IT Project Management in Information System Development : A Systematic Lirerature Review Riswanto Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia Abstract— To achieve maximum results in an information system development project, standards and best practices are needed to help a manager complete an IS project with good results. Standards and best practices in project management consist of processes and techniques that have been developed in the past few decades by international standardization agencies to handle project management in providing the best results in IS development. Some standards including PMBOK, ISO 21500: 2012, and PRINCE2 have been widely used in IS projects around the world to achieve maximum results.. Keywords—Information System; Project Management; Information Technology; Standard; Best Practice; PMBOK, ISO 21500:2012, PRINCE2 Software Development I. INTRODUCTION Project management is a discipline that regulates skills, knowledge, tools, and techniques that help in the management of a successful software development project. The project management framework consists of stakeholders, knowledge, tools, and methods for managing and controlling a software development project [1]. According to [2] Project management is the application of methods, tools, techniques, and competencies to a project. Project management includes the integration of the various phases of the project life cycle. Project management is performed through processes. The processes selected for performing a project should be aligned in a systemic view. Each phase of the project life cycle should have specific deliverables. These deliverables should be regularly reviewed during the project to meet the requirements of the sponsor, customers and other stakeholders. Standards on project management are made by practitioners where project managers must adhere to these standards. Standards on IT project management were initially only developed for organizational strategies and the development of project manager competencies [3]. Project management best practice guides consisting of processes and techniques have been developed in the past few decades to handle project management to deliver the best results in software development. However, project management is still a complicated job that many meet unsatisfactory results [4]. Effective project management techniques improve reliability, productivity, employee morale, profits, and reduce development time and costs in software development [1]. Therefore, a comparison of methods and standards is needed based on best practices and existing experiences that have been tested and give maximum results in information systems development projects. This comparison is expected to provide an overview of methods and standards in information system project management. Similarly, project management certification has evolved into a profession and something important in project management. Project management competencies and expertise are key factors to realize a successful project [5]. The primary method used for the synthesis of literary journals is a systematic literature review (SLR). SLR is a rigorous methodological review of research results that aims to gather all available evidence on research questions to support the development of evidence-based guidelines for practitioners. The evidence here is defined as a synthesis of the results of scientific studies of the highest quality on a particular topic or research question [6]. On this paper, we will conduct a systematic literature review to look for methods, techniques, and tools used in information systems development projects, as well as existing standards and best practices and their comparisons with each other. II. METHODOLOGY A. Research question Based on the description given in the introduction section, and to maintain the focus of the research, the research questions are arranged as follows : RQ1. What are the project management methods, standards, and best practices used in information system development? RQ.2 What are the differences between these methods, standards and their comparison? B. Search Process Searches are done on journal papers published from 2014 to 2019 through digital journal databases. The following is a list of journal databases used: • • • • • ScienceDirect ACM Digital Library IEEE Access Emerald Insight Scopus PICOC (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Context) criteria use to compile search strings in a journal database and identify related research to the topic being discussed [7]. Searches are limited to English language journal papers only, then we select based on the abstraction, keyword and research conclusion contained in the journal paper which falls into the category of PICOC criteria as shown in table 1. Table 1. PICOC Summary Population Information system, IS/IT project management, best practice, standard, method, methodology Intervention Information system project management, software project management, software development, framework, best practice, project management standard Comparison n/a Outcomes Project management standard or framework Context Studies in information system development From the search results on the Scopus database using predetermined keywords obtained 87 documents related to the topics discussed. Mendeley software is used to manage journal search results, and then a selection is based on the title and abstract related to the specified PICOC criteria. From the results of the selected preference, several journals were chosen which represent the topics being discussed. III. RESEARCH RESULT Project management expertise and competency continually emerge as a critical factor for realizing project success. The CHAOS Chronicles and Prosperous report are two studies that describe the level of performance of IT projects in the United States and South Africa that report the