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Choral Speaking vs Echo Reading: English Module

Quarter 3 – Module 8:
Differentiating Choral Speaking
from Echo Reading
English – Grade 2
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 8: Choral Speaking and Echo Reading
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 3 – Module 8:
Differentiating Choral Speaking
from Echo Reading
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our
dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home.
Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are
carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall
guide you step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson
prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on
lessons in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on
completing this module or if you need to ask your facilitator or
your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson.
At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to
self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the
Teacher are also provided to our facilitators and parents for
strategies and reminders on how they can best help you on your
home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary
marks on any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in
answering the exercises and tests. And read the instructions
carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in
answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your
teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
You enjoy doing things alone or with someone.
Playing with friends makes you happy. Participating in
choral speaking and echo reading of short poems,
rhymes, and stories with repeated patterns and refrains in
English may also give you that feeling.
This module gives you information and activities for
you to develop imagination and creativity, encourage
teamwork, develop a sense of performance, and improve
your skill in matching the spoken word with the printed
word (Jennings, Caldwell, and Lerner, 2014).
It also lets you enjoy short poems, rhymes, and stories
while learning.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. differentiate choral speaking from echo reading;
2. practice reading the repeated patterns and refrains
in short poems, rhymes, and stories;
3. participate in choral speaking and echo reading of
short poems, rhymes, and stories observing correct
volume of voice, reading speed, and intonation.
What I Know
Directions: Put a check in the box if the poem, rhyme, or
story is recited through choral speaking and draw a star if
it is done through echo reading. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Fly Little Mia
: Fly little Mia.
Boys : Spread your wings, little Mia.
Girls : Can you see the sky?
: Is it fun to fly?
2. Pretty Dragonflies
Teacher : Red dragonflies
Row 1
: Green dragonflies
Row 2
: Blue dragonflies
Row 3
: Gold dragonflies
: How many dragonflies are there?
3. Ice Cream
Teacher : Is it hot?
: Is it hot?
Teacher : Or maybe not,
: Or maybe not,
Teacher : Because I have a cone of ice
: Because I have a cone of ice
Teacher : Banana, strawberry, ube cream.
: Banana, strawberry, ube cream.
4. Shiny Oranges
: Oh, shiny oranges!
: Mother bought so many.
: Oh, shiny oranges!
: One, two, three
: Oh, shiny oranges!
: Give strength to my body.
: Oh, shiny oranges!
5. Basket of Fruits
Teacher : Mama came home from the town market
with a big basket. “Mama what is that?” said
Mart. “It is a guava,” said Mama. “Oh, it’s a
guava!” said Mart.
: Mama came home from the town market
with a big basket. “Mama what is that?” said
Mart. “It is a guava,” said Mama. “Oh, it’s a
guava!” said Mart.
Teacher : “Mama what is that?”
Mama said, “It is a
banana.” “Oh, it’s a
banana!” Then, Mama
washed the fruits with
clean water.
: “Mama what is that?” Mama said, “It is a
banana.” “Oh, it’s a banana!” Then, Mama
washed the fruits with clean water.
Differentiating Choral Speaking
from Echo Reading
This module provides you with activities that will
enhance your skill in differentiating choral speaking from
echo reading. You will also learn while having fun in
reading short poems, rhymes, and stories with repeated
patterns and refrains.
What’s In
In your previous lesson, you learned that you could
identify the theme by looking for clue words. This time, you
will also be looking for clue words but it will be easier
because the words or phrases are repeated, and a guide
will help you.
On the first reading, your facilitator will try this popular
nursery rhyme alone. Then, on the second reading, you
will see A and B. The A part is for your facilitator and the B
part is for you.
First reading: Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Second reading: Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
A: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
B: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
A: And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
B: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Did you find the activity easy? If yes, then you are
doing a good job!
What’s New
Ask your parent or guardian to read the underlined words
for you. Listen to them carefully as they read the words
with proper intonation and pronunciation. Use your index
finger to point through the line while you are listening.
Shiny Oranges
: Oh, shiny oranges!
: Mother bought so many.
: Oh, shiny oranges!
: One, two, three
: Oh, shiny oranges!
: Give strength to my body.
: Oh, shiny oranges!
It is easy, right? This time, read it with a friend or with
your brother or sister. Reading with someone using a
guide like the lines under the words makes it easier and
What is It
Did someone read the words first before you?
