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Gender Advertising Effects Worksheet

Effects of Gender Based Advertising on society/culture
"Killing Us Softly 4" by Jean Kilbourne ​-- a video about the portrayal of women in advertising
Ethos​ - Why is Kilbourne a credible speaker on this topic? What information does she give to lend to her credibility?
Kilbourne’s overall claims regarding advertising are (up through 5 minutes - before she focuses specifically on women):
Concepts​: Objectification (Person into a thing), Dismemberment (focusing on a part instead of the whole), silencing (taking away a person’s
voice figuratively or literally), Obsession with thinness (one body type).
Kilbourne's Observations - what she has noticed in
Significance of observations on our
Effect on Society/Culture
"Tough Guise" by Jackson Katz​ ​-- a video about representations of men in mass media
Ethos​ - Why is Katz a credible speaker on this topic? What information does he give to lend to his credibility?
Concepts​: Tough Guise (presenting a tough front to mask vulnerabilities), Cool Pose (hypermasculine/menacing persona), Trivialization of
power, sexualization of products
What are Katz’s main points (claims)? What evidence supports her points?
Katz's Observations - what she has noticed in
Significance of observations on
our society/culture
Effect on Society/Culture