THE ROOT APEX CONTENTS ROOT DEVELOPMENT ANATOMY OF ROOT APEX o o o o o o APICAL FORAMEN APICAL CONSTRICTION CDJ LATERAL AND ACCESSORYCANALS CANAL CURVATURE TYPES OF ROOT APEX AGE CHANGES CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ROOT APEX o o o o WORKING LENGTH WORKING WIDTH ENDODONTIC SURGERY PROCEDURAL ERRORS CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION Morphologically-most complex region Therapeutically-most challenging zone Prognostically- most important part Radiographically-most obscure and unclear area Thorough comprehension of apical region of tooth is essential to determine the working length and working width to the most accurate position biologically . Scrupulous understanding and knowledge of the root apex is also a requisite to perform a successful endodontic surgical procedure. A detailed knowledge of the apical part of the root canal system is vital as it is a common area for procedural errors during instrumentation ROOT DEVELOPMENT HETWIGS EPITHELIAL ROOT SHEATH Consists of outer and inner enamel epithelium. Molds the shape of roots and initiates radicular dentin formation Cells of inner epithelia induce the differentiation of radicular cells into odontoblasts. HERS loses its continuity when first layer of dentin is laid down Enamel Ameloblasts Stratum Intermedium DEJ Future Cemento enamel Junction Epithelial rests of Malassez Disintegration of Hertwig’s epithelial Root Sheath Coronal dentin Odontoblasts Pulp Root Dentin Inner enamel epithelium Epithelium is moved away from surface of dentin –CT comes in contact with dentin and differentiates into cementoblasts Cementum Cementoblast Cementocyte Dental sac Dental sac cell Becoming a Cementoblast Formation of Periodontal ligament Epithelial rests Of Malassez Developing bone Odontoblast Predentin Root dentin Dentino cemental Junction Pulp Cementoid In multirooted teeth-root sheath forms epithelial diaphragm It bends at future CEJ into a horizontal plane APICAL ROOT ANATOMY The classic concept of apical root anatomy is that there exists three anatomic and histologic landmarks constriction the cementodentinal junction and the apical ACCORDING TOKUTTLER Root canal tapering from the canal orifices to the AC which is generally 0.5–1.5 mm inside the AF.. the diameter of the AF in the age range of 18–25 was 502 μm and over 55 years of age was 681 μm, demonstrating its growth with age. The shape of the space between the major and minor diameters has variously been described as funnelshaped, hyperbolic or 'morning glory'. The mean distance between the major and minor diameters 0.5 mm in a young person and 0.67 mm in an older individual. The increased length in older individuals is due to the increased buildup of cementum APICAL FORAMEN 'circumference or rounded edge, like a funnel or crater, that differentiates the termination of the cemental canal from the exterior surface of the root'. Inadequate knowledge and mismanagement of apical foramen may affect long and short term success of RCT Location and shape of fully formed apical foramen vary in each tooth and in same tooth at different periods of life May change due to functional influencesocclusal pressure,mesial drift GREEN(1955 1956 1960)Major apical foramen are situated directly at the apex more frequently in maxillary centrals, laterals, cuspids, first premolars and mandibular second premolars In the maxillary molars and all the mandibular teeth with the exception of the 2nd PM, the main apical foramina coincide with the apexes less frequently. Major apical foramen (apical opening) with protruding instruments (B) root apex. (A) Briseno Marroquin et al. investigated the apical anatomy of 523 maxillary and 574 mandibular molars from an Egyptian population The most common physiological foramen shape was oval (70%); Size of main apical foramina Teeth Mean values (u) Maxillary incisors 289.4 Mandibular incisors 262.5 Maxillary premolars 210.0 Mandibular premolars 268.2 Maxillary molars Palatal 298.0 Mesiobuccal 235.05 Distobuccal 232.20 Mandibular molar Mesial Distal *Results 257.5 392.0 published previously in: Morfis A, Sylaras SN, Georgopoulou M, Kernani M, Prountzos F. Study of the apices of human permanent teeth with the use of a scanning electron microscope. