FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM RESOURCES Effurun, Delta State. Term paper title: Laws of Thermodynamics and Their Applications Course title, code: Basic Thermodynamics, MEE 216 By Bamgboye Faith Abimbola COT/1520/2015 March, 2017. 1 CONTENTS 1. Abstract…………......……………………………………………………………. 3 2. Introduction………………..............…...………………………………………… 4 3. Laws of Thermodynamics………………………......………………………….… 5 4. Applications of Laws of Thermodynamics…………………………………….... 12 5. Critiques or Limitations of Laws of Thermodynamics……………………...…… 16 6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….…… 18 7. References………………………………………………………….……………. 19 2 ABSTRACT Thermodynamics, field of physics that describes and correlates the physical properties of macroscopic systems of matter and energy. The principles of thermodynamics are of fundamental importance to all branches of science and engineering. A central concept of thermodynamics is that of the macroscopic system, defined as a geometrically isolable piece of matter in coexistence with an infinite, unperturbable environment. The state of a macroscopic system in equilibrium can be described in terms of such measurable properties as temperature, pressure, and volume, which are known as thermodynamic variables. Many other variables (such as density, specific heat, compressibility, and the coefficient of thermal expansion) can be identified and correlated, to produce a more complete description of an object and its relationship to its environment. When a macroscopic system moves from one state of equilibrium to another, a thermodynamic process is said to take place. Some processes are reversible and others are irreversible. The laws of thermodynamics, discovered in the 19th century through painstaking experimentation, govern the nature of all thermodynamic processes and place limits on them. The laws of thermodynamics provide an elegant mathematical expression of some empirically-discovered facts of nature. The principle of energy conservation allows the energy requirements for processes to be calculated. The principle of increasing entropy (and the resulting free-energy minimization) allows predictions to be made of the extent to which those processes may proceed. These laws are based on experimental observations and have no mathematical proof. Like all physical laws, these laws are based on logical reasoning. 3 INTRODUCTION The four laws of thermodynamics define fundamental physical quantities (temperature, energy, and entropy) that characterize thermodynamic systems at thermal equilibrium. The laws describe how these quantities behave under various circumstances, and forbid certain phenomena (such as perpetual motion). The four laws of thermodynamics are: Zeroth law of thermodynamics: If two systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third system, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. This law helps define the notion of temperature. First law of thermodynamics: When energy passes, as work, as heat, or with matter, into or out from a system, the system's internal energy changes in accord with the law of conservation of energy. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the first kind are impossible. Second law of thermodynamics: In a natural thermodynamic process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems increases. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the second kind are impossible. Third law of thermodynamics: The entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. With the exception of non-crystalline solids (glasses) the entropy of a system at absolute zero is typically close to zero, and is equal to the logarithm of the product of the quantum ground states. There have been suggestions of additional laws, but none of them achieves the generality of the four accepted laws, and they are not mentioned in standard textbooks. The laws of thermodynamics are important fundamental laws in physics and they are applicable in other natural sciences. 4 LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS ZEROTH LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two systems are each equal in temperature to a third, they are equal in temperature to each other. This law was enunciated by R.H. Fowler in the year 1931. However, since the first and second laws already existed at that time, it was designated as zeroth law so that it precedes the first and second laws to form a logical sequence. When two systems are in equilibrium, they share a certain property. This property can be measured and a definite numerical value ascribed to it. A consequence of this fact is the zeroth law of thermodynamics, which states that when each of two systems is in equilibrium with a third, the first two systems must be in equilibrium with each other. This shared property of equilibrium is the temperature. If any such system is placed in contact with an infinite environment that exists at some certain temperature, the system will eventually come into equilibrium with the environment—that is, reach the same temperature. (The so-called infinite environment is a mathematical abstraction called a thermal reservoir; in reality the environment need only be large relative to the system being studied.) 