Внимательно изучите данную карту. Она поможет вам представить, где располагаются основные англоговорящие страны. English-speaking countries Great Britain is not a large country. Today the official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England is the largest part of Great Britain. English is the official language of all parts of the country. The capital of Great Britain is London. The flag of Great Britain is blue, red and white. It is called Union Jack. In the USA English is the official language, the language of the American nation. In the USA now people speak American English. The capital of the USA is Washington. The bald eagle is the symbol of the USA. The flag is red, blue and white. It is called “Stars and stripes”. There are 50 stars and 13 stripes on it. Canada is in the north of the USA. It is a very large country, larger than the United States. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Canada has two official languages - English and French. The symbol of Canada is the maple leaf. The flag of Canada is red and white. Australia is the smallest continent in the world. It is also an English -speaking country. It lies to the south of the Equator. The capital of Australia is Canberra. The seasons are not the same as they are in the countries north of the Equator. The national symbol of Australia is the kangaroo and the emu. The flag of Australia is blue, red and white. New Zealand is not far from Australia. The national language of New Zealand is also English. The capital of the country Wellington. The seasons in New Zealand are also different from what they are in Britain. The national symbol of New Zealand is the kiwi. The flag of Australia is red, white and blue. 1. Questions 1) What is the capital of the United Kingdom? 2) What is the capital of Canada? 3) What is the capital of Australia? 4) What is the capital of New Zealand? 5) How many stars on the American flag? 6) What is the official language of Canada? 7) What is the national symbol of New Zealand? 8) What is the national symbol of Australia? 9) What is the national symbol of USA? 10) What is the national symbol of Canada? 2. Соотнесите страны и их столицы: Great Britain - _______________ ____________ - Ottawa ____________ - Wellington Australia - _______________ The USA - _______________ 3. Выберите правильный вариант упомянутый в тексте: 1) Official languages of Canada are a) Russian and English b) English and German c) French and English 2) The flag of Great Britain is called: a) Stars and Stripes b) Union Jack c) Maple Leaf 3) Australia lies to the a) South of Equator b) North of Equator c) West of Equator 4) The symbol of the USA is: a) Bald Eagle b) Kiwi c) Kangaroo 5) The capital of New Zealand is: a) London b) Canberra c) Wellington 4. Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте: Не очень большая страна, официальный язык, столица, звезды и полосы, кленовый лист, англо-говорящая страна, национальный символ, белоголовый орлан, американский английский, времена года, красный и белый. 5. Верно или неверно утверждение: 1) The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland and Wales. 2) England is the largest part of Great Britain. 3) English is the official language only of England. 4) The official language of the USA is American. 5) Canada has three official languages. 6) Australia is the smallest continent in the map. 7) The seasons in New Zealand are different from seasons in the USA. 8) The national symbol of Australia is kiwi.