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1994: 77(2):172–176. APICAL Apical foramen is not CONSTRICTION always the most constricted part of canal Ideally the root filling should stop at this constriction as it would serve as an apical dentin matrix- Mean perpendicular distance from the root apex to the apical constriction Teeth Vertical (mm) Central incisor 0.863 Mesiodistal (mm) Lateral incisor 0.825 0.307 0.369 Canine 1.010 0.313 0.375 * 0.370 Labiolingual (mm) 0.428 DUMMER CLASSIFICATION 1TYPICAL SINGLE CONSTRICTION 2.TAPERING CONSTRICTION WITH THE NARROWEST PORTION NEAR THE ACTUALAPEX 3. SEVERAL CONSTRICTIONS 4.CONSTRICTION FOLLOWED BY A NARROW, PARALLEL CANAL 5.COMPLETE BLOCKAGE OF THE APICAL CANAL BY SECONDARY DENTIN Radiograph (A) and histologic section (B) of ideal apical constriction on tooth #7. Radiograph (A) and histologic section (B) of slight apical constriction Radiograph (A) and histologic section (B) of palatal root of tooth #15 with no apical constriction Radiograph (A) and histologic section (B) of mesial root of tooth #19 with apical foramen well short of radiographic apex. Radiograph (A) and histologic section (B) of mesial root of tooth #31 with inflammatory root resorption Natural stop during root canal preparation and filling Precautions should be taken to maintain size of constriction and patency of foramen -Should not be enlarged nor blocked -working length measured correctly -canal patency maintained through recapitulation - adequate irrigation to prevent acccumulation of dentin DENTINAL JUNCTION The CDJ is the point in the canal where cementum meets dentine. Histological landmark, cannot be located clinically or radio graphically ACCORDING TO KUTTLER(1958) Root canal is divided into a long conical dentinal portion and a short funnel shaped cemental portion Cemental portion is in form of inverted cone with its narrowest diameter at or near CDJ and base at apical foramen Ponce and Vilar Fernandez determined the location and diameter of the CDJ Extension of cementum from the AF into the root canal differed considerably on opposite canal walls. Reached the same level on all canal walls only 5% of the time. The greatest extension occurred on the concave side of the canal curvature. This variability reconfirmed that the CDJ and AC are generally not the same area and that the CDJ should be considered just a point at which two histologic tissues meet within the root canal. The diameter of the canal at the CDJ was highly irregular and was determined to be 353 μm for maxillary centrals, 292 μm for lateral incisors and 298 μm for canines Does not always coincide with minor diameter (Langeland et al,1998) Located 0.5-3.0 mm short of the anatomic apex (Tamse A, KaffeI, Fishel D, 1980) Theoretically, the CDJ is the appropriate apical limit for root canal treatment as at this point the area of contact between the periradicular tissues and root canal filling material is likely to be minimal and the wound smallest (Palmer et al. 1971, Seltzer 1988, Katz et al. 1991, Ricucci & Langeland 1998) The term ‘theoretically’ is applied here because the CDJ is a histological site and it can only be detected in extracted teeth following sectioning, in the clinical situation it is impossible to identify its position. In addition, the CDJ is not a constant or consistent feature, for example, the extension of the cementum into the root canal can vary (Ponce & Fernandez 2003). Therefore, it cannot be an ideal landmark to use clinically as the end-point for root canal preparation and filling. LATERAL CANALS Lateral canal is located at right angles to main root canal Accessory canal branches off from the main root canal in the apical region Furcation canal seen at furcation Formed when the root sheath disintergrates when dentin is elaborated or lack of dentin formation around a blood vessel which is present in periradicular connective tissue tissue-fibroblasts, collagen fibres , nerves, macrophages (resemble CT of PDL rather than pulp) Lateral canals are more common in bifurcation and trifurcation region of molars According to HESS et al (1963) accesory canals have a mean diameter of 660 µm Accessory canals form apical deltas in the root apex In distal root of mandibular molars and palatal of maxillary molars –these canals fan out towards the apex in a canoe –shaped arrangement These canals are avenues for interchange of metabolic and breakdown products between pulp and perio dontal tissue if present in the floor of pulp chamber these canals transmit toxins and irritants from pulp cavity and establish a lesion in furcation which may appear radiograpically as periodontal disease They are usually not detected in intraoral radiographs They may become noticeable subsequent to the necrotization of the main