1 3 2 For example: from the diagram above, if system ‘1’ consist of a mass of gas enclosed in a rigid vessel fitted with a pressure gauge. If there is no change of pressure 5 when this system is brought into contact with system ‘2’ a block of iron, then the two systems are equal in temperature (assuming that the systems 1 and 2 do not react each other chemically or electrically). Experiment reveals that if system ‘1’ is brought into contact with a third system ‘3’ again with no change of properties then systems ‘2’ and ‘3’ will show no change in their properties when brought into contact provided they do not react with each other chemically or electrically. Therefore, ‘2’ and ‘3’ must be in equilibrium. Temperatures are measured with devices called thermometers. A thermometer contains a substance with conveniently identifiable and reproducible states, such as the normal boiling and freezing points of pure water. If a graduated scale is marked between two such states, the temperature of any system can be determined by having that system brought into thermal contact with the thermometer, provided that the system is large relative to the thermometer. FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The First Law of Thermodynamics can be stated as follows: “When a system undergoes a thermodynamic cycle then the net heat supplied to the system from the surroundings is equal to net work done by the system on its surroundings”. The first law of thermodynamics may be stated in several ways: The increase in internal energy of a closed system is equal to total of the energy added to the system. In particular, if the energy entering the system is supplied as heat and energy leaves the system as work, the heat is accounted as positive and the work is accounted as negative. ∆Usystem = Q – W In the case of a thermodynamic cycle of a closed system, which returns to its original state, the heat Qin supplied to the system in one stage of the cycle, minus the heat Q out removed from it in another stage of the cycle, plus the work added to the system Win equals the work that leaves the system Wout. ∆Usystem(full cycle) = 0 Hence for a full cycle, 6 Q = Qin – Qout +Win – Wout = Wnet For the particular case of a thermally isolated system (adiabatically isolated), the change of the internal energy of an adiabatically isolated system can only be the result of the work added to the system, because the adiabatic assumption is: Q = 0. ∆Usystem = Ufinal – Uintial = Win – Wout The diagram below shows the experiment for checking the first law of thermodynamics. Heat and work The work input to the paddle wheel is measured by the fall of weight, while the corresponding temperature rise of liquid in the insulated container is measured by the thermometer. It is already known to us from experiments on heat transfer that temperature rise can also be produced by heat transfer. The experiments show: (i) A definite quantity of work is always required to accomplish the same temperature rise obtained with a unit amount of heat. (ii) Regardless of whether the temperature of liquid is raised by work transfer or heat transfer, the liquid can be returned by heat transfer in opposite direction to the identical state from which it started. The above results lead to the inference that work and heat are different forms of something more general, which is called energy. It can be stated as an invariable experience that whenever a physical system passes through a complete cycle the algebraic sum of the work transfers during the cycle 7 bears a definite ratio to the algebraic sum of the heat transfers during the cycle . this may be expressed as, where J is the proportionality constant and is known as Mechanical Equivalent of heat. In S.I. units its value is unity, i.e., 1 Nm/J. More specifically, the First Law encompasses several principles: The law of conservation of energy. This states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. However, energy can change forms, and energy can flow from one place to another. A particular consequence of the law of conservation of energy is that the total energy of an isolated system does not change. The concept of internal energy and its relationship to temperature. If a system has a definite temperature, then its total energy has three distinguishable components. If the system is in motion as a whole, it has kinetic energy. If the system as a whole is in an externally imposed force field (e.g. gravity), it has potential energy relative to some reference point in space. Finally, it has internal energy, which is a fundamental quantity of thermodynamics. The establishment of the concept of internal energy distinguishes the first law of thermodynamics from the more general law of conservation of energy. Etotal = KEsystem + PEsystem + Usystem The internal energy of a substance can be explained as the sum of the diverse kinetic energies of the erratic microscopic motions of its constituent atoms, and of the potential energy of interactions between them. Those microscopic energy terms are collectively called the substance's internal energy (U), and are accounted for by macroscopic thermodynamic property. The total of the kinetic energies of microscopic motions of the constituent atoms increases as the system's temperature increases; this assumes no other interactions at the microscopic level of the system such as chemical reactions, potential energy of constituent atoms with respect to each other. Work is a process of transferring energy to or from a system in ways that can be described by macroscopic mechanical forces exerted by factors in the surroundings, outside the system. Examples are an externally driven shaft agitating a stirrer within the system, or an externally imposed electric field that polarizes the material of the system, or a piston that compresses the system. Unless otherwise stated, it is 8 customary to treat work as occurring without its dissipation to the surroundings. Practically speaking, in all natural process, some of the work is dissipated by internal friction or viscosity. The work done by the system can come from its overall kinetic energy, from its overall potential energy, or from its internal energy. For example, when a machine (not a part of the system) lifts a system upwards, some energy is transferred from the machine to the system. The system's energy increases as work is done on the system and in this particular case, the energy increase of the system is manifested as an increase in the system's gravitational potential energy. Work added to the system increases the Potential Energy of the system: W = ∆PEsystem Or in general, the energy added to the system in the form of work can be partitioned to kinetic, potential or internal energy forms W = KEsystem + PEsystem + Usystem When matter is transferred into a system, that masses' associated internal energy and potential energy are transferred with it. (u∆M)in = ∆Usystem where u denotes the internal energy per unit mass of the transferred matter, as measured while in the surroundings; and ΔM denotes the amount