape
○ Traced back to changes in motility, shape, etc. of cells
● Activities of cell depend on the gene expression and protein production
○ Form fits function
● Almost all cells in organism have the same genome
● Materials placed into the egg by the mom = program of gene regulation
○ Carried out as cells divide
○ Causes cells to become different from each other
Cytoplasmic Determinants and Inductive Signals
● Specific genes expressed in developing organism determine its path
● Two sources of information
○ One source = egg cytoplasm
■ Contains both RNA, proteins, and organelles
● Distributed unevenly in unfertilized egg
■ Cytoplasmic determinants
● Combination helps determine its developmental fate
○ Second source = environment around the cell
■ Contact with cell - surface molecules on neighbor cells
■ Such contact changes the target cells
● Induction
Sequential Regulation of Gene Expression During Cellular
● Cell development = cell structure and function become noticeably different
● Determination
○ Unseen events that lead to observable differentiation of a cell
○ Once undergone an embryonic cell committed to its final fate
Differentiation of Cell Types
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
● Outcome of determination is marked by expression of genes
○ Tissue specific proteins
● Tissue specific proteins
○ Found only in a specific cell type
○ Give cell characteristic and function
● First sign of differentiation = appearance of mRNAs for these proteins
● Differentiated cells = specialists at making TSP
○ Liver cells making albumin
■ These cells are long fibers containing many nuclei
● Within a single plasma membrane
○ Skeletal muscle cells = higher conc. Of MSP
● Muscle cells develop from embryonic precursor cells
○ Have potential to develop into a number of cell types
■ Cartilage and fat
● Particular conditions commit them to become muscle cells
● MyoD = mast regulatory gene
● Regulation of genes -- important to development of tissues and structure
Apoptosis: A Type of Programmed Cell Division
● Apoptosis
○ Programmed cell death
○ Occurs in cells of mature organism
■ Infected
■ Damaged
■ Reached the end of functional life span
○ Cellular agents chop DNA
■ Fragment organelles and cytoplasmic components
○ Cell become multilobed
○ Cell´s parts are packaged into vesicles
○ Protects neighbor cells from damage that they would suffer
■ If a dying cell leaked out its contents
● Digestive enzymes
○ Plays crucial role in embryo development
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
○ Essential to development and maintenance of all animals
○ In vertebrates
■ Essential for normal development of nervous system
■ Normal morphogenesis of hands and feet in humans and paws
● Tissues to function properly = organism's body plan
Pattern Formation: Setting Up the Body Plan
● Pattern formation
○ Spatial organization which tissues and organs are all in their place
○ Begins in the early embryo
■ When major axes of an animal are established
● Positional information
○ Molecular cues that control pattern formation
○ Provided by cytoplasmic determinants and inductive signals
○ These cues tell a cell its location
■ Relative to the body axes and to neighbor cells
○ Determine how the cell and pogany will respond to future molecular
● Genes can control development
The Life Cycle of Drosophila
● Fruit flies -- modular structure
○ Ordered series of segments
■ Three major parts
● Head
● Thorax
● Abdomen
Genetic Analysis of Early Development: Scientific Inquiry
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
● Homeotic genes
○ Control pattern formation in the late embryo, larva, and adult
● Number of Drosophila protein coding genes = 13,900
● Mutations affect process as fundamental segmentation
○ Embryonic lethals
■ Mutations with phenotypes causing death
● At embryonic or larval stage
■ Cannot be bred for study
● Cytoplasmic determinants in the egg
○ Known to play a role in axis formation
● 1200 genes essential for pattern formation during embryonic development
○ 120 essential for normal segmentation
Axis Formation
● Maternal effect gene
○ When mutant in the mother
■ Results in mutant phenotype in the offspring
● Regardless of the offspring's own genotype
● Egg polarity genes
○ Control the orientation of the egg
Bicoid: A Morphogen Determining Head Structures
● Bicoid
○ Two tailed
○ Embryo whose mother has two mutant alleles of bicoid gene
■ Lacks the front half of its body
■ Posterior structure that both ends
● Morphogens
○ Establish embryo´s axes and other features of its form
● Maternal mRNAs are crucial during development of many species
● Change in gene regulation during during develop can lead to change in body
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
16.2) Cloning of Organism´s Showed That Differentiated Cells Could Be
¨Reprogrammed and Ultimately Led to the Production of Stem Cells
● Genes are not lost
● Stem cells = generate many different tissues
Cloning Plants and Animals
● Single cells taken from the root and incubated in culture medium
○ Able to grow into a normal adult plants
■ Genetically identical to parent plant
● In plants cells can dedifferentiate
○ Give rise to to all specialized cell types of the organism
■ Totipotent
● Differentiated cells from animals generally do not divide in culture
● Nuclear transplantation
○ Remove nucleus of an unfertilized or fertilized egg
○ Replace it with the nucleus of a differentiated cell
● Potential of transplanted nucleus to direct normal development
○ Inversely related to the age of the donor
■ Older the donor, older the nucleus
■ Lower % of normally developing tadpoles
● Something in nucleus does change as animal cells differentiate
Reproductive Cloning of Mammals
● Reproductive cloning
○ Cultured mammary cells in nutrient poor medium
○ Fused these cells with enucleated sheep eggs
○ Resulting diploid cells divided to form early embryos
● Environmental and random phenomena can play role during develop
Faulty Gene Regulation in Cloned Animals
● Regulation often is result of epigenetic changes in chromatin
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
○ Acetylation of histones
○ Methylation of DNA
● During nuclear transfer procedure
○ Many of these changes must be reversed in later stages
● Reprogramming of donor nuclei
