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Human Anatomy Crossword Puzzle: Skeleton & Organs

In this crossword puzzle, you can apply the new words. There are used words to the human skeleton
and also words to the internal organs.
1. This is one of the organs you can find in the thorax. It is necessary for breathing.
2. This parts of the body contains most of the organs.
3. This part of the skeleton protects our brain.
4. This organ can be taken out of the body if it makes pain. It is very small and you find it in the
5. This organ works like a pump. When its stops working the person dies.
6. This part of the skeleton consists of 33 small bones. At its one end you can find the skull.
7. In this organ the food enters after passing the oesophagus.
8. We have twelve pairs of these bones. Together with the breastbone they form a protective
cage for the organs in the thorax.
9. These bones you can find at the bottom of your hands.
10. If you drink too much, this organ will be damaged.
Crossword (help card)
These are the German terms for the human internal organs. They are not in the right order.
Wurmfortsatz, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Dickdarm, Speiseröhre, After, Leber, Dünndarm,
Magen, Enddarm, Gallenblase, Zwölffingerdarm,
Crossword (help card)
These are the German terms for the human internal organs. They are not in the right order.
Wurmfortsatz, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Dickdarm, Speiseröhre, After, Leber, Dünndarm,
Magen, Enddarm, Gallenblase, Zwölffingerdarm,
Crossword (help card)
These are the German terms for the human internal organs. They are not in the right order.
Wurmfortsatz, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Dickdarm, Speiseröhre, After, Leber, Dünndarm,
Magen, Enddarm, Gallenblase, Zwölffingerdarm,
Crossword (help card)
These are the German terms for the human internal organs. They are not in the right order.
Wurmfortsatz, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Dickdarm, Speiseröhre, After, Leber, Dünndarm,
Magen, Enddarm, Gallenblase, Zwölffingerdarm,