Uploaded by John Mccombs

GI Disorder Case Studies & Assignment

You will be given a short patient history. With your group, your task is to
consult “Dr. Google” and come up with a probable diagnosis, any further
testing to be done to confirm, and a possible treatment plan for your
patient. Please explain what organs are impacted by this patient’s
disease/disorder/condition and how it would impact other organs in the
Assignment: You are now creating your own mini case study. Find a
disease/disorder/condition that affects either the circulatory or
respiratory system. Find out the symptoms and create your own little
story/case study. Then you will do as you did above and find out what
tests would be needed to confirm and determine a possible treatment
plan. Also, make the connections as to what organ is affected and how it
would impact the rest of the body.
You will be given a short patient history. With your group, your task is to consult “Dr. Google” and come up with a
probable diagnosis, any further testing to be done to confirm, and a possible treatment plan for your patient. Please
explain what organs are impacted by this patient’s disease/disorder/condition and how it would impact other organs in
the body.
Charles, a 40 year old male, is visiting the ER at the local hospital. He is complaining of chest pain, and difficulty
swallowing. The doctor on duty asks if he has any jaw pain or pain in his arm. He says he does not. He does relate that
he has had a persistent cough at night time and also hasn’t been sleeping well. His voice in the morning is often a little
Jane, a 45 year old female has been feeling nauseated for over a week and is now visiting her family doctor. She retells
that she has been vomiting on occasion as well and has a burning feeling in her stomach that gets worse after she eats.
The doctor inquires as to whether she might possibly be pregnant and the answer is no.
Emily, an 18 year old university student has been up in Northern Ontario, tree planting. She has been admitted to the
hospital after a full week of very watery diarrhea and consistent nausea and frequent vomiting. She also has a low grade
Crohn’s Disease
22 year old Frederick has been having a recent bout of stomach flu like symptoms. He has had boughts of diarrhea,
abdominal cramping and lack of appetite for the past 2 years, which he has always blamed on his Spring Break and
frequent travel to South American countries. This time though, he has not had any recent foreign travel. He also has a
fever, and has lost 10 lbs in the last three weeks.
Celiac Disease
Catriona, a 19 year old female is attending University. Since her arrival and staying in residence, she has found that she
is losing weight drastically and is suffering from fatigue. She finds that she has to go to bed early at night and even with
a good night’s sleep, she has to have a long afternoon nap. Her roommate says it must just be stress related. She is also
have headaches on occasion and has developed a slight rash on her elbows and torso.
Lloyd, a 65 year old male, has been experiencing some constipation as well persistent abdominal pain. He has had some
nausea and vomiting. The nurse in the triage at the ER says he has a mid-grade fever. Upon further questioning, it is
discovered that he is a smoker, and he also has been taking ibuprofen for a sore ankle.
Harriet, a 9 month old infant, has been brought to the ER by her parents. She has been inconsolable for the past 24
hours. She has been crying and pulling her knees up to her chest. She also has a fever and has blood and mucus in her
very loose stools. Her parents are very concerned because she has seemed quite lethargic in the past few hours.
John David, a 30 year old male, had recent abdominal surgery and is back at the emergency department due to upper
abdominal pain. He isn’t sure whether it is related to his recent surgery and the sutures he received then. The doctor
notes tenderness in his abdomen, a fever and a higher than average heart rate. John David remarks that the pain is
terrible and that it also seems to move from his abdomen to his back.
Taylor, a 17 year old, goes home from school after feeling very nauseous and vomiting once. She is also experiencing
fairly sharp pains in her abdomen. When her mom comes home to check on her, she notes that Taylor has a high fever
and is also very obviously in pain. Taylor tells her that it is near her belly, but shifts to be in her lower right side,
especially if she moves.
Gall stones
After an incredible run of delicious holiday meals, Wilhelm finds himself feeling nauseated. He passes it off as having
eaten too much stuffing and gravy at his in-law’s house. As the evening progresses, he finds himself experiencing
sudden and intense abdominal pain. Before too long, he vomits up his delicious cheesecake. His wife decides it’s time
to take him to the hospital.
Ulcerative Colitis
Phillip is a 27 year old who is soon to be married. He is embarrassed to admit to his fiancée that he has been having
some more frequent bathroom visits than normal. He decides to call Telehealth to see what they think is happening.
Upon being questioned, he admits that he has had bloody diarrhea, with abdominal pain. He has also lost a bit of
weight, without trying (which does not impress his fiancée) but has been feeling the stress of the wedding and finding
himself quite tired. He has tried some over the counter medication to help with the diarrhea but it hasn’t helped…