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Kenya Water Scarcity: Causes and Reasons

Kenya’s government is bankrupt
(has no money)
This is where there is not enough rainfall, the
area dries out and water is needed for irrigation
or crops will fail.
The population is growing by
almost 3% every year
There is not a lot of water in lakes or rivers so
that if there isn’t enough rain there is no where
else to get water from.
There are not many natural water
More people in the country means more water
is needed.
Kenya suffers from droughts
They have no money to build water pipes and
pumping stations
Kenya’s government is bankrupt
(has no money)
This is where there is not enough rainfall, the
area dries out and water is needed for irrigation
or crops will fail.
The population is growing by
almost 3% every year
There is not a lot of water in lakes or rivers so
that if there isn’t enough rain there is no where
else to get water from.
There are not many natural water
More people in the country means more water
is needed.
Kenya suffers from droughts
They have no money to build water pipes and
pumping stations
Kenya’s government is bankrupt
(has no money)
This is where there is not enough rainfall, the
area dries out and water is needed for irrigation
or crops will fail.
The population is growing by
almost 3% every year
There is not a lot of water in lakes or rivers so
that if there isn’t enough rain there is no where
else to get water from.
There are not many natural water
More people in the country means more water
is needed.
Kenya suffers from droughts
They have no money to build water pipes and
pumping stations