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Psychology Lecture Notes: Statistics, Theories, Brain Anatomy

• No need to memorize formulas
• Understand:
• +/- Correlations
• Closer to 1, greater the correlation, closer to 0 the weaker it is
• Normal Distribution/Curve
• Skewed Curves
More Statistics (yay!)
X= sample means, u= Population mean
Reject the null= Significant (Ho is not true)
, Fail to reject the null= Not signficant (Ho
Z score: measure of how many standard
deviations below or above the population
mean a raw score
• Hippocrates’ 4 Humours
• Blood- liver, sanguine nature (enthusiastic, active, and social
• Phlegm- produce aggression
• Black Bile- excess of black bile was understood to cause
• Yellow Bile- associated with apathetic behavior
Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory
Developmental tasks-skills that must be mastered, or personal changes that must take place, for
optimal development.
Psychosocial dilemma- conflict between personal impulses and the social world pg. 306
1. Trust or mistrust (1st year) 2. Autonomy or shame and doubt (1-3 years)
3. Initiative or guilt (3-5 years)
4. Industry or inferiority (6-12 years)
5. Identity or role confusion (12 –19 years)
6. Intimacy or isolation (20-34 years)
7. Generativity or stagnation (35-64 years)
8. Integrity or despair (65+ years)
Anxiety/ Depressive Disorders
Understand Difference between Bi-polar 1&2
• 1= extreme manic episodes with halluciantions
• 2= milder euphoria
• +/- symptoms
• += excess symptoms(hallucinations, delusions, though disorder, referential
thinking, catonia)
• -=decrease of normal function (flat affect/little to no emotion)
Schizophrenia Spectrum
Schizoaffective disorder- patient suffers from major mood episodes
(depressive or manic
Schizophreniform disorder- duration of symptoms is less. The patient has
experienced symptoms for longer than one week but less than six months
Schizotypal personality disorder- pervasive deficits in social and
interpersonal skills, eccentric behavior, discomfort forming close personal
relationships, as well as cognitive and perceptual distortions; ideas of
Schizoid Personality Disorder- avoid social activities and consistently shy
away from interaction with others; not interested in interpersonal
relationships and emotional connections
Central Nervous System (CNS) -consists
of the brain and the spinal cord
ANS divided into two parts: sympathetic
and parasympathetic branches
Includes two parts: Somatic Nervous
System and Autonomic Nervous System
The somatic nervous system (SNS) is the
network linking the spinal cord with the
body and sense organs.
Sympathetic nervous system- The
division of the autonomic nervous system
that coordinates arousal
Parasympathetic nervous system- The
part of the autonomic nervous system
that quiets the body and conserves
Controls voluntarily behavior
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the
collection of axons that carry information
to and from internal organs and glands.
In charge of automatic activities such as
breathing, digestion, heart rate and