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To Kill a Mockingbird Final Test

To Kill a Mockingbird
Final Test
Mrs. Ladd
Name: ________________________________________________
Part One: Character Matching. 1 point each.
Match the character to their correct description by placing the letter on the line provided.
____1. Atticus Finch
A. Scout's brother
____2. Scout
B. the defendant on trial for rape
____3. Jem
C. farmer who won't take charity
____4. Calpurnia
D. gossipy neighbor
____5. Aunt Alexandra
E. the cook
____6. Dill
F. she was allegedly raped
____7. Judge Taylor
G. narrator
____8. Miss Maudie
H. first grade teacher
____9. Mrs. Dubose
I. presiding judge at the trial
____10. Arthur (Boo) Radley
J. Atticus' sister
____11. Tom Robinson
K. pretends to be a drunk
____12. Heck Tate
L. lawyer who defends Tom
____13. Bob Ewell
M. old lady who yells at the children
____14. Mayella Ewell
N. Cal's preacher
____15. Walter Cunningham, Sr.
____16. Rev. Sykes
____17. Stephanie Crawford
O. summertime neighbor of the Finch children
P. mysterious neighbor
Q. organizes the local Halloween pageant
____18. Caroline Fisher
R. the sheriff
____19. Mr. Gilmer
S. attacks the children
____20. Dolphus Raymond
T. open-minded neighbor friendly to the children
____21. Mr. Underwood
U. the prosecuting attorney
____22. Mrs. Grace Merriweather
V. He used to employ Tom, but now employs Helen
____23. Miss Gates
W. Editor, publisher, and printer of The Maycomb
____24. Link Deas
X. Scout’s 3rd grade teacher who teaches about Hitler’s
prejudiced behaviors
Part Two. Multiple Choice. 1 point each.
___ 1. Atticus’ profession is:
a. a cook
b. a lawyer
c. a writer for the newspaper
d. the jail keeper
___ 2. This novel takes place in this time
a. 1990s
b. 1930s
c. 1800s
d. 1970s
___ 3. Scout’s mother is:
a. still alive
b. living somewhere in Massachusetts
c. dead
d. a lawyer
___ 4. Scout, Jem & Dill often spend their
a. trying to lure Boo Radley out of his home
b. reading adventure novels
c. playing on Rachel’s swing set
d. studying
___ 5. It is rumored that Boo Radley once:
a. tried to run away from school
b. went to the same school as Scout
c. raped a girl while she was sleeping
d. stabbed his father with a pair of scissors
___ 6. Dill once dared Jem to:
a. yell to Boo Radley in the middle of the
b. run up and touch the Radley door
c. run naked through a cemetery
d. ask Nathan Radley for a cookie
___ 7. Scout’s first teacher attempts to
discourage Scout from:
a. learning to read from Atticus
b. learning the Dewey Decimal System
c. being friends with Dill
d. listening to Miss Alexandra
___ 8. Walter Cunningham is a boy in
Scout’s class who:
a. comes from a very poor, but respectable,
b. dislikes Aunt Alexandra immensely
c. tries to beat Jem up
d. really dislikes Scout and avoids her
___ 9. Walter puts ________ all over his
meat and vegetables, which Scout thinks is
extremely weird.
a. salt
b. molasses
c. syrup
d. gravy
___ 10. Miss Caroline, Scout’s teacher, is
horrified by _________ on the first day of
a. a bug that crawls out of Burris Ewell’s
b. Walter Cunningham
c. the smell of the classroom
d. the fact that Scout is too mean
___ 11. Scout and Jem often find _________
in a tree by the Radley house.
a. treats and toys for them to keep
b. bullets
c. Boo Radley hiding
d. none of the above
___ 12. Scout accidentally landed
________________ when rolling inside of a
a. on the Radley lawn
b. in front of the jailhouse
c. at Miss Maudie’s house
d. at Bob Ewell’s house
___18. Like in the novel, Harper Lee’s father
was like Scout’s father in that:
a. he was a lawyer
b. parts of his name was used for other
c. he was widowed
d. all of the above
___13. Who tucks Scout in at the end of the
a. Aunt Alexandra
b. Boo Radley
c. Heck Tate
d. Atticus Finch
___19. All of the following are appropriate
themes for To Kill a Mockingbird EXCEPT:
a. Justice
b. Religion
c. Social Acceptance
d. Prejudice
___14. To Kill a Mockingbird was published
a. 1931
b. 1960
c. 1920
d. 1972
___20. Victoria Price and Ruby Bates were
alleged victims in:
a. Scottsboro Boys’ Trial
b. Tom Robinson Case
c. Brown vs. Board of Education
d. None of the above
___15. Harper Lee based the novel around
her own hometown of:
a. Monroeville
b. Maycomb
c. Mississippi
d. Magnolia
___21. Ruby Bates decided to:
a. accuse 9 men of rape
b. tell the truth on the stand
c. protest in support of the Scottsboro Boys
d. all of the above
___16. In the Scottsboro Boys’ Trial in the
1930s, 9 African-American men were
accused of:
a. Assaulting other boys
b. Robbery & a hostage situation on a train
c. Raping two white women
d. None of the above
___17. The oldest Scottsboro boy, Clarence
Norris, was pardoned by:
a. George Wallace, 45th governor of
b. Harry S. Truman, 33rd U.S. President
c. Judge James Horton Jr., Scottsboro
d. Franklin Roosevelt, 32nd U.S. President
___22. Jim Crowe laws supported the motto:
a. “You are what you eat”
b. “There’s nothing to fear but fear itself”
c. “Together we are ONE”
d. “Separate but equal”
___23. Mayella Ewell MOST resembles:
a. Ruby Bates
b. Victoria Price
c. Harper Lee
d. None of the above
___24. Harper Lee is like Scout in that:
a. She was 12 years old at the start of a
major trial
b. Her mother was not alive
c. She lived in a town similar to Maycomb
d. All of the above
___25. For the Halloween Pageant, Scout
was dressed up as a:
a. corn on the cob
b. ham
c. cow
d. none of the above
Part Three. True/False.
