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Canada's Food Guide & Calories Worksheet

Name: ______________________________
Worksheet - Canada’s Food Guide & Calories
1. Complete the following Recommended Number of Food Guide Servings per day table based on YOUR
age and gender:
Age (yrs)
Vegetables &
Milk &
Meat &
2. Check out the following nutritional labels and confirm whether the number of calories listed match
your calculations based on the amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat listed.
Food item A
Food item B
Food item C
3. Using the nutritional labels above, which food item(s):
a) Has the biggest per serving amount?
b) Has the most fat per serving?
c) Has “a lot” of calcium based on Canada’s % Daily Value rating?
d) Has “a lot” of sodium based on Canada’s % Daily Value rating?
4. The maximum sodium intake per day for a healthy adult is 2,300 mg. In order to not exceed this
amount, how many servings can you have per day for:
a) Food item A = ________ servings
b) Item B = ________servings c) Item C = _______ servings
5. Elaine is an 18 year old female who weigh 152 lbs and is 70 inches tall, what is Elaine’s BMR?
6. Assume Elaine is training for an upcoming marathon and trains 2 times a day, 5 times a week for
this. What will Elaine’s TDEE be?
7. After completing the “Calories & BMR” reading – you will have calculated YOUR OWN Basal Metabolic
Rate (BMR) value and Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) value. Record these value below.
Your BMR = ________________________calories/day
Your TDEE = _________________________calories/day
8. Looking back at the nutritional labels above, if all you have to eat for the day is Food Item A – how
much of it do you need to meet your TDEE? _____________________ servings
9. If all you have to eat for the day is Food Item B – how much of it do you need to meet your TDEE?
________ servings
10. Based on your TDEE and following the Canada’s Food Guide, design a menu for 1 full day (includes
breakfast, lunch, snack & dinner). Write this out on a separate piece of paper.
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