○ Require more accurate and complete chromatin restructuring
● DNA of donor nuclei may interfere with pattern of gene expression
Stem Cells of Animals
● Stem cell
○ Relatively unspecialized cell
○ Can reproduce its indefinitely
○ Differentiate into specialized cells of one or more types
○ Replenish their own undifferentiated population
○ Generate cells that travel down specific differentiation pathways
● Many early animal embryos contain stem cells
○ Capable of giving rise to differentiated embryonic cells of any type
● Stem cells can be isolated from early embryos at a stage called blastula stage
● Embryonic stem cells
○ Reproduce indefinitely
○ Can be made to differentiate into a wide variety of specialized cells
■ Egg and sperm
● Adult stem cells
○ Serve to replace non reproducing specialized cells as needed
○ Not able to give rise to all cell types in the organism
■ Can generate many type
● Blood cells
● Bone , cartilage, fat, muscle, lining of blood vessels
● Adult brain
● Ultimate aim is to supply cells for repair of damaged or diseased organs
● Pluripotent
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
○ Capable of differentiating into many different cell types
● ES cells obtained from embryos donated by patient undergoing infertility
○ Or from long term cell cultures
■ Established with cells isolated from donated embryos
● Therapeutic cloning
○ ES cells to treat disease
● Induced pluripotent stem
○ Could do everything ES cells can do
○ Difference in cell division
● Two major potential uses for human iPS cells
○ Cells from patients suffering a disease can be reprogrammed into iPS
■ Can act as model cells for studying the disease
● Potential treatments
○ Patient's own cell can be reprogrammed into iPS cells
■ Used to replace nonfunctional tissues
16.3) Abnormal Regulation of Genes That Affect the Cell Cycle Can Lead to
● Gene regulation systems go wrong during cancer
○ Very same systems that play a role in embryonic development
■ Also maintenance of stem cell populations
■ Many other biological processes
Types of Genes Associated with Cancer
● Genes that normally regulate cell growth and division
○ Include genes for growth factors, receptors, and intracellular molecules
● Mutations that alter any of these genes in somatic cells can lead to cancer
● Likely many cancer causing mutations come from environmental influences
○ Chemical carcinogens
○ X-Rays
○ High energy radiation
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
○ Some viruses
● Oncogenes
○ Cancer causing genes in some viruses
○ Close counterparts found in genomes of humans
■ Viral oncogenes
○ Proto - oncogenes
■ Normal versions of the cellular genes
■ Code for proteins that stimulate normal growth and division
○ Arises from a genetic change
■ Leads to increase in proto-oncogenes protein product
○ Genetic change fall into three main categories
■ Movement of DNA within the genome
■ Amplification in a control element
■ In the proto-oncogene itself
● Cancer cells frequent to find chromosomes that have broke and joined incorrect
● Movement of DNA
○ Translocated proto-oncogene ends up near promoter
■ Transcription may increase
● Making it an oncogene
● Amplification
○ Increases number of copies of proto-oncogene in cell
■ Repeated gene duplication
● Point mutation
○ In the promoter of an enhancer that controls a proto-oncogene
■ Causing an increase in the expression
○ In the coding sequence of the proto-oncogene
■ Changing the gene´s product to protein
● More active or more resistant to degradation
● All of these mechanisms can lead to abnormal stim of the cell cycle
○ Putting it on the path to become malignant
● Tumor suppressor genes
○ Encode proteins that help prevent uncontrolled cell growth
○ Any mutation that decreases the normal activity
■ May contribute to the onset of cancer
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
● Stimulating growth through the absence of suppression
○ Various function
■ Repair damaged DNA
● Prevents the cell from accumulating cancer causing
■ Control the adhesion of cells to each other or to EM
■ Components of cell signaling pathways
● Inhibit the cell cycle
● Ras gene
○ Connective tissue cancer
○ G protein that relays a signal from GFR --- protein kinases
○ Mutations lead to production of hyperactive ras protein
■ Triggers the kinases
● Increased cell division
● P53 gene
○ 53,000-dalton molecular weight of its protein product
■ Tumor suppressor gene
● Activator for several other genes
○ Often activates another gene -- p21
■ Product halts the cell cycle
● Binding to cyclin kinases
○ Activate expression of a group of miRNAs
■ Inhibit the cell cycle
○ Can turn on genes directly involved in DNA repair
○ Activates ¨suicide¨ genes
■ Protein products bring about apoptosis
The Multistep Model of Cancer Development
● More than one somatic mutation is generally needed
○ Production of all the changes of a full cancer cell
● Colorectal cancer develops gradually
○ First sign is usually a polyp
■ Small benign growth in the colon lining
○ Tumor grows and may eventually become malignant
○ Develop of tumor is paralleled by gradual accumulation of mutations
■ Convert proto-oncogenes to oncogenes
● Knockout tumor suppressor genes
Chapter 16-- Development, Stem Cells, and Cancer
Overview--Orchestrating Life's Processes
● 6 changes must occur at DNA level for a cell to become fully cancerous
○ Appearance of at least one active oncogene
○ Mutation or loss of several TSG
Inherited Predisposition and Other Factors Contributing to Cancer
● Multiple genetic changes required to produce a cancer cell
● 15% of colorectal cancer is inherited
○ Multiple functions in the cell
■ Regulation of cell migration
■ Adhesion
○ Mutated in 60% of colorectal cancers
● 5-10% with breast cancer -- inherited
○ Second most common type
■ 50% of inherited breast cancers
● Risk of cancer can be lowered by minimizing exposure to DNA damaging agents
○ Ultraviolet radiation in sunlight and cigarette smoke
● Tumor viruses
○ Can cause cancer in various animals and humans
● Viruses can interfere with gene regulation
○ Viral integration may donate an oncogene to the cell
■ Disrupt a TSG
■ Convert a proto-oncogene to an oncogene
● Tumor suppressor genes can make the cell more prone to becoming cancerous