Uploaded by Saira Mubashir Butt/GM/Education/HO

Choral Reading Research Proposal: EAL Class 2 Impact

Criteria for the Research Proposal
I. Overview and research question(s):
1. What is the area under investigation? Who is the research audience? What is the research
The Research Questions
There are two research questions, these being:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of choral reading as the only
reading instructional strategy adopted for class 2 EAL students?
What is the impact of choral reading on reading attainment for students in
Class 2?
2. What hypothesis does this study seek to test (what tentative answers will be tested)?
Students taught to read via choral reading alone are unable to pass the Dynamic
Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (Dibels) grade 2 reading assessment.
3. Describe the importance of the question, context, etc.
This research is being conducted at the request of the Director Education
Operations. The research is important in that:
o Students’ ability to read is fundamental to their success both in society and
in their educational careers.
o Parents trust the school to equip their children with the knowledge and skills
needed to succeed academically.
o Schools need to know if the instructional strategies adopted by them are
equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed for them to read at
an age appropriate level.
4. Describe the selected case(s)/sample(s) under study. What are the reasons for choosing them? If
there is more than one case or sample type, will there be a comparative focus of the research?
5. How will this research add to the field of education and particularly Beaconhouse School System?
What are the potential implications of the research?
II. Background literature and theoretical framework
1. What is the main literature in which you will embed your chosen topic and research question(s)?
Demonstrate the knowledge of selected area by discussing the depth and breadth of existing work in
the selected area.
2. What are the key debates and how will your research contribute to these?
3. What concepts and ideas underpin the research?
4. Provide rationale to support the specified hypothesis as the next logical step in answering your
research question
III. Research design
1. What are the main variables and what explanatory argument is the research pursuing?
2. What will not be explained through the research?
IV. Research methods
1. What is the main form of evidence/data. What methods will be used to gain the evidence to address
the question(s)?
2. This research is a mixed method study of choral reading as the main strategy used to teach reading
in class 2.
3. “The overall goal of mixed methods research, of combining qualitative and quantitative
research components, is to expand and strengthen a study’s conclusions and, therefore,
contribute to the published literature. In all studies, the use of mixed methods should
contribute to answering one’s research questions”.
4. What methods of analysis will be used?
5. Explain why are the chosen methods the most suitable?
6. How feasible is the chosen methodology, especially given the availability and accessibility of any
data needed for the research?
V. Research limitations
1. Internal or Formal limitations
1. Issues of reliability and validity due to the material and procedures used
2. The ways in which critical terms are defined
3. The applicability, or generalizability of any results
2. External limitations
1. Constraints on time, scope, and budget. Limitations on travel
2. Changes in current situations, (e.g. evolving political situation)
VI. Ethics
1. Are there any ethical issues attached to the planned research?
2. If so how will these be dealt with? This is important particularly if the research involves human
participation, especially children’s participation