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To Kill a Mockingbird Project Assignment

To Kill a Mockingbird- PROJECTS
Working independently, or in a group if you choose option 3, you must choose 2 of the 6 projects below. You will
not have class time to work, and some of these assignment will require extensive additional time out of class.
1. Boo’s Diary- You may use drawings you invent, pictures you cut from magazines, small objects, or simply write the
entries. What do you think he is thinking as he goes through the events of the story and his part of the plot? How does he
see those events? How does he see the children? What does he think is happening? How can you show what he thinks is
happening without words? Diary must have at least 7 entries.
2. Illustrate three scenes- The illustrations must be relevant to the novel. Because some of us are not as artistically
inclined as others, you may use magazine cut outs, or symbols. You need to use your imagination and your book! If you
use typing paper, pen and pencil only, you will not receive a grade higher than a D, for this part of your project. There is a
list of ideas on the bottom of this page.
3. Make a Video- (This is the only project where groups can combine.) Realistically reenact one of the scenes. Your video
must stay true to the dialogue and plot of the novel, and be between 5 and 10 minutes in length. Costumes are helpful,
especially for those of you genlemen who are playing Scout. There is a list of ideas for scenes on the bottom of this page.
The video must be put onto a jump drive that the teacher may keep to be considered complete.
4. Rewrite the last scene.- The catch with this assignment is that you must rewrite the final night as Boo Radley or Bob
Ewell (pick one) might have told it. Some things to consider: Explain why you were out walking late that night? Were you
waiting for the children? How come you had a knife? Must be at least two pages in length and in final draft quality.
5. Maycomb Newspaper- Create a 4-8 page newspaper similar to the Maycomb Tribune. Things you might want to
include: obituaries, gossip, editorials, news about the town etc.
6. Research Poster- Select one of the following historical events from the list that follows, and using the internet, research
the facts about your topic. Create a poster that highlights the important points. You can add pictures if you want. You
must include a works cited page that includes the websites where you got your information. The poster should have 1015 facts, and be in your own words. Possible topics: Harper Lee, Truman Capote, the Scottsboro Trials, Jim Crow
laws, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Great Depression, the symbol of the Mockingbird as used in the novel.
1. Compare/contrast Dill with Truman Capote
2. The Radley house/ yard
3. The Ewells: Burris, Mayella, Bob
4. Kids playing Boo Radley
5. Kids sneaking into the Radley lot
6. Jem discovering his mended pants
7. The snow/ snowman
8. Finding the gifts in the tree
9. Miss Maudie’s home (either before, or during fire)
10. Francis/ the fight
11. Christmas time in the Finch house
12. Atticus shooting Tim Johnson
13. Mrs. Dubose: Jem breaking flower stems, or reading to her
14. Church with Cal or Cal’s church
15. Aunt Alexandra sitting on the porch
16. Maycomb (downtown)
17. Jem and Scout getting picked on
18. Scout and Jem saving Atticus
19. People in town for the trial
20. Ewell’s place
*You are not limited to this list but
must get prior approval for a different scene.
Be creative, be safe and HAVE FUN!!!
PROJECT DUE DATE: December 11th or 12th