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HDF 212 Exam 3 Study Guide: Marriage, Family, Violence

HDF 212 -- Exam 3 Study Guide
Marriage and Communication/Conflict
What is the general trend of marital satisfaction over the life of a marital relationship? What are
2 main reasons cited for decline in marital satisfaction? At what point in the life of a couple is
marital satisfaction at its lowest? What are correlates (or factors) in marital satisfaction?
John Gottman: What methods did Gottman use in his research? What are the couple
interaction/conflict styles? How do the interaction/conflict styles of Gottman differ in
emotionality expressed and efforts to persuade a partner? What are the 4 horsemen and why
are they a problem in relationships? What are the characteristics of each horseman? What is
difference between complaint and criticism? What are Gottman’s principles for making
marriage work? 8 marriage tips? What is flooding? What does it mean to “soften the startup”?
What is the magic ratio?
Chapter 10 Marriage Ed Programs – which are helpful, which are not so helpful? What is the
marital stability? marital satisfaction? What are Cuber and Haroff five types of marriages? Can
you recognize the types by example? Which of Cuber and Haroff types are most and least
common? Marital happiness/satisfaction and what is needed to have it? What does “his and
her marriage” mean? General Communication techniques.—eye contact, open ended
questions, I statements, reflective listening, etc.-- how does each help? Verbal and non-verbal
Transition to Parenthood
What are the 4 reactions to pregnancy described by Cowan and Cowan. What is the role of
gender ideology in transition to parenthood? What are the three patterns of change for couples
as they become parents? Of these, who is likely to have best adjustment (characteristics)? How
does having children change a marriage? 5 problematic areas in relationship of couples
becoming parents.
What is infertility? What causes it? Is it attributed more to men or women? Assisted
reproduction technologies. In vetro fertilization, artificial insemination.
Intimate Violence, lecture and readings.
What is intimate partner violence? Distinguish between family violence researchers perspective and the
perspective of feminist researchers. What was Michael Johnson’s contribution to our understanding of
partner violence? Compare intimate terrorism and situational partner violence. What is the cycle of
violence? At what stage in the cycle is the woman hooked into the relationship? What are the stages in
the cycle of violence? Describe the differences between power and control.
Child Abuse. What are the forms of child abuse? What kind is most prevalent? Who is most likely to
cause death of infant?