success, challenges, and failures of IT projects with the following categories [8], [9]: • Successful project A successful project is a project that is delivered on time, within budget, within scope and complies with the quality requirements. It delivers strong value, the expected value. • Challenged project A challenged project is a project that is completed, but is either late, over-budget or does not meet all the requirements. It delivers moderate value, less than what was anticipated. • Failed project A failed project is a project that is never completed or does not meet customer requirements. It delivers very little value or no value at all. A project is a unique set of processes consisting of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective [10]. The project has its uniqueness related to the time frame, building Site, results, stakeholders, constraints, and resources needed. Its uniqueness makes each project a particular case, which is often only a few lessons that can be transferred to other projects. Therefore, projects generally require planning and management that are far more complex than repetitive work. Especially in long-term projects, these characteristics are often more challenging because of their long duration, high costs and many stakeholders involved [11]. A standard is a formal document that describes established norms, methods, processes, and practices. The knowledge contained in this standard has evolved from the recognized good practices of project management practitioners who have contributed to the development of this standard [12]. PM standards can have a significant impact on project success because PM standards are organizational guidelines and the way the project is managed, and how stakeholders outside the project view and trust the organization, and are responsible for the project [11]. There are several standards well known in information system development projects, some of which are developed by international standardization bodies that are already well known. It has been recognized over the past few decades that project management is an efficient tool for handling new or complex project activities. It is essential to investigate the extent to which project management standards are used, to identify opportunities for improvement [4]. Following are some of the standards that exist in information systems development projects: 1. Project management bodies of knowledge (PMBOK) PMBOK was developed by the Project Management Institute to guide managing projects, programs, and portfolio. This standard is widely accepted which helps organizations achieve professional excellence when applied consistently [13]. The PMBOK contains the globally recognized standard and guide for the project management profession. PMBOK has the following process groups: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. Who identifies ten knowledge areas for organizing processes, integration, stakeholders, scales, time, cost, risk, quality, procurement, and communication [4]. 1.1. Initiating Process Group The initiation phase seeks to understand stakeholder expectations, define project scope, determine project success criteria, resources initiation, and authorize the project at the end of this phase. The Initiation Process helps establish a vision of what must be achieved. This is where the sponsor authorizes the official project, the initial scope is determined, and stakeholders are identified. Identification of stakeholders is critical here because of correct identification (and subsequent management) of stakeholders can make or break the project. This process group is carried out so that projects and programs are not only approved by the sponsoring entity but also so that the project is aligned with the organization's strategic goals. If this is not done, the project can be started and carried out carelessly, without any stated goals or real objectives [14]. 1.2. Planning Process Group At this stage, the project management plan is defined along with the project documents that will be used in the entire project. This process is carried out repeatedly and continuously. Therefore any new information obtained and having an effect on the change of plan must be reviewed. An essential element of planning is to determine the total scope of the project. While it might seem as if it was achieved in Getting Started, the scope (along with risks, milestones, summaries, and budgets) is defined there at a high level. Here, through a repetitive and more detailed planning process, called progressive elaboration, project documents are developed at a much more detailed level [14]. 1.3. Executing Process Group In this phase, there are several core tasks, including acquiring, developing, managing the project team, and distributing information. Here is where the project team starts doing the work of creating the deliverables while the project manager coordinates those resources. And if that were the only thing that occurred, that might be enough. But several other things must happen during executing. [14]. Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Plan Schedule management Define activities Sequence Sequence activities Estimate activity resources Estimate activity duration Develop schedule Control schedule Cost 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. Plan Cost management Estimate Estimate costs Determine budget Control costs Plan Human Resource management Acquire project team Develop Develop project team Managent Manage project team Plan Quality management Perform Perform quality assurance Control quality Plan Risk managemen Identify risks Perform qualitative risk analysis Perform quantitative risk analysis Plan risk responses Control risks Identify stakeholders Plan stakeholders management Manage stakeholders engagement Control stakeholders engagement 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Plan Communications management Manage Manage communications Control communications Plan Procurement management Conduct Conduct procurements Control Control procurements Close Close procurements Human Resources Quality Risk 1.4. Monitoring and controlling Process Group While the other process groups occur sequentially, Monitoring and Controlling hover over the whole project and so, happen throughout the project and are not linear. This phase is talking about the process of supervision and control of the budget and time. The project manager needs to always update information with stakeholders about project progress and team performance through ongoing reports and documentation [14]. 