Did you find reading easier and enjoyable when you
have a partner or with friends?
Did you follow through while pointing your fingers at
the words?
Did you find it fun when the lines in the poem were
distributed among you and your friends and when you
read altogether in some parts?
The activities above used a strategy called echo
reading and choral speaking.
In echo reading, the teacher reads a line first and
the students repeat it (Tompkins, 2009). The teacher
models the way of reading.
While choral speaking is reciting together of a poem
or a piece of prose by children who impart the meaning
of the selection clearly and spontaneously (Garrison,
Earlier in What’s New, you asked your parent or
guardian to read the lines for you before your turn. That
strategy is called echo reading.
On the other hand, choral speaking is when you read
with a friend or sibling where you can see the “All” part
and with a line under the words.
The term “All” is only one of the many ways on how
to do choral speaking. You can read with friends or a
specific group given by the teacher.
You should also consider the volume of your voice,
reading speed, and intonation.
Here are some tips on how to master the skill with
your groupmates.
The volume of your voice must be heard by the last
person in your audience. Practice inhaling deeply and
opening your mouth widely to achieve maximum volume.
Reading speed
Your reading speed must not be very fast nor very
slow. Make sure that the listener can still understand the
words and ideas that you deliver.
Changing the tone of your voice can attract listeners
and make them more interested. You can show emotions,
emphasis or attitudes when speaking.
You can try the following examples: trembling voice
when scared, shouting when excited, or whispering when
Let us try echo reading with this short example from
What I Know. You can replace “Teacher” with anyone
who is available in your family.
Fly Little Mia
: Fly little Mia.
: Fly little Mia.
: Spread your wings, little Mia.
: Spread your wings, little Mia.
: Can you see the sky?
: Can you see the sky?
: Is it fun to fly?
: Is it fun to fly?
Having the presence of a model gives you the
confidence to read the words correctly, right? Good job!
Let us try choral speaking this time. You need two or
three family members so you can read the lines based on
the directions given.
Pretty Dragonflies
: Red dragonflies,
Family member 1 : Green dragonflies,
Family member 2 : Blue dragonflies,
Family member 3 : Gold dragonflies,
: How many dragonflies are there?
Is the second example fun to read? Did you read the
last line altogether? You are doing great!
What’s More
3 points
2 points
1 point
Volume of the
and Intonation
Capable of
Capable of
with minimal
with little
clarity and
has difficulty
in modulating
How many
words were
2 or more
One word was
words were
Reading in
Smooth flow of One reader is
slow or fast
Very poor
A. Directions: Ask your parents, guardian, or facilitator to
read the poem first for you. Then, get a partner. Read
the lines of A and ask your partner to read the lines of B.
Free Time
A--- Now that I have a free time,
B--- I can play more games.
A--- I can read more books.
B--- I can draw more landscapes.
A--- I can eat more fruits.
B--- I can swim in the river.
A--- I can ride my bike, too,
B--- Now that I have a free time.
B. Directions: Read in unison with a partner.
Tik, tok! Tik, tok!
Rain in the morning.
Tik, tok! Tik,tok!
Rain in the afternoon.
Tik, tok! Tik,tok!
Rain in the evening.
Tik,tok! Tik,tok!
C. Directions: Read altogether with your family.
Good Morning
Did you fix your bed? Yes, mama.
Did you fold your blanket? Yes, mama.
Did you brush your teeth? Yes, mama.
Did you wash your face? Yes, mama.
D. Directions: Read with your sister or brother.
Snack Time
: Palitaw over there,
He/She : Champorado over here,
: Banana que over there,
He/She : Camote fries over here,
He/She : Turon over there,
: Biko over here,
He/She : Nilupak over there,
: Lumpia over here,
: Hmmmm, it is snack time!
E. Directions: Ask your friends to read the first line (number
words) then you read every second line.
How About You?
One, two
I can cook, too.
Three, four
I can sweep the floor.
Five, six
I can fold the bed sheets.
Seven, eight
I can wash my plate.
Nine, ten
Count again.
F. Directions: Read in unison with three or more members.
Follow the rubric for mastery of the skill.
Are You Healthy, Too?
I like calamansi juice.
Do you like it, too?
I like pineapple juice.
