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US History Chapter 29 Quiz: Civil Rights Movement

US HISTORY 11--Chapter 29 Quiz
Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class Period: ________
Part I--Vocabulary Write the word from the box on the line next to the matching definition (1 point each)
De Jure Segregation
De Facto
Brown vs. Board of Education
Plessy vs Ferguson
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Civil Rights Act of 1964
1. _________________________ This court case called the idea of ‘separate but equal’ unconstitutional
2. _________________________ This term is defined as Segregation by law
3. _________________________ These would happen in restaurants/diners, form of protest by SNCC
4. _________________________ This law ended discrimination in housing
5. _________________________ This term is defined as segregation by practice or custom
6. _________________________ This court case created the idea of ‘separate but equal’
7. _________________________ This law ended discrimination based on race, gender, religion or
national origin
Part II--Matching Write the letter of each person next to the correct description
8. _____ Leader of SNCC and created the term ‘Black Power’
A. Martin Luther King Jr
B. consumerism
9. _____leader of SCLC and overall Civil Rights Movement
C. Malcolm X
10. _____ Man who enrolled at ‘Ols Miss, lter tried to walk 225 miles,
D. Freedom Summer
but was shot
E. Stokely Carmichael
11. _____ When civil rights activists went to Mississippi to help people vote
12. _____ Member of Nation of Islam until he visited Mecca, later killed by
Nation of Islam members
Part III--Multiple Choice Circle the letter of the correct answer to the question (1 point each)
13. _______ gave the ‘I Have a Dream speech’ during the March on Washington .
A. Jesse Jackson
C. Malcolm X
B. Stokely Carmichael
14. The slogan that Malcolm X created, after we visited Mecca was ________
A. Soul Force
C. You May Do That
B. Ballots or Bullets
D. We Shall Overcome
15. What presidents monument was the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech delivered in front of
A. George Washington
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. Abe Lincoln
16. Why were schools in the inner cities mostly black in the North, even though segregation was illegal
A. Whites segregated themselves to other parts of the city
B. Blacks wanted their own schools
C. Whites fled to the suburbs
D. Urban rioting destroyed the non segregated schools
17. Who were the students who had to be escorted to their school, after a governor sent the National Guard to
stop them
A. Little Rock Nine
C. Montgomery Twelve
B. Birmingham Five
D. Selma Eight
18. What is the group that united multiple churches in Montgomery during the protests that happened there
A. Nation of Islam
19. On May 3rd, a __________ came face to face with Bull Connor. Conner used hoses, dogs and clubs to
disperse them
A. A SCLC protest
C. Children's Crusade
B. A group of Black Panthers
D. MLK by himself
20. What year was Rosa Parks arrested
A. 1968
C. 1965
B. 1955
D. 1960
21. Besides their white costumes, what were the KKK most known for
A. White Hoods
C. Bombings
B. Burning Crosses
D. Rallies and Protests
22. Who were the Black Panthers
A. A form of the KKK
B. A social club
C. Communist Radicals
D. A Black Power political group
23. Name when the first Civil Rights Act was passed and what major event just ended right before the Act’s
Part IV--Short Answer Please answer the following questions. Your answers DO NOT have to be written with
complete sentences!
24. What was ‘Soul Force’ and who created the idea .