1.5. Closing Process Group This phase is the last in PMBOK; the Closing process contains documentation of experiences that have been obtained during project implementation. Closing does not only close the project formally, but you also get sign-offs and receipts from customers. Even though this must be clear, too often the project fails. People stopped coming to meetings, and everyone only appeared at the next meeting. Best practice determines that the rigidity applied to the rest of the project must be used here too. The project manager must formally close the project by filing notes, holding lesson sessions, and celebrating and releasing the team. And the lessons learned along with other historical information must be archived centrally to be used as input for future projects to prevent the re-creation of wheels [11]. Table 2. Ten knowledge areas of PMBOK [4] [11] [15] Integration Scope 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Develop Project Charter Develop Develop project management plan Direct and manage project work Monitor and control project work Perform integrated Change Control Close project or phase Plan Scope management Collect Collect requirements Define scope Create Create WBS Validate scope Control scope Stakeholder Communication Procurement 2. ISO 21500:2012 ISO 21500 is an international de jure standard which is a general guide to project management throughout the world [11]. ISO 21500:2012 provides guidance for project management and can be used by any type of organization, including public, private or community organizations, and for any type of project, irrespective of complexity, size or duration. ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives [16]. ISO 21500: 2012 guides essential concepts and processes in project management, and has an impact on improving project performance. These standards provide high-level descriptions of concepts and procedures that are considered to form good practices in project management. Projects are placed in the context of the program and project portfolio. However, this International Standard does not provide detailed guidance on the management of project programs and portfolios [4]. ISO 21500 guides project management and can be used by all types of organizations, for all kinds of projects, regardless of complexity, size or duration. This international standard describes high-level concepts and processes that are considered to form good practices in project management. It identifies project management processes that are recommended for use throughout the project as a whole, for the individual phase or both. ISO 21500 is currently an informative standard, based on best practices accepted throughout the world [17]. ISO 21500: 2012 identifies the following process groups: initiating, planning, implementing, controlling and closing. It also identifies 10 "subjects" for the organizing process which include: integration; stakeholders, scope, source, time, cost, risk; quality; purchase; and communication [4]. These 5 group life cycle processes can be described as follow: be taken and change requests made, when necessary, in order to achieve project objectives [2]. 2.5. Closing process group As in the PMBOK phase, this phase is the last phase at ISO 21500, the Closing process contains documentation of the experience that has been obtained during project implementation [14] [11]. The closing processes are used to formally establish that the project phase or project is finished, and to provide lessons learned to be considered and implemented as necessary [2]. Table 3. Project Management processes per subject/knowledge area [4] [11] [15] of ISO 21500:2012 Integration 2.1. Initiating process group In ISO 21500, Initiating are used to start a project or a project phase, to define the project phase or project objectives and to authorize the project manager to proceed with the project work. This process contains the development of a project base, such as the definition of the project phase and project objectives [11]. The initiating processes are used to start a project phase or project, to define the project phase or project objectives and to authorize the project manager to proceed with the project work [2]. 2.2. Planning process group The ISO 21500 Planning process group contains detailed plan development and dissociation of other projects. This process contains time and cost planning, risk management, quality and communication which is the content of the ISO 21500 Planning process group. The planning processes are used to develop planning detail. This detail should be sufficient to establish baselines against which project implementation can be managed and project performance can be measured and controlled [2] [11]. 2.3. Implementing process group The realization of the planning process is explained in the ISO 21500 Implementation process group [11]. The implementing processes are used to perform the project management activities and to support the provision of the project’s deliverables in accordance with the project plans [2]. 