canal Thickening of the PDL or development of a frank lesion in the lateral wall of the root Also become apparent in the post –obturation x-ray where radio-opaque material is seen extending to surface of root Presence of these canals emphasize the need for employing effective irrigation solution and technique and also three dimensional filling of root canal Also when the pulp is extirpated from a vital tooth ,pulp stump may remain in these canals –causing postpulpectomy pain and also pain felt when sealer is pushed into these canals These canals may harbour micro organisms and continue to irritate periapex . Lesion may grow despite radiographic evidence of proper filling of principal canal. These cases require periapical surgery Presence of multiple accessory and lateral canals is the rule and not the exception as evident from various studies The number of accessory canals does not appear to be significant in the successs or failure of RCT teeth According to HESS(1983) following endodontic therapy in teeth with vital pulps the lateral and accessory canals become obliterated by the deposition of cementum with the passage of time In non-vital teeth, inflammatory tissue will get resorbed and replaced with uninflammed connective tissue. Although the incidence of occurrence of these canals is high – the percentage of failures due to unfilled canals is small in clinical practice This is because of the biological hard tissue closure(cementum) subsequent to the elimination of chronic inflammation and irritants from main canal CANAL CURVATURE Apical third of roots are complex also in curvature Usually teeth show a distal curvature in apical third A buccal or lingual curvature may not be discernible in radiograph bodily movement of the incompletel y formed tooth is the cause of curvatures in the apical third of the root When tooth erupts into oral cavity its apex is not complete ly formed . Curvature formation as the tooth becomes functional it is subjected to biting stresses which may move the tooth mesially Clinical management Preflaring of the coronal part of canal facilitates the proper instrumentation of apical curvature Prebending of files during instrumentation improves the negotiation of the curvature Failure to do so results in ledging ,ripping,iatrogenic canal formation or perforation TYPE OF ROOT APEX THIN PINCHED APEX proper care required during instumentation Over enlargement may lead to perforation BULBOUS APEX usually due to hypercementosis proper care required during length determination Apical constriction is significantly shorter from radiographic apex RESORBED APEX caused due to advanced inflammation at the periapex resorption of cementum and dentin and widening of apical foramen WL determination ,preparation and condensation of guttapercha is difficultPreparation should stop 1-2mm short of radiographic apex BLUNDERBUSS APEX newly erupted tooth showing an incompletely formed root having a wide canal and an the pulp open may get necrosed apex due to carie or trauma and may require root canal standardtherapy instrumentation and obturation techniques are not favorable Walls of canal are thin and fragile Also lacks apical constriction Treatment depends on the condition of pulp- if vital –apexogenesis is done if nonvital -apexification or peri-apical surgery required VERTUCCI’s CLASSIFICATION GULABIVALA CLASSIFICATION HISTOLOGY OF APICAL DENTIN AND PULP APICAL PULP TISSUE Differs structurally from coronal pulp tissue Apical pulp – More fibrous & contain fewer cells This fibrous structure appears to act as a barrier against the apical progression of pulp inflammation. It also supports the blood vessels and nerves which enter the pulp. APICAL DENTIN In apical region, odontoblasts are absent or flattened or cuboidal Dentin is more amorphous & irregular - sclerotic dentin (Azaz et al 1977, Johansen 1971) Sclerotic apical dentin is less permeable than coronal dentin AGE CHANGES Rule of thumb-root formation completed 3 years after eruption THOMAS et al apex may not mature until the age of 12 years or later in maxillary first molars also palatal roots may not exhibit maturity even by 15 years of age Root length Apical closure completion Mand central incisor 9½ Mand lateral incisor 10 ½ Mand canine 14 Mand first premolar 15 Mand second premolar ½ 16 ¼ Mand first molar mesial root 8 ¼ 8 ½ 10 10 9 ½ 11 ½ 12 ½ 13 11 12 18 16 ½ 14 13 17 7 7 10 REMODELLING/DEPOSITION OF CEMENTUM AT THE APEX IS AN AGING PROCESS- occurs to compensate for attrited enamel or physiological