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To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter One Questions

To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapter One Questions
What are your first impressions of the novel?
Write Three words that describe Scout (The
Write your favorite line from this chapter.
Would you approach the Radley house? Why
or why not?
If Maycomb were a color, what color would it
be AND why?
Describe the narrator of the novel.
How does the choice of narrator determine
the tone of the narrative?
Comment on Scout’s relationship with her
father, as revealed in this chapter.
What do we learn about the setting of this
novel in this initial chapter?
What “unforgivable” act do the Radleys
commit, which makes the town suspicious of
Who is “Boo” Radley?
“Miss Stephanie Crawford said she woke up
in the middle of the night one time and saw
him looking straight through the window at
her...she said his head was like a skull lookin’
at her.”
Do you think this is true? Explain why or why
How and why have the people of Maycomb
demonized Boo Radley?
Why are the children particularly intrigued by
Boo’s story?