2.4. Controlling process group In ISO 21500, the Control process group is separated by the implementation phase and deals with project monitoring to detect irregularities that occur outside of the plan, as well as to serve preventive measures if necessary [14] [11]. The controlling processes are used to monitor, measure and control project performance against the project plan. Consequently, preventive and corrective actions may Scope Time Cost Resources Quality Risk Stakeholder Communication Procurement 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. Develop Project Charter Develop project plans Direct Direct project work Control project work Control Control changes Close project phase or project Collect lessons learned Define scope Create Work Breakdown Structure Define activities Control scope Sequence activities Estimate activity durations Develop schedule Control schedule Estimate costs Develop budget Control costs Establish project team Estimate resources Define project organization Develop project team Control resources Manage project team Plan quality Perform quality assurance Perform quality control Identify risks Assess risk Treat risks Control risks Identify stakeholders Manage stakeholders Plan Communications Distribute information Manage communications 1. 2. 3. Plan procurements Select suppliers Administer contracts PRINCE2 PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environment) is a well-known standard in project management. Prince2 was proposed in 1996 after PMBOK by APMG in the UK and was expanded by the British government. Prince2 is the result of the experience of managers, experts, and consultants in the field of project management [18]. Based on the definition of [19] PRINCE2 is a de facto process-based method for effective project management. Widely used by the British Government, PRINCE2 is also widely recognized and used in the private sector, both in the UK and internationally. The PRINCE2 method is in the public domain and offers guidance on non-ownership best practices in project management. Prince2 contains four modules: principles that provide guidance for successful PMs, themes that provide PM subjects, processes and adaptations to the environment, for example cultural differences [11]. There are several main features of Prince2, including focusing on business justification, the organizational structure set for project management teams, product-based planning approaches, emphasis on sharing projects into manageable and controllable stages, a flexibility that can be applied at the appropriate level to the project [19]. In PRINCE2 there are seven processes, including a set of activities required for project control, management and successful delivery of the projects [18][20]. The seven processes in PRINCE2 are [21]: checked, planned, how communication will be done. [24]. • Directing a Project (DP) The purpose of the Directing a Project process is to enable the Project Board to be accountable for the project by making critical decisions, to have overall control and delegate day-to-day management of the project to the Project Manager [25]. This process is intended for the Project Board. The Project Board is in charge of managing and monitoring through reports and controls from several decision points. The key processes for the Project Board break into four main areas [25] [22] : - • Starting up a Project (SU) This is the first process in PRINCE2. These are the stages of the pre-project process, which are designed to ensure that the prerequisites for starting the project already exist. This process expects a Project Mandate that defines in terms of the high level of reasons for the project and what results are sought. Starting a Project must be very short. Process work is built around the production of three elements, namely ensuring that the information needed for the project team is available, design and designate the Project Management Team, and make a Plan for the Initiation Phase [22]. The purpose of this process is to answer the question about worthwhile and viable project. The project mandate is usually the only document that exists when this process starts, and this is not enough information for the Project Board to decide to begin the Initiation Stage. Therefore, the purpose of this process is to provide the Project Board with the information required to judge if the project is worthwhile. They use the Project Brief, which will contain information on the Business Case. Another essential purpose of the Starting Up a Project process is to prevent poor projects from starting up. This process should be brief; perhaps that’s where we get the name, Project Brief. The aim is to do the minimum necessary to see if it is worthwhile doing the Initiation stage [23]. • Initiating a Project (IP) The purpose of the Initiating a Project process is to understand the work that needs to be done to deliver the required products. This understanding is necessary before deciding to continue with the project. Some questions to ask about the project like reasons for doing the project and the Benefits and Risks, Scope, a quality that will be achieved, risks, project monitoring, and how will PRINCE2 be tailored to suit the project. During Initiating a Project, the Project Manager will be creating a collection of management products to show: how the project will be managed, the cost, how quality will be - Initiation (starting the project off on the right foot) Stage boundaries (commitment of more resources after checking results so far) Ad hoc direction (monitoring progress, providing advice and guidance, reacting to exception situations) Project closure (confirming the project outcome and controlled close) This process does not cover the day-to-day activities of the Project Manager • Controlling a Stage CS) This process explains the monitoring activities and control of the Project Manager involved in the project and ensures that a stage stays on track and reacts to unexpected events. The process forms the core of the Project Manager's efforts on the