mesial migration of tooth Thus increase in overall distance from apex to apical constriction Also a decrease in canal width ROOT APEX AND ITS CLINICAL SIGNIFICATION • WORKING LENGTH • WORKING WIDTH • ENDODONTIC SURGERY • PROCEDURAL ERRORS WORKING LENGTH One of the main concerns in root canal treatment is to determine how far instruments should be advanced within the root canal and at what point the preparation and filling should terminate (Katz et al. 1991). Cleaning shaping and obturation cannot be accomplished accurately unless wl is determined precisely When correct working length is not maintained Working short results in incomplete cleaning allows pulp tissue and necrotic debris to remain in the canal persistent discomfort as the pulpal remnants are left behind Under filling incomplete apical seal apical leakage which supports the existence of viable bacteria and contributes to periradicular lesion and Failure to accurately determine and maintain the working length may result in Perforation through the apical constriction destroys the delicate apical region of the canal and can cause potential damage to the periapical tissues Increased incidence of post operative pain Delayed healing Apical end of working MINOR CDJ lDIAMETER en gth CDJ not clinically identifiable not constant and consistent Therefore not used as the apical stop in clinical practice According to Kutler, the narrowest diameter of the canal is definitely not at the site of exiting of the canal from the tooth but usually occurs within the dentin, just prior to the initial layers of cementum. He referred this position as the minor diameter. This is the site that is preferred to terminate canal preparation and build up the apical dentin matrix. In clinical practice, the minor apical foramen is a more consistent anatomical feature that can be regarded as being the narrowest portion of the canal system and thus the preferred landmark for the apical end-point for root canal treatment. Various methods • -Radiographic method • -Digital tactile sense • -Apical periodontal Conventional sensitivity methods • -Paper point method • Radiographic grid Advanced method • -Electronic method • -Direct digital radiography • Xeroradiography • Subtraction radiography Grossman’s method Instrument placed in root canal extending till apical constriction using tactile sens e Radiograph is taken Measure radiographic lengths of tooth & instrument & calculate actual length of tooth using the formula Actual length of tooth = Actual length of instrument × length of tooth Radigraphic length of instrument Ingle’s method The tooth is measured on a good preoperative radiograph using the long cone technique. Tentative working length. As a safety factor, allowing for image distortion or magnification, subtract at least 1 mm from the initial measurement The instrument is set with a stop at this length. Final working length The instrument is inserted to this length and a radiograph is taken. On Radiograph-.measure diff b/w end of instrument and end of root This is added to the tentative working length From this measurement 1mm is subtracted as adjusment for apical termination Weine recommendation 1mm from apex -no bone or root resorption 1.5mm from apex -only bone resorption 2mm from apex -both bone and root resorption Kuttlers method Acc to KUTTLER narrowest daimeter- apical constriction Avg distance bw minor and major d iameter young-0.524mm older-0.659mm • If file reaches major diameter exactly- subtract 0.5mm from length in you ng 0.67mm from length in old Apical periodontal sensitivity Based on the patient’s response to pain when reaching the periradicular tissues not an ideal method Paper Point Measurement • uses conventional absorbent paper points and it is based on the assumption that when the contents of the root canal system are removed, the canal should be dry, while the environment outside the root canal is living and hydrated. According to Rosenberg if a paper point is placed into a dried canal short of the apical foramen, it should be retrieved dry. If taken past the exit of the canal, it will be retrieved with fluid. Digital tactile sense Clinician may detect an increase in resistance as the file approaches the apical 2 to 3 mm. This detection is by tactile sense. In this region, the canal frequently constricts (minor diameter) before exiting the root. Seidberg et al. reported an accuracy of just 64% using digital tactile sense. Radiographic grid Imposing a mm grid on the radiograph to overcome need