of transferred mass. The flow of heat is a form of energy transfer. Heating is a natural process of moving energy to or from a system other than by work or the transfer of matter. Direct passage of heat is only from a hotter to a colder system. If the system has rigid walls that are impermeable to matter, and consequently energy cannot be transferred as work into or out from the system, and no external long-range force field affects it that could change its internal energy, then the internal energy can only be changed by the transfer of energy as heat: ∆Usystem = Q where Q denotes the amount of energy transferred into the system as heat. Combining these principles leads to one traditional statement of the first law of thermodynamics: it is not possible to construct a machine which will perpetually output work without an equal amount of energy input to that machine. Or more briefly, a perpetual motion machine of the first kind is impossible. 9 SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases overtime, or remains constant in ideal cases where the system is in a steady state or undergoing a reversible process. The increase in entropy accounts for the irreversibility of natural processes, and the asymmetry between future and past. The second law of thermodynamics gives a precise definition of a property called entropy. Entropy can be thought of as a measure of how close a system is to equilibrium; it can also be thought of as a measure of the disorder in the system. The law states that the entropy—that is, the disorder—of an isolated system can never decrease. Thus, when an isolated system achieves a configuration of maximum entropy, it can no longer undergo change: It has reached equilibrium. Nature, then, seems to “prefer” disorder or chaos. It can be shown that the second law stipulates that, in the absence of work, heat cannot be transferred from a region at a lower temperature to one at a higher temperature. The second law is applicable to a wide variety of processes, reversible and irreversible. All natural processes are irreversible. Reversible processes are a useful and convenient theoretical fiction, but do not occur in nature. ` A prime example of irreversibility is in the transfer of heat by conduction or radiation. It was known long before the discovery of the notion of entropy that when two bodies initially of different temperatures come into thermal connection, then heat always flows from the hotter body to the colder one. The second law tells also about kinds of irreversibility other than heat transfer, for example those of friction and viscosity, and those of chemical reactions. The notion of entropy is needed to provide that wider scope of the law. According to the second law of thermodynamics, in a theoretical and fictive reversible heat transfer, an element of heat transferred, δQ, is the product of the temperature (T), both of the system and of the sources or destination of the heat, with the increment (dS) of the system's conjugate variable, its entropy (S) δQ = T dS. Entropy may also be viewed as a physical measure of the lack of physical information about the microscopic details of the motion and configuration of a system, when only the macroscopic states are known. The law asserts that for two given 10 macroscopically specified states of a system, there is a quantity called the difference of information entropy between them. This information entropy difference defines how much additional microscopic physical information is needed to specify one of the macroscopically specified states, given the macroscopic specification of the other - often a conveniently chosen reference state which may be presupposed to exist rather than explicitly stated. A final condition of a natural process always contains microscopically specifiable effects which are not fully and exactly predictable from the macroscopic specification of the initial condition of the process. This is why entropy increases in natural processes - the increase tells how much extra microscopic information is needed to distinguish the final macroscopically specified state from the initial macroscopically specified state. THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The third law of thermodynamics is sometimes stated as follows: The entropy of a perfect crystal of any pure substance approaches zero as the temperature approaches absolute zero. At zero temperature the system must be in a state with the minimum thermal energy. This statement holds true if the perfect crystal has only one state with minimum energy. Entropy is related to the number of possible microstates according to: S = kB lnΩ Where S is the entropy of the system, kB, Boltzmann's constant, and Ω the number of microstates (e.g. possible configurations of atoms). At absolute zero there is only 1 microstate possible (Ω=1 as all the atoms are identical for a pure substance and as a result all orders are identical as there is only one combination) and ln(1) = 0. A more general form of the third law that applies to a system such as a glass that may have more than one minimum microscopically distinct energy state, or may have a microscopically distinct state that is "frozen in" though not a strictly minimum energy state and not strictly speaking a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, at absolute zero temperature: The entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches zero. The constant value (not necessarily zero) is called the residual entropy of the system. 