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Analyzing Tim Winton's 'Sand': Australian Identity

Focus Questions:
 What image or ideas of Australia are being explored in the text?
 What perspectives of Australian identity are being explored in the texts?
 What type of characters are found in the text?
 What language features and forms are used to create meaning in the text and
give the characters a unique and distinctive Australian voice?
 What experiences of Australia are reflected?
 What is your reaction to these experiences and perspectives. How does it
make you feel?
Analysis of ‘Sand’
What are the Big Ideas in ‘Sand’?
 What ideas about Australia are represented in the text?
 Ideas of Australian Humour and Larrikinism
 Images of the Australian Landscape
 Character relationships
 Perspectives of Childhood innocence
 What aspects of Australian identity and perspectives are shown through the
use of language used by Winton in the text ( Colloquial language, dialogue,
Detailed Character analysis for the characters in ‘Sand’ and look at the
perspectives and aspects of Australian identity being explored in the texts:
Character Profile
Points about Character Evidence from Text
Physical appearance
Attitudes and Beliefs
Role in the story
Class Discussion
Does Winton create distinctive and unique Australian characters? How?
What perspectives and ideas about Australian identity are explored in the
Mentor texts?
What do you like/ dislike about these characters and why?
How does Tim Winton create three dimensional and authentic voices to
explore the Australian perspective?
Big Questions
How does Tim Winton create three dimensional and authentic voices to
explore the Australian perspective?
How do the language features of colloquial language, dialogue, imagery and
characterisation create authentic voices?