Early Mobility in the ICU Andrew Sims SPTA Some Statistics -More than 5.7 million patients are admitted annually to intensive care units (ICUs) in the United States (U.S.) for intensive or invasive monitoring -Approximately 20% of acute care admissions are to an ICU -Up to 58% of emergency department admissions result in an ICU admission. Society of Critical Care Medicine Critical Care Statistics in the US 2014 Learning Objectives 1. Discuss benefits of early mobility 2. Identify barriers to early mobility and harms of bedrest 3. Recognize that early mobility is safe and feasible in the ICU 4. Discuss the clinical problem of delirium 5. Apply specific assessment tools to evaluate altered mental function and/or delirium BED REST vs. IMMOBILITY Bed rest: - Medical treatment involving a period of consistent day and night recumbence in bed - It is a procedure that can be potentially harmful to patients - It contributes to deconditioning, NOT recovery Immobility: “Immovable, fixed, not moving, motionless” - In a young healthy adult, 45% of body weight is muscle - Skeletal muscle strength may decline 1% to 1.5% per day of strict bed rest - When limbs are immobilized by cast, the decline in strength may be even more significant, ~5% to 6% per day Crit Care Clin 2007 (23) 97-110 Harms of Bed Rest - ICU acquired weakness - Skeletal muscle atrophy - Delirium - Increased anxiety - Pressure Sores - Increased risk of secondary infections ICUAW - Generalized muscle weakness which develops during the course of an ICU admission and for which no other cause can be identified besides the acute illness or its treatment. Occurs in: - 33% of patients on ventilators - 50% of patients with serious infection/sepsis - 50% of patients who stay in the ICU at least one week Society of Critical Care Medicine ICUAW • Predictor of: - Prolonged weaning from ventilator (up to 20 days!) - Mortality • Effects are long lasting - 60% with continued muscle dysfunction after 1 year - Only 49% able to return to work • Key contributor to post intensive care syndrome (PICS) • ICU delirium and ICUAW are both predictors of poor outcomes Herrige et al NEJM 2011 De Jonge et al CCM2007 (35) - Two center randomized, controlled trial - Study design paired SAT/SBT protocol with PT/OT from earliest days of mechanical ventilation N=104 Early PT/OT Short-term outcomes EARLY PT+OT (n=49) USUAL CARE (n=55) ICU- acquired weakness 31% 49% Ventilator-free days (out of 28) 23.5 21.1 ICU LOS (days) 5.9 7.9 Hospital Mortality 18% 25% Early PT/OT and Delirium Time in ICU with Delirium EARLY PT+OT (n=49) USUAL CARE (n=55) 33% 57% Evidenced-Based Mobility Benefits - Greater functional independence at discharge - Decreased duration of delirium - Decreased time on ventilator - Decreased length of hospital stay - Decreased medical costs - Improved neurocognitive outcomes Needham et al 2010; 91:536 So… What Exactly is Early Mobility? Early Mobility Includes: • Positioning • ROM • Strengthening exercises • Chest PT • Breathing Exercises • Education • Mobilization Team Members Include: • RNs/PCTs • Physical and Occupational Therapists • MDs • Respiratory Therapists • Pharmacists • Family ICU Delirium Key Features 1. Disturbance of consciousness with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention 2. A change in cognition or the development of a perceptual disturbance that is not accounted for by pre-existing, established, or evolving dementia 3. Develops over a short period of time and tends to fluctuate over the course of the day 4. There is evidence from the H&P and/or labs that the disturbance is caused by a medical condition, substance intoxication, or medication side effect - Can be hypo or hyperactive 2013 Boston Globe Article on ICU Delirium “…drowning, poisoned by nursing, crawling on the floor of a walk-in freezer full of amputated limbs” – Female Nurse Age 45 “The ICU was a horror show of people trying to kill me, ants crawling on faces, finding myself on a raft, in a space-pod . . . in the Arctic, in the desert . . . each with its own terrible narrative.” - Filmmaker and college professor from Maine ““Too often we give people so much sedation that they can’t remember anything and we are doing that in order to protect them. But now we know that the total absence of memory is a driver of PTSD” - Dr. Ely, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Confusion Assessment Method- ICU Confusion Assessment Method- ICU • Assesses 4 aspects of a patient’s cognition and arousal while in the intensive care unit. – Acute change or fluctuating mental status – Inattention – Level of Arousal – Disorganized Thinking Advantages • Developed specifically for use in the acute care setting. • Valid and Reliable (Gusmao-Flores, 2012) • Prognostic indicators (Brummel, 2014; Balas, 2009; Abelha, 2013) - CAM ICU positive is consistent with increased risk for ADL dependency up to 1 year. - CAM ICU positive is consistent with increased risk for discharge to location other than home. Limitation - Not as valid or reliable for use outside of the ICU setting.