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Tourism: The Major Industry of Thailand

Tourism: The Major Industry of Thailand
Nature provides each country particularities. Some countries have abundant natural
resources whereas the others have abundant natural tourist attractions. Thailand is lucky in both
respects; there are plentiful gifts that nature gives the country. Therefore, the country utilizes the
luck to feed the entire country as a main source of income. However, tourism has both positive
and negative aspects. The essay will demonstrate both sides of significance of tourism industry.
First of all, there are some negative aspects of the majority of tourism in Thailand. Firstly,
it fundamentally affects environment. If there are a tremendous number of people visiting natural
tourist attractions, the places are more likely to be damaged by selfishness hidden in humans’
souls. There is one statement comparing a difference between humans and animals: when
animals step somewhere, they leave only their tracks; on the other hand, humans not only leave
their footprints but also a few pieces of garbage. A few pieces of garbage from each person in a
large number can accumulate and turn to be mountains of waste destroying a pleasant
environment. Economy, moreover, is also influenced. If the tourism industry gets in trouble due
to natural disasters or civil wars as Thailand faced before, the economy will be crippled. This is
because tourism contributes a large proportion of country’s revenue. When the country lose a
large number of income, it will make the economy frantic.
Nevertheless, the importance of tourism also has positive consequences. Firstly, tourism
industry contributes to a great economic development. A huge amount of money is circulating in
the country’s economy. Travelers spend their money on local products and services. The
government taxes both citizens and visitors when they trade in order to improve the entire nation
and subsidize other sections. If the economy is good and the infrastructure is developed, it will
attract more foreign private investment. It will make the economy growing up steadily. In addition,
the tourism industry leads to language education enhancement. Because there are millions of
foreigners coming to Thailand, people will be pressured to learn nonnative languages to obtain
better opportunities of their lives. It, besides, make the country has an amazing image globally.
Most attractive countries have friendly and welcoming images that attract people to visit.
To conclude, being a major industry of tourism has both positive and negative
consequences. From my perspective, it should be encouraged because its benefits far outweigh
its drawbacks in terms of economics and education including general development. The risks of
economic collapse due to tourism chaos can be avoided since the country has other main sources
of income, such as agriculture industry, and the government including all of citizens can conserve
the environment properly for future generations of Thai people.
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