Do you like it, too?
When I get sick,
My mama lets me drink them.
So, I can be strong and healthy again.
G. Directions: Use your finger or pencil to run through the
words while you are reading.
Please, pass me the pink floater.
Please, pass me the green salad.
Please, pass me the big white towel.
Please, pass me the blue beach ball.
Please, pass me the red watermelon.
Please, pass me the cold orange juice.
H. Directions: Ask your parent or guardian to read the lines
for you. Then, repeat after him/her.
What I Love About Summer
Summer heat
Arm floaters
White sand
Grilled fish
Big towels
Heavy waves
Clear water
Colorful sunset
Nice hair braids
Shiny seashells
Juicy watermelons
What I Have Learned
A. Complete the sentences. Write only the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
a. the teacher reads a line first and the students repeat
b. reciting together of a poem or a piece of prose by
children who impart the meaning of the selection
clearly and spontaneously
c. volume of voice
d. intonation
e. reading speed
_____ 1. I have learned that choral speaking is _________.
_____ 2. Echo reading means that ___________.
B. Identify what is described in each number. Choose
your answers from the box. Write the letter only.
_____ 3. I can master my skill in choral speaking and echo
reading if I follow tips like changing the tone of
my voice to attract listeners.
_____ 4. I will always remember to make sure that listeners
from the back part of the audience can hear me
_____ 5. I will not speak very fast nor very slow.
What I Can Do
Directions: Read the poem below in front of your family or
friends. On a separate sheet of paper, ask them to give
you points based on the rubric below.
Summer Hues
There are different colors of flowers.
There are red flowers.
There are yellow flowers.
There are pink flowers.
There are orange flowers.
There are violet flowers.
There are white flowers.
So, no matter what colors they are,
Please, do not pick them.
Directions: Read the story below with two or three cousins
or siblings in front of your family. Follow the rubric to get
mastery of the skill.
Friends and Plants
Rosa and Lily are in the garden. They are taking care
of the plants. They want to grow their plants well. But
some plants are almost withered. The next day, Rosa and
Lily water the plants, pull out the weeds, and plow the soil.
The garden is beautiful because the plants grew well.
Additional Activities
Directions: Read the poem below with two or three friends
in front of your family. Follow the rubric to get mastery of
the skill. Ask your family to record your score on a
separate sheet of paper.
Summer is Over
Boom! The thunder was
It almost banged my chest.
Then, followed by a rushing
pour of rain.
I looked by the window.
I realized that summer is
Rainy season is here.
What I Know
1. /
2. /
3. ★
4. /
5. ★
What’s More
A, B, C, D, E and H - Normal, capable of
pronouncing, phrasing and modulating
correctly, complete words, smooth flow of
F and G – none
What I Can Do
Normal, capable of pronouncing, phrasing
and modulating correctly, complete
words, smooth flow of reading
Normal, capable of pronouncing, phrasing
and modulating correctly, complete
words, smooth flow of reading
Additional Activities
Normal, capable of pronouncing, phrasing
and modulating correctly, complete
words, smooth flow of reading
Answer Key
Anthony, Rose Marie. "Choral Speaking: Frog on the Log".
Cguenter.Yourweb.Csuchico.Edu, 2020.
Boyd, Nathalie. "Choral Reading, Repeated Reading & Assisted
Reading: Definition & Activities". Study.Com, 2020.
Garrison, Geraldine. "Bibliography of Choral Speaking in the
Elementary School". The Speech Teacher 3, no. 2 (1954):
107-111. doi:10.1080/03634525409376673.
Kolb, Gayla. "The Reading Teacher". Newark 50, no. 1 (1996): 76.
Larsen, Sarah, and Missy Tellinghuisen. "RTI: Early Literacy
Intervention - Milaca Public Schools". Milaca.K12.Mn.Us,
2019. https://www.milaca.k12.mn.us/page/2509.
"Lesson Plan: Session 3: Echo Reading and Fluency: RDLA152.156".
Canvas.Pbsteacherline.Org, 2019.
Morphez, Jenylyn. 2020. "K To 12 Curriculum Guide ENGLISH".
Shanahan, Timothy. "Classroom Strategies". Reading Rockets, 2020.
“What Is Intonation?” twinkl.com.ph. Accessed January 4,
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For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)
Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600