for calculation ELECTRONIC APEX LOCATORS A new level of accuracy in length determination over radiographs has been achieved with the electronic apex locator (EAL) The EAL is free of the problems that visual interpretation of two-dimensional radiographs present Unfortunately, the EAL is not 100% accurate ADVANTAGES Decreases patient exposure Used when radiographs are difficult to read Used to detect perforations Easy and fast Can be used in pregnant patients, children ,patients with gag reflex Detection of perforations Radiographic detection often hinders the existance of the perforation, particularly when it occurs bucco-lingually Using apex locator a sudden rise in reading indicates a perforation Particularly useful when the apical portion of the canal system is obscured by certain anatomic structures: Impacted teeth Tori Zygomatic arch Excessive bone density Overlapping roots Shallow palatal vault To det:W/L as an important adjunct to radiography (↓treatment time &radiation) DISADVANTAGES Not 100% accurate Not useful in immature teeth May show inaccurate readings cannot be used in patients with cardiac pacemakers HISTORY CUSTER (1918) - First to investigate an electronic method to determine working length SUZUKI (1942) and Electrical resistance between the periodontal ligament oral mucous membrane - 6.5kΩ SUNADA (1962) - Constructed the first apex locator, resistance type. INOUE (70’s – 80’s) – Used audiometric component ( Low Frequency audible sounds ) For eg – Sono explorer HASEGAWA (1986) - Impedance type apex locator YAMASHITA (1990) - Frequency type apex locators, Difference method For Eg - Endex KOBAYASHI (1991) - Frequency type apex locators, Ratio Method For Eg- Root ZX HOW APEX LOCATORS FUNCTION use the human body to complete an electrical circuit. One side of the circuitry is connected to an endo instrument & the other end to the patients body-patients lip or by an electrode held in the patients hTahnedri.functionality is based on the fact that the electrical conductivity of the tissues surrounding the apex of the root is greater than the conductivity inside the root canal system provided the canal is either dry or filled with a CLASSIFICATION The classification of apex locators currently in use is a modification of th e classification presented by McDonald. This classification is based on the type of current flow and the opposition to the current flow, As well as the number of frequencies CLASSIFICATION 1. FIRST GENERATION APEX LOCATORS ( Resistance apex locators.) • It measures the opposition to the flow of direct current or resistance. • When the tip of the reamer reaches the apex in the canal ,the resistance value is 6.5 k • Eg sono-explorer Advantages Disadvantages easily operated digital read out audible indication may incorporate pulp tester dry field required calibration required patient sensitivity lip clip with good contact required To eliminate the disadvantages of DC current Suchde & Talim (1977) proposed using AC current to measure the resistance. The advantages of AC current are that it causes less damage to the tissue and improves functionality in ‘wet’ conditions as the resistivity of the electrolytes experience better stability (Suchde & Talim 1977, Foster & Schwan 1989). SECOND GENERATION APEX LOCATORS (Impedance apex locators ) It measures opposition to the flow of alternating current or impedance. Employed Single frequency It uses the electronic mechanism that the highest impedance is at the apical constricture,- Advantages Disadvantages May operate in fluid difficult to operate no patient sensitivity no digital read out no lip clip required open apices inaccurate in The Apex Finder (Sybron Endo/Analytic; Orange, Calif.)– visual digital LED indicator - self calibrating Endo Analyzer (Analytic/Endo; Orange, Calif.) combined apex locator and pulp tester. Digipex- Mada Equipment Co., Carlstadt, N.J.) - visual LED digital indicator -audible indicator. -requires calibration. Digipex2 : - combination of apex locator and pulp tester Exact-A-Pex:- (Ellman International, Hewlett ,N.Y.) - LED bar graph display - audio indicator Foramatron IV :- Parkell Farmingdale, N.Y.) -flashing LED light - digital LED display - does not require calibration The Pio apex locator - analog meter display - audio indicator . - adjusting knob for calibration Dental, THIRD GENERATION APEX LOCATORS (Frequency – dependent apex locators) By Kobayashi and Suda 1990 - measures the impedance difference between two frequencies or ratio of two electrical impedances -As the file moves towards the apex,the difference becomes greater -shows greatest value at the apical constricture,allowing for the measurement of that location Advantage Disadvantages Works in presence of fluid calibration Easy to operate requires lip clip Audible indication requires Endex:-original gen:apex locator Yamashita et al(1990) 3rd -- • Measures the difference in impedances of alternating currents at frequency of 5 and 1kHz Neosono ultimo Ez: • Multiple frequences • Wet or dry canals • Mounted with root canal graphic showing file position and audible signals Root ZX dual frequency comparative impedance principle-described by Kobayashi (1991) Apex locators with other functions: (TRI AUTO ZX) cordless electric endodontic hand piece with a built in Root ZX apex locator. The hand piece uses nickel titanium rotary instruments that rotates at 280 50rpm. FOURTH GENERATION APEX LOCATORS Uses multiple frequencies Breaks impedance into its primary components – resistance and capacitance and measures them independently during use Bingo Elements diagnostic unit FIFTH GENERATION APEX LOCATORS based on the multi-frequency closed circuit human body's oral cavity. ROOT-PI (III) Denjoy dental, exclusive manufacturer in China working width The most important objective of root canal therapy is to minimize the number of microorganisms and pathologic debris in root canal systems to prevent or treat apical periodontitis. Thorough instrumentation of the apical region has long been considered to be an essential component in the cleaning and shaping process. It was discussed as a critical step as early as 1931 by Groove Simon later recognized the apical area as the critical zone for instrumentation. Other authors also concluded that the last few millimeters that approach the apical foramen are critical in the instrumentation process. Horizontal dimension of RC system more complicated than vertical dimension Difficult to investigate horizontal dimension as it varies greatly at each vertical level of the canal In principle, however, preparing each canal to a specific apical diameter as per its initial apical size may better equip the clinician to provide a more predictable canal preparation. SHAPE Kuttler (1955) & Mizutani et al (1992) oval, long oval, ribbon shaped or round Wu et al (2000) – 25% of apical construction had long o val shape Mauger et al (1998) 51 – 78% did not have round apical constriction Apical construction is not uniformly round or irregular oval size of the apical preparation: determine the pre-operative canal diameter by passing consecutively larger instruments to the WL until one binds The first size that binds at the working length is called the initial apical file (IAF) Factors affecting the determination of minimal initial apical width Canal shape. Instrume nt used Curvatur e Taper Length Canaal wall irregularities Content Preflaring Studies have reported that initial flaring before determining the apical size may give a more accurate measurement of the apex Tan and Messer reported that the apical diameter proved to be at least one file size bigger once preflaring was done. Tan BT, Messer HH. The effect of instrument type and preflaring on apical file size determination. Int Endod J 2002;35:752– 8. Contreras et al. reported the apical size to be two file sizes bigger after preflaring with Gates-Glidden drills. Contreras MA, Zinman EH, Kaplan SK. Comparison of the first file that fits at the apex, before and after early flaring. J Endod 2001;27:113– 6. Pecora et al. reported that the instrument used for preflaring played a major role in determining the anatomical diameter at the working length (WL) Pecora JD, Capelli A, Guerisoli DM, Spano JC, Estrela C. Influence of cervical preflaring on apical file size determination. Int Endod J 2005 Final width of canal The classic test for determining correct width finding of clean, white dentin shavings on the flutes of the reamers and files. But, does not necessarily indicate thorough removal of tissue, debris, and affected dentin Many canals are oval or ribbon shaped in cross section. Clean, white dentin shavings are attainable from walls close to each other, but the far walls may be completely untouched while this sign is obtained According to Weine, The master apical file size is suggested to be the three ISO file sizes larger than the initial binding file. The file three sizes larger than the first file that binds is called the master apical file (MAF) Tooth Maxillary Grossman Tronstad ■ Glickman and Dumsha Weine Centrals 80-90 70-90 35-60 3 sizes Laterals 70-80 60-80 25-40 3 sizes Canines 50-60 50-70 30-50 3 sizes First premolars 30-40 35-90 25-40 3 sizes Second premolars 50-55 35-90 25-40 3 sizes Molars 30-55-50 3 sizes MB/DB 35-60 25-40 3 sizes P 80-100 25-50 3 sizes Mandibular Centrals 40-50 35-70 25-40 3 sizes Laterals 40-50 35-70 25-40 3 sizes Canines 50-55 50-70 30-50 3 sizes First premolars 30-40 35-70 30-50 3 sizes Second premolars 50-55 35-70 30-50 3 sizes Molars 30-55-50 3 sizes MB ML 35-45 25-40 3 sizes D 40-80 25-50 3 sizes Studies suggested that root canal have not been thoroughly cleaned even after being enlarged 3 size greater than their original diameters. Jou YT, Karabucak B, Levin J, Liu D. Endodontic working width: current concepts and techniques. Dent Clin North Am 2004;48:323–35. – Histologic studies showing canals that were instrumented to three sizes larger still were not thoroughly cleaned Walton 1976 Earlier research has shown that canals needed to be enlarged to at least #35 file for adequate irrigation to reach the apical third Salzgeber RM, Brilliant JD. An in vivo evaluation of the penetration of an irrigating solution in root canals. J Endod 1977 Ram et al had concluded that canals need to be enlarged to a #40 file size so that maximum irrigation is in contact with the apical debris. Ram Z. Effectiveness of root canal irrigation. Oral Surg 1977. Larger instrumentation sizes not only allow proper irrigation but also significantly decrease remaining bacteria in the canal system. Orstavik et al. (IEJ 1991) demonstrated that instrumentation with a #45 file decreased the bacterial growth by 10-fold. Sjogren et al.( IEJ 1991) reported that a #40 file decreased bacteria better than smaller sized files. Dalton et al.( JOE 1998) also showed with increasing file size, there was an increasing reduction of bacteria. The study of Yared and Dagher who reported that a #25 file was as efficient as a #40 file for reducing residual microorganisms. Yared GM, Dagher FE. Influence of apical enlargement on bacterial infection during treatment of apical periodontitis. J Endod 1994 Buchanan (2001)has advocated minimal apical preparation (e.g. #20 or #25) based on his clinical opinions. He proposed that enlarging the canal size would cause apical transportation or zips. These techniques focus more on minimal apical A 4-6 year clinical study on endodontic outcomes favored smaller preparation sizes with tapered shapes to larger shapes. 90% and 80% success rate respectively Treatment outcomes in Endodontics: the Toronto Study. Phase I and II. Friedman et al Journal of Endodontics 2004; 30:9 Baumgartner in his study concluded that an apical preparation size 20 would be inferior to size 30 and 40 regarding canal debridement but a larger taper (0.10) may potentially compensate for smaller sizes. Baumgartner et al. influence of instrument size on root canal debridement Journal of Endodontics 2004;30:110 Mickel et al based on microbiological assays found that apical preparation to size 30 is required to effectively clean root canals Mickel AK, Chogle S, Liddle J. The role of apical size determination and enlargement in the reduction of intracanal bacteria. Journal of Endodontics 2007; 33:21 ROOT END RESECTION methods to locate the root apex radiographic method methylene blue dye preferentially stains PDL visual methodroot structure has a yellowish colour root texture is smooth and hard /bone is granular, porous Extent of apical resection 3mm apical resection –to eliminate most of lateral canals and apical deltas Bevel angle Earlier 45 degree bevel angle placed to bring apical foramen labially At present 0-10 degree benefit of microsurgical procedures Advantages minimizes removal of excess buccal cortical plate exposes fewer dentinal tubules thus preventing excess leakage and contamination Case report 1 A, A clinical photograph of a 34-year-old man with swelling in the buccal furcation area of his mandibular right first molar, tooth #30. He gives a history of previous root canal treatment with silver cones that required retreatment . B, A preoperative radiograph. C and D, After root resection, inspection of the root and root tip is important. Note the accessory canals associated with the root tip. E, A clinical photograph taken after root end resection and filling. Note the perpendicular resection as well as the pathologic defect. F, A radiograph of the completed root end filling .G and H, A 1-year recall photograph and radiograph demonstrate