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Basic vs. Applied Research: Definitions & Differences

As we have learned, Basic Research is driven purely of interest, curiosity or desire to
expand or advance our knowledge and explore into the unknown. While in Applied Research,
the researcher attempts to solve a problem and answer specific questions. However, the
difference between applied and pure research may be unclear at times; like, there could be
a research student that has a topic regarding the increase of platelets to reduce the risk of
having cancer, but will not have an application in mind, but a masters /doctorate in the same
field could do the same research and solve the problem.
A Pure Research finds information that will help answer a scholarly question and
mainly done in universities and institutes. It aims to improve scientific theories for improved
understanding of certain situations. It also requires extensive secondary research. Academic
research is not directly applicable to the real world in a direct way but enhances our
understanding to the world around us. It does not produce marketable results but may be
used for later study into more specific and profitable applications.
Applied Research is used in business, medicine or education in order to find cure for
diseases, solve scientific problems or develop technology. It helps the researcher to find
answer to a practical question and it resides in the real world, mostly in the private sector. It
uses scientific theories to develop technology or techniques to intervene or alter a situation.
It calls for a primary research. Workplace Research used to answer a specific question that
has direct applications to the world. It has a state-, business-, client-driven purpose.