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Leadership Team Meeting Notes: School Culture

Notes for Leadership Team Meeting
Celebrate the positive—look for it in our students and our teachers
The only way to change culture is to give people new experiences
Three categories of teachers in a school (Anthony Muhammad: redefining the Norm):
 Believers
 Tweeners
 Fundamentalists
Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad
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Making people do the work is the best way to change the culture
Capistrano School District, Kim Bailey Adapted by Laurie Robinson-Sammons, 2014 Adapted
by WRSD, 2015 (Google Doc for 2018-19 Grade 3 Unit 2 ELA Unit Plan MM)—great example
of a detailed unit plan
Teachers sometimes put up meaningless tasks that create an academic obstacle course to get a
distribution of grades. Those who don’t comply are allowed to sink into the abyss.
“Fundamentalists” don’t believe that all students can or will learn and
Why people don’t change
 Not given a clear reason
 Don’t trust the person who tells them to change
 They view the alternative as more frightening
 Belief that change is admitting failure
Bring all handouts and examples of products generated by the team for next meeting in March