American Revolution Timeline: Acts & Colonial Reactions

Indirect tax on
molasses and
Smuggling to avoid taxation
Bribing custom officials to avoid paying duty
Anger of colonists because “Taxation without
Banned colonies from
issuing their own
paper money as legal
tender to pay off debts
to Britain.
The economy of colonies were ruined.
Mercantilism drained resources and a trade deficit was
created making it impossible to pay in gold and silver
Colonial resentment
Direct tax on all
legal and
documents .
-Sons of Liberty threaten and harrass British Stamp agents
- Stamp Act Congress meets, writes Declaration of Rights &
-Boycott of British imports.
-Resentment from business leaders near ports.
Gave British troops unrestricted
access to use any colony’s
building for defense and food.
Basically , colonists had to keep
British troops in their homes.
-Repeal Stamp act but;
Parliament could tax
and make laws for
colonies “in all cases
Indirect tax on
and tea.
-British soilders took jobs from
colonists in Boston shipyards
-Mob forms,british soilders
open fire in self-defense
-5 colonists dead , 16 wounded
-Assemblies refused to
comply/didn’t get along with army
-Began to form meetings about all
the Acts they disliked.
Made Committee of
Correspondence to deal with
More resentment
“No taxation without representation”
Boycott on British clothing,tea
Women spun own clothes , made own
-Called “Boston Massacre” by Paul Revere
increasing resentment
- Paul Revere makes the dramatic painting
describing massacre.
-Allowed British East India
company to ship tea to colonies
without having to pay taxes.
Put colonial tea merchants out of
-In reaction to Tea
party,they closed
port of Boston.
-Gave control of
Ohio river to British
at Quebec.
-British officials
couldn’t be charged
with a crime.
-British live in
colonial homes.
-Ministry’s response
to colonists decision to
boycott British goods.
Colonies are only
allowed to trade with
-Colonists sent petition
to King saying that if
these ACTS were not
forced , Americans
wouldn’t be under
British rule.
-Boston Tea Party – Angry
colonists dumped chests of tea into
Boston Harbor.
-Asked other colonies
to send relief from
scarce supplies.
-First Continental
Congress formed.
-Wrote another
declaration of rights.
-Minutemen (civilian
soilders) units formed.
-Restriction on trade
angered merchants.
More resentment and rebellions
and attacks.
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