___26. __________________’s house burns
a. Miss Maudie’s
b. Miss Stephanie Crawford’s
c. Helen Robinson’s
d. Link Deas
_____ 3. Boo Radley stays inside his house
for the entire novel.
___27. What does Jem do for Mrs. Dubose
for several weeks?
a. Cleans her home
b. Picks the weeds from her garden
c. Delivers her groceries
d. Reads to her
___28. Reverend Sykes:
a. is Calpurnia’s preacher
b. is pleased to have the children visit his
c. escorts Scout and Jem to the court room
d. All of the above
___29. What was Helen Robinson’s reaction
to Tom’s death?
a. She fell to her feet in despair and sorrow
b. She was sad, but not very surprised by
the outcome
c. She was angry, and wrote a letter to The
Maycomb Tribune
d. She instantly became depressed, and
never came out of her home again
___30. This is socially accepted in the
southern U.S. in the 1930s:
a. Racism
b. Discrimination
c. Prejudice
d. All of the above
_____ 1. Scout’s real name is Jean Louise.
_____ 2. At the beginning of the novel, Jem
breaks his arm playing football.
_____ 4. Link Deas’ house burns down.
_____ 5. Mrs. Dubose dies while fighting a
drug addiction.
_____ 6. Heck Tate attempts to assault the
Finch children.
_____ 7. Miss Gates demonstrates hypocrisy
to her classroom during a lesson on Hitler.
_____ 8. The setting of the novel was in
Georgia during the 1950s.
_____ 9. Mr. Underwood supported Tom
_____ 10. Mr. Ewell had ten children.
_____ 11. The Scottsboro Boy’s trial accused
9 black men of disorderly conduct and
_____ 12. Aunt Alexandra lives with the
Finches while Atticus works on the court
_____ 13. Tom Robinson is found guilty.
_____ 14. Tom Robinson is shot 12 times by
Bob Ewell.
_____ 15. Boo Radley rescues Scout.
_____ 16. Atticus Finch resigns as a lawyer
after the Tom Robinson case.
Part Four: Short Answer. 4 points each.
Using COMPLETE sentences, answer the following questions below.
1. Explain the details behind the Scottsboro Boys’ Trial. What are two similarities and
two differences between the Scottsboro Boys’ Trial and the major case in To Kill a
2. Compare Sara Smolinsky from Bread Givers to a character of your choice in To Kill a
Mockingbird. Provide examples of how they are similar. Explain how these two characters show
courage and “go against the grain.”
3. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the character Atticus Finch says that he hopes his children
don’t catch “Maycomb’s usual disease” (88). How is prejudice like a disease in this novel? Use
examples using specific examples of “infectious characters.”
Part Five: Quotes. 4 points each.
Choose four of the following quotes to 1) identify who said it and 2) explain using details from
the book. What does the quote really say about the literal situation and situations in general?
Use the attached paper to write your responses. Please do not leave these questions partially
A) “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of
view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
B) “I wanted to you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage
is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin,
but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but
sometimes you do.”
C) “A mob’s always made up of people, no matter what . . . [e]very mob in every little
Southern town is always made up of people you know – doesn’t say much for them,
does it?”
D) “You go ahead, Miss Alexandra, I know it’s been a shock to you. And don’t you fret
yourself about anything – why, if we followed our feelings all the time we’d be like
cats chasin’ their tails.”
E) “As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but
let me tell you something and don’t you forget it – whenever a white man does that
to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes
from, that white man is trash.”
F) “Wh- oh yes, you mean why do I pretend? Well, it’s very simple. Some folks don’t –
like the
way I live. Now I could say the hell with ‘em, I don’t care if they don’t like it. I do say
I don’t care if they don’t like it, right enough – but I don’t say the hell with ‘em, see?”
G) “I said come here, nigger, and bust up this chiffarobe for me, I gotta nickel for you.
He coulda done it easy enough, he could. So he come in the yard an’ I went in the
house to get him the nickel and I turned around an ‘fore I knew it he was on me. Just
run up behind me, he did. He got me round the neck, cussin’ me and sayin’ dirt - I
fought’n’hollered, but he had me round the neck. He hit me agin an’ agin—”
Be sure to indicate which quote you are responding to by indicating its assigned letter.