11 APPLICATIONS OF LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS The zeroth law of thermodynamics provides the basis for the measurement of temperature. It enables us to compare temperatures of two bodies ‘1’ and ‘2’ with the help of a third body ‘3’ and say that the temperature of ‘1’ is the same as the temperature of ‘2’ without actually bringing ‘1’ and ‘2’ in thermal contact. In practice, body ‘3’ in the zeroth law is called the thermometer. It is brought into thermal equilibrium with a set of standard temperature of a body ‘2’, and is thus calibrated. Later, when any other body ‘1’ is brought in thermal communication with the thermometer, we say that the body ‘1’ has attained equality of temperature with the thermometer, and hence with body ‘2’. This way, the body ‘1’ has the temperature of body ‘2’ given for example by, say the height of mercury column in the thermometer ‘3’. Application of the First Law to Flow process: When a process is executed by a system, the change in stored energy of the system is numerically equal to the net heat interactions minus the net work interaction during the process. ∴ E2 – E1 = Q – W ∴ ∆E=Q–W [or Q = ∆ E + W] = ∆E = E2 – E1 Or where E represents the total internal energy. If the electric, magnetic and chemical energies are absent and changes in potential and kinetic energy for a closed system are neglected, the above equation can be written as = ∆U = U2 – U1 ∴ Q – W = ∆U = U2 – U1 Generally, when heat is added to a system its temperature rises and external work is performed due to increase in volume of the system. The rise in temperature is an indication of increase of internal energy. Heat added to the system will be considered as positive and the heat removed or rejected, from the system, as negative. All types of vehicles that we use, cars, motorcycles, trucks, ships, aeroplanes, and many other types work on the basis of Second law of thermodynamics and Carnot 12 Cycle. They may be using petrol engine or diesel engine, but the law remains the same. Carnot Engine The idealized Carnot engine was envisioned by the French physicist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, who lived during the early 19th century. The Carnot engine is theoretically perfect, that is, it converts the maximum amount of energy into mechanical work. Carnot showed that the efficiency of any engine depends on the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures reached during one cycle. The greater the difference, the greater the efficiency. An automobile engine, for example, would be more efficient if the fuel burned hotter and the exhaust gas came out of the cylinder at a lower temperature. © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. All the refrigerators, deep freezers, industrial refrigeration systems, all types of air-conditioning systems, heat pumps, etc work on the basis of the Second law of thermodynamics. All types of air and gas compressors, blowers, fans, run on various thermodynamic cycles. One of the important fields of thermodynamics is heat transfer, which relates to transfer of heat between two media. There are three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. The concept of heat transfer is used in wide range of devices like heat exchangers, evaporators, condensers, radiators, coolers, heaters, etc. 13 Thermodynamics also involves study of various types of power plants like thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, power plants based on renewable energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal, tides, water waves etc. Renewable energy is an important subject area of thermodynamics that involves studying the feasibility of using different types of renewable energy sources for domestic and commercial use. Everyday Examples: Melting Ice Cube Every day, ice needs to be maintained at a temperature below the freezing point of water to remain solid. On hot summer days, however, people often take out a tray of ice to cool beverages. In the process, they witness the first and second laws of thermodynamics. For example, someone might put an ice cube into a glass of warm lemonade and then forget to drink the beverage. An hour or two later, they will notice that the ice has melted but the temperature of the lemonade has cooled. This is because the total amount of heat in the system has remained the same, but has just gravitated towards equilibrium, where both the former ice cube (now water) and the lemonade are the same temperature. This is, of course, not a completely closed system. The lemonade will eventually become warm again, as heat from the environment is transferred to the glass and its contents. Sweating in A Crowded Room The human body obeys the laws of thermodynamics. Consider the experience of being in a small crowded room with lots of other people. In all likelihood, you'll start to feel very warm and will start sweating. This is the process your body uses to cool itself off. Heat from your body is transferred to the sweat. As the sweat absorbs more and more heat, it evaporates from your body, becoming more disordered and transferring heat to the air, which heats up the air temperature of the room. Many sweating people in a crowded room, "closed system," will quickly heat things up. This is both the first and second laws of thermodynamics in action: No heat is lost; it is merely transferred, and approaches equilibrium with maximum entropy. Taking a Bath Consider a situation where a person takes a very long bath. Immediately during and after filling up the bathtub, the water is very hot -- as high as 120 degrees 14 Fahrenheit. The person will then turn off the water and submerge his body into it. Initially, the water feels comfortably warm, because the water's temperature is higher than the person's body temperature. After some time, however, some heat from the water will have transferred to the individual, and the two temperatures will meet. After a bit more time has passed, because this is not a closed system, the bath water will cool as heat is lost to the atmosphere. The person will cool as well, but not as much, since his internal homeostatic mechanisms help keep his temperature adequately elevated. Hot Steam Steam is the gaseous form of water at high temperature. The molecules within it move freely and hence it has high entropy. If you cool this steam to below 100 degrees Celsius it will get converted into water, where the movement of the molecules will be restricted resulting in decrease in entropy of water. When this liquid is further cooled to below zero degrees Celsius, it gets converted into solid ice, where the movement of molecules is further reduced and the entropy of the substance further reduces. As the temperature of this ice goes on reducing the movement of the molecules and along with it the entropy of the substance