resolution of the lesion and osseous regeneration. Case report 2 A, Preoperative clinical photograph of a draining sinus tract opposite the maxillary right second premolar, tooth #4, 6 months after retreatment. The adjacent teeth were responsive to pulp testing with C02 . B, Preoperative radiograph demonstrates a periradicular radiolucent area. C, A clinical photograph of theD, resected root end A postoperativ e radiograph PROCEDURAL ERRORS SEEN AT THE ROOTAPEX Procedural accidents in endodontics are those unfortunate occurrences that happen during treatment, some due to inattention to detail, and others totally unpredictable . LEDGING Any deviation from the original canal curvature results in the formation of a ledge. CAUSES Inadequate access cavity preparation False estimation of pulp space direction Failure to pre-curve SS instruments Failure to use instruments in a sequential manner Attempt to retrieve separated instruments Attempt to prepare calcified canals Recognition: A ledge is suspected when the root canal instrument can no longer be inserted into the canal to full working length Correction: Pre-curved No. 10 file is used to bypass the defect and to explore the canal to the apex Use a lubricant, irrigate frequently to removal dentin chip, maintain a curve on the file tip, and using short file strokes press the instrument against the canal wall where the ledge is located. Prevention: Pre-curving instruments and not “forcing” them is APICAL TRANSPORTATION Moving the position of the position of the canal’s physiologic terminus to a new iatrogenic location on the external root surface is called transportation of the foramen . Correction: Mineral trioxide aggregate is barrier ofchoice. In severe cases where barrier technique cant be created corrective surgery is r equired . Prevention: Don’t use large instrument initially. Correct determination of working lengt h PERFORATION An artificial opening in a tooth or its root , created by boring, piercing ,or cutting, which results in a communication between the pulp space and the periodontal tissues Incidence 3-10% Level: More apical the perforation, more favorable the prognosis. Size: Perforation size greatly affect the clinician’s ability to establish a hermetic seal. Mathematically described as - r2 (r = radius). Therefore doubling the perforation size with any bur or instrument increases the surface area to seal fourfold. Time: Regardless of cause, perforation should be repaired as soon as possible to discourage further loss of attachment and prevent sulcular breakdown. Treatment sequence: Perforation defect should be repaired before proceeding with definitive endodontic treatment. 1. Haemostatics: e.g. Calcium hydroxide, collagen, calcium surface. - ferric sulfate, leave a coagulum behind that may promote bacterial growth compromising the seal at the tooth and illusrative interface. 2. Barrier Material: a. Resorbable. . Collagen materials: (Collacote) 2. Calcium sulfate: (Capset) b. Non Resorbable. i) MTA (Mineral trioxide aggregate) Apical perforations This type of perforation occurs through the apical foramen or through the body of the root. Etiology: Instrumentation of canal beyond the apical foramen. Incorrect WL or inability to maintain proper WL causes blowing out of the apical foramen Treatment: establish a new WL, creating an apical seat and obturating the canal to its new length. The new WL should be established 12mm short of the point of perforation. ZIPPING OR ELLIPTICATION Transportation or transposition of the apical portion of the canal Ledge Zipping Perforati on LOSS OF PATENCY Canal may suddenly loose patency during a cleaning and shaping process. Causes tissue compression, debris accumulation or instrument separation. CONCLUSION The crux of endodontics revolves around efficient & effective manipulation & obturation of the apical third Appreciable knowledge of the morphology of the root apex and its variance, ability to interpret it correctly in radiographs, and to feel it through tactile sensation during instrumentation are essential for an effective rendering of the treatment of root canals. A hallmark of the apical region is its variability and unpredictability. Because of the tremendous variation in canal shapes and diameters there is concern about a clinicians ability to shape and clean canals in all dimensions. The ability to accomplish this depends upon the anatomy of the root canal system, the dimensions of canal walls and the final size of enlarging instruments. THANK YOU