project, becoming a process that handles day-to-day project management [22]. The purpose of the Controlling a Stage process (CS) is for the Project Manager to assign the work to be done, monitor this work, deal with issues, report progress to the Project Board and take corrective action to ensure that the stage remains within tolerance [26]. In this process there will be a cycle consisting of : - Authorising work to be done Gathering progress information about that work Watching for changes Reviewing the situation Reporting Taking any necessary corrective action. • Managing Product Delivery (MP) Managing Product Delivery process is to manage and control the work between the Project Manager and the Team Manager by placing specific formal requirements on the accepting, executing, and delivery of products. The Managing Product Delivery process views the project from the Team Manager’s point of view in the same way the Controlling a Stage process is from the Project Manager [27]. The objective of this process is to ensure that planned products are created and delivered by [22]: - Making certain that work on products allocated to the team is effectively authorized and agreed on accepting and checking Work Packages Ensuring that work conforms to the requirements of interfaces identified in the Work Package Ensuring that the work is done Assessing work progress and forecasts regularly Ensuring that completed products meet quality criteria Obtaining approval for the completed products • Managing a Stage Boundary (SB) Managing a Stage Boundary process has two parts, first the Project Manager has to provide the Project Board with an overview of the performance of the current stage, update the Project Plan and Business Case, and create a Stage Plan for the next step, second this information will enable the Project Board to review the current scene, approve the next stage, consider the updated Project Plan, and confirm Continued Business Justification [28]. This process provides the Project Board with key decision points on whether to continue with the project or not [22]. The objectives of the process are to: - - Assure the Project Board that all deliverables planned in the current Stage Plan have been completed as defined Provide the information needed for the Project Board to assess the continuing viability of the project Provide the Project Board with information needed to approve the current stage's completion and authorize the start of the next stage, together with its delegated tolerance level Record any measurements or lessons which can help later stages of this project and/or other projects • Closing a Project (CP) The Closing a Project process is to provide a fixed point to check that the project has reached its objectives and that the products have been accepted [29]. The purpose of this process is to execute a controlled close to the project. This process includes the work of the Project Manager to complete the project either in the end or at an early closing. Most of the work is to prepare input to the Project Board to get confirmation that the project can be closed [22]. The objectives of Closing a Project are therefore to: - Check the extent to which the objectives or aims set out in the Project Initiation Document (PID) have been met Confirm the extent of the fulfillment of the Project Initiation Document (PID) and the Customer's satisfaction with the deliverables Obtain formal acceptance of the deliverables Ensure to what extent all expected products have been handed over and accepted by the Customer - Confirm that maintenance and operation arrangements are in place (where appropriate) Make any recommendations for follow-on actions Capture lessons resulting from the project and complete the Lessons Learned Report Prepare an End Project Report Notify the host organisation of the intention to disband the project organisation and resources. IV. CONCLUSIONS In the previous chapter, we described three standards in project management that are popularly used in information systems development projects. But in addition to these standards, there are still many standards that are commonly used in information systems development projects but are not discussed in the literature review this time. From the previous discussion we can summarize the management project standards as follows: Table 4. Project management group process comparison PMBOK ISO 21500:2012 PRINCE2 Initiating Process Group Initiating process group Starting up a Project (SU) Planning Process Group Planning process group Initiating a Project (IP) Executing Process Group Implementing process group Directing a Project (DP) Monitoring and controlling Process Group Controlling process group Controlling a Stage CS) Closing Process Group Closing process group Managing Product Delivery (MP) Managing a Stage Boundary (SB) Closing a Project (CP) The structure of PMBOK and ISO 21500:2012 is quite similar, and the comparison between these two standards is rather simple. In contrast to that, the mapping of the processes of ISO 21500 and PMBOK to processes of PRINCE2 is more difficult. In PRINCE2 there is no explicit mapping between processes and subject groups. Comparing standards can be done by looking for comparable content from groups of subjects in the PRINCE2 theme and principle [11]. Table 5. Project management subject groups comparison PMBOK ISO 21500:2012 PRINCE2 Integration Integration (Theme: Business Case) Scope Scope (Theme: Business Case) Time Time Plans Cost Cost Plans Human Resources Resources Plans Quality Quality Quality Risk Risk Risk/Change Table 5. Project management subject groups comparison [13] “Foundational Standards - PMBOK | Project Management Institute.” [Online]. Available: Stakeholder Stakeholder (Principle: Defined Roles and Responsibility) Communication Communication - Glória J#x00FA;nior, and C. D. 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