goes on reducing. When this is ice is cooled to absolute zero ideally the entropy should become zero. But in practical situations it is just not possible to cool any substance to absolute zero temperature, nor does entropy become zero, but it remains always above zero. 15 CRITIQUES OR LIMITATIONS OF THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS Zeroth Law The limitation of zeroth law is that it cannot be derived from other laws and cannot be applicable for other kinds of equilibrium i.e., It is only applicable for thermal equilibrium. First Law It has been observed that energy can flow from a system in the form of heat or work. The first law of thermodynamics sets no limit to the amount of the total energy of a system which can be caused to flow out as work. A limit is imposed, however, as a result of the principle enunciated in the second law of thermodynamics which states that heat will flow naturally from one energy reservoir to another at a lower temperature, but not in opposite direction without assistance. This is very important because a heat engine operates between two energy reservoirs at different temperatures. Further the first law of thermodynamics establishes equivalence between the quantity of heat used and the mechanical work but does not specify the conditions under which conversion of heat into work is possible, neither the direction in which heat transfer can take place. This gap has been bridged by the second law of thermodynamics. Second Law When a process satisfies the first law it implies that the process is possible in both forward and reverse directions. The second law however, restricts that possibility only for certain processes – the so called reversible processes. For irreversible processes, the second law denies the possibility of occurrence of a process in a certain direction. For example, the second law denies the direction of the process of conversion of energy in the form of heat to energy in the form of work in a one-temperature (1-T) cyclic process; but not the process per se, for, it allows the possibility of the process in the opposite direction - the direction of conversion of energy in the form of work to energy in the form of heat in a 1T cyclic process. As a second example, we may consider transfer of energy in the form of heat from a body at a given temperature to another body at a lower temperature. Second law denies the possibility of occurrence of this process in the reverse direction. The crux of the second law lies in the fact that it helps us to predict the direction in which a process that satisfies the first law occurs under given conditions. It is the first law that denies the process per se – when the process corresponds to perpetual motion of the first kind – a process that produces energy as output with no input energy or more output energy than the input energy. To conclude, the first law can deny the possibility of a 16 thermodynamic process, the second law can only deny the possibility of a cyclic process in a certain direction. If a process AB is impossible, then the cycle ABA that takes the system back to its original state, either in clockwise direction or anticlockwise direction, becomes impossible. The second law is incapable of denying the occurrence of a cyclic process that satisfies the first law, both in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. Third Law (1) Glassy solids even at 0oK has entropy greater than zero. (2) Solids having mixtures of isotopes do not have zero entropy at 0oK. For instance, entropy of solid chlorine is not zero at 0K. (3) Crystals of CO, N2O, NO, H2O, etc. do not have perfect order even at 0K thus their entropy is not equal to zero. 17 CONCLUSION The laws of thermodynamics provide an elegant mathematical expression of some empirically-discovered facts of nature. The principle of energy conservation allows calculations to be made of the energy requirements for processes. The principle of increasing entropy (and the resulting free-energy minimization) allows predictions to be made as to the extent to which those processes may proceed. Thermodynamics is considered to be one of the most important parts of our day-today life. Travelling in any vehicle, sitting comfortably in an air-conditioned room, watching television etc., one will notice the applications of thermodynamics almost everywhere directly or indirectly. When Sadi Carnot, who is considered to be the father of thermodynamics, proposed theorem and cycle, hardly anybody had imagined that his proposals will play such a major role in creation of automobiles that would become one of most important parts of the human life. The development of almost all types of engines can be traced to the Carnot Theorem and Carnot Cycle. One cannot forget the importance of Stirling, Diesel, Otto and Ericsson also created their own independent cycles that resulted in more innovations and betterment of the automobiles. The study of thermodynamics involves various laws of thermodynamics that include: First Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Third Law of Thermodynamics, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Boyle’s law, Charles Law, etc. The foundation of these laws was laid by Sadi Carnot with his invention of the Carnot Cycle and Carnot Theorem. Also, the study of the thermodynamics involves system and surroundings where all the experimentation is done. There are various types of thermodynamic processes (e.g. cyclic and flow processes) that help implementing thermodynamic laws for various thermodynamic applications. 18 REFERENCES 1. Second law of thermodynamics – Wikipedia. Retrieved February 20, 2017 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_law_of_thermodynamics 2. Third law of thermodynamics – Wikipedia. Retrieved February 20, 2017 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_law_of_thermodynamics 3. First law of thermodynamics – Wikipedia. Retrieved February 20, 2017 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_law_of_thermodynamics 4. A Critique on Caratheodory Principle of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. 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