Uploaded by Mustafa El-Araby

Glaciology & Oceanography Assignment

Assignment 6
1- A temperate glacier ,as opposed to a polar glacier that is always below freezing point from the
surface to its base , is a glacier that’s essentially at the melting point, so liquid water coexists with
glacier ice.
2- because of the linear relationship between mass balance and (equilibrium-line altitude ) in
terms of two parameters, the effective balance gradient and the balanced-budget equilibrium-line
3- Under the pressure of its own weight and the forces of gravity, a glacier will begin to move, or
flow, outwards and downwards.
4- Glacial landforms can result from the sculpting action of glacial ice. Small rock fragments
embedded in basal ice produce long, parallel striations and grooves, aligned in the direction of ice
flow. In mountainous regions, cirques are produced by frost-wedging, combined with plucking
and abrasion at the glacier bed. A valley that has been shaped by glaciers has a distinctive Ushaped cross section and a floor that lies below its tributary valleys. Smooth, parallel, streamlined
drumlins are elongated parallel to the direction of ice flow .
Some glacial landforms are produced by the deposition of rock debris eroded by the glacier or
dropped onto the glacier’s surface from adjacent cliffs. Till is a glacial sediment that occurs in
unsorted and unstratified deposits. Debris that reaches the margins or terminus of the glacier
may be redistributed by meltwater and deposited as outwash. Moraine deposits form along the
edges or terminus of a glacier, or where two glaciers merge.
51-Formation of ice occurs at approximately -1.8°C
2-As the water begins to freeze, small needle-like crystals
called frazil form. These crystals are typically 3-4 mm in
diameter. During their formation salt is expelled into the
surrounding water, frazil crystals are nearly pure fresh
3-Sheets of ice are able to form when the frazil crystals float
to the top, accumulate, and bond together.
4-The formation and melting of ice is a seasonally variable
6- Melting sea ice has no impact on sea level because it’s
already floating in the ocean.
Melting of land ice causes sea level to rise.
7- Ocean water is vertically stratified as a result of variations
in density (colder, saltier water is denser than warmer,
fresher water).
8- Emergent coasts are a result of local tectonic uplift of the land
surface or a fall in the elevation of sea level because of a reduction
in the water volume of ocean basins.
Submergent Coasts are those that have been flooded by ocean waters because of a relative rise in the
elevation of sea level at that location.
Name: Mustafa El-Araby