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Gifted Education Case Studies Bibliography


Bibliography for Gifted and Talented Education Case Studies

Breedlove, L. (2018). Characteristics of Gifted Learners. In Introduction to Gifted

Education (pp. 55-75).

Brennan, D. (Ed.). (2019, March 23). What Is Dyslexia? What Causes It? Retrieved March 25,

2019, from https://www.webmd.com

Cross, T.L., Anderson, L., Mammadov, S., & Cross, J.R. (2018). Social and Emotional

Development of Students with Gifts and Talents. In Introduction to Gifted Education (pp.


Durwin, C. C., & Reese-Weber, M. (2018). EdPsych: Modules (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA:


Hébert, Thomas P. (2018). An Examination of High-Achieving First-Generation College

Students from Low-Income Backgrounds. Gifted Child Quarterly , 62(1), pp. 96–110. doi: 10.1177/0016986217738051.

Hébert, Thomas P. (2011). Jermaine: A Critical Case Study of a Gifted Black Child Living in

Rural Poverty. Gifted Child Quarterly , 45(2), pp. 85–103. doi: 10.1177/001698620104500203.

Inman, T. F., & Roberts, J.L. (2018). Differentiation. In Introduction to Gifted Education (pp. 5-


Jolly, J. L., & Robins, J. H. (2018). History of Gifted Education. In Introduction to Gifted

Education (pp. 17-30).

Pereles, D., Coleman, M.R., & Baldwin, L. (2018). Meeting the Needs of Students Who Are

Twice-Exceptional. In Introduction to Gifted Education (pp. 399-412).

Renzulli, J. S., Smith, L. H., White, A. J., Callahan, C. M., Hartman, R. K., Westberg, K. L.,

Gavin, M. K., Reis, S. M., Siegle, D., & Sytsma, R. (2013). Scales for rating the behavioral characteristics of superior students.

Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Robinson, A. (2018). Conceptional Frameworks in Gifted Education as the Foundation for

Services. In Introduction to Gifted Education (pp. 5-15).

Speirs Neumeister, K. (2007). Perfectionism in Gifted Students: An Overview of Current

Research. Gifted Education International, 23 (3), pp. 254-263. doi:


Stephens, K. R. (2018). Enrichment: In and Out of School. In Introduction to Gifted

Education (pp. 213-236).
