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The Residential Palace: Project Proposal

Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science
The University of Lahore – Sargodha
Muhammad Hassan
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Chapter 1: Final Project Proposal
Whenever people from different countries or cities need to transfer in new city, it was very
difficult for newbies to find their required place to live. Therefore, residential palace will help
people in finding place either to buy or take on rent without any difficulty.
Project Title:
The Residential Palace
Project Overview statement:
The Residential Palace is designed to help the people who come to new in a city like
Sargodha. They could easily find the place Either they want to buy his personal home
or on rent. They do not need to visit more than one office of property dealer. All that
facility is provide on its personal phone.
Project Overview Statement Template
Project Title: Pharmacy Management System
Project Manager: Sir Anas Bilal
Project Members:
Registration #
Muhammad Hassan
Email Address
Project Goal: The main aim of the project is to provide the land information to the people on a single platform
of a specific city. If any person want to build his own home they easily buy building material things on our
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
A single platform for residential and commercial areas.
Person finds the all labor services.
Easily buy all building material in a single first online store.
House for rent is available.
Student also get the rooms/hostel on our site.
Project Success criteria: The system must have a fast response time. : The system provides ease of use,
effectiveness, efficiency, learnability and an overall users’ satisfaction.
Assumptions, Risks and Obstacles: Uneducated user,
Organization Address (if any):
Type of project:
Target End users: New People, Students, Investors
Development Technology: PHP
Web based
Desktop based
Approved By:
Object Oriented
Setup Configurations
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Project Goals & Objectives:
The main aim of the project is to provide a single platform where a
customer can buy home, plot or shop. He get easily home on rent if require.
If he needs any type of help about house building we will provide him.
High-level system components:
User registration
Available plots
Luxury home located in specific area
Labor services
Online Building Material
 Online office 24/7
List of optional functional units:
To launch new house or plots for sale.
Maintain the record of all plots.
Commercial plots for business are available on our sites.
All type of building material is available.
Application Architecture:
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Gantt chart:
Hardware and Software Specification:
Operating System: Windows 10
Processor: core i3
Hard Disk: 40 GB or greater
Tools and technologies used with reasoning:
HTML(For Front End Design)
CSS(For Front End Styling)
BOOTSTRAP(For Front End Styling)
MYSQL(For Back End Development)
PHP(For Front Back Development)
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Project/Product Feasibility Report:
Technical Feasibility:
The technical feasibility describe that is it possible to developed a web
based application which named is “The Residential Palace”. The answer is yes. It
is possible. The team of two members will make the “The Residential Palace” in
an online server. An online server is using programming languages. The languages
will use to design and develop the application of front-end and back-end.
Operational Feasibility:
Some of available applications running limited features. Like The
“Zameen.com” is providing just the land and selling the plots in a specific area of
a country. It does not contain the building materials and other services like labor,
painter, mesons etc. The user faced the problem if he decides to purchase a part of
land in Sargodha. Also he is new one in the city. He even don’t know where is the
constructions company. Our application is a type of Constructions Company
which provides all that building material with labor services.
Economic Feasibility:
The economic feasibility drops in two different parts.
1. Cost Estimates.
2. Benefits Estimates
Cost Estimates:
The charges which will be used to development of “The Residential Palace”
will apply in just one time. If the project manager wants further its maintenance
services. The cost goes increase according to the project.
Benefits Estimates:
We have two types of benefits.
1. Intangible Benefits.
2. Tangible Benefits.
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Tangible Benefits:
To reduce the resources on the project we use intangible
resources in which we reduced the cost & generate maximum profits. Like we are
developer so we don’t heir any developer to build “The Residential Palace”.
Intangible Benefits:
To get intangible benefits we collect the quality information
from different stakeholders, get the satisfaction after completing the project and
gain positive feedback from the environments.
Schedule Feasibility:
It contains the time of the project. To gain a proper web application.
we need to follow the time instructions. The project will be deliver on time
and meet the deadlines. A good product or project is one who’s fulfilling all
the requirements. One of the most is time.
Information Feasibility:
To meet the information feasibility we need to put correct information in
the application. Through the information people relay on our Brand. Our
information should have a proper meaning.
Motivational Feasibility:
Through our web based application people will be motivated because we
follow all necessary steps to provide the information of land and houses in a
specific city. When user come to our site he may view his own choice of land or
house in a specific area of city.
Legal & Ethical Feasibility:
Most important and common factor of every project is copyright. Don’t use
the copyright of any other project/product. Because every product has its own
property and limitations.
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Project/Product Support:
It is a web-based application which gives different facilities to customers
who shifted in a new city. The Residential Palace have different plots/luxury home
and home on rent. These are all available in certain areas. Some homes are post for
sale. If anyone wants to buy building material or home we also provide it. The
customer can be register on our site. The constructions services will be buy
through our website. The services include from house map to setting furniture.
Task Dependency Table
Requirement Gain(T1)
Gantt chart
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Introduction to Team member and their skill set
Zeeshan Ali
Designer & Front-end tester
Muhammad Hassan
Developer & Bug Fixer
Task and Member Assignment Table
Duration (days)
T4 (M2)
Tools and Technology with reasoning
There are following Tools and technology that are used in this project.
HTML(For Front End Design)
CSS(For Front End Styling)
BOOTSTRAP(For Front End Styling with Framework)
MYSQL(For Back End Development Database side)
PHP(For Front Back Development)
Vision Document
This document explains the project development related detail. Such as document that
describe complete specification of Project. That document is initial and a important part of the
project. This documents requirement design engineer gathers all complete requirement that is
necessary for designing and developing a successful project. This document is also used for
verification of product it is according to the client project or not.
This document include following detail, feasibility report is a document that assesses potential
solutions to the business problem or opportunity, and determines which of these are viable for
further analysis. In feasibility report include following points Technical, Operational, Economic,
Schedule, Specification, Information, Motivational, Legal and Ethical.
This document also explain following things in detail Product Scope, Task Dependency Table,
Gantt chart, Introduction to Team member and their skill set, Task and Member Assignment
Table, Tools and Technology with reasoning.
Risk List
Uneducated users
Compromising on designs
Procedural risks
Technical risks
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Unavoidable risks
Product Features/ Product Decomposition
This web base application product shall maintain database.
This product shall allow to view the lands information in a specific area of city.
This product also helps to buy online building material form a single platform.
This product will give the constructions services to the user.
Chapter 3: Second Deliverable For Object Oriented Approach
A person views the all type of land information via residential palace website. Either
anyone wants to buy a luxury home or a house for rent or wants to build his own home. It
also helps him to provide all these facilities. They can get constructions services like
Building material, mason, labors, carpenter, painter, plumber & election.
If anyone doesn’t know where the building associate office is located in a new city, he will
easily find out our platform on his PC/mobile. They can contact us through The Residential
Palace site. He just signup on site and submit information form (iform). After receiving
iform, an employee meets him and visit him all the available plots in the city. We will
provide them labor and construction materials. In some case a person wants to buy a luxury
home on cash then an economical and secures place will be provided.
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Anyone wants only building materials, will also be available for them. That up to-date system
also gives home on rent without losing resource and time. If any student comes to a new city
and visit this website, he can easily find out a single room on rent. He can get a room on
reasonable price.
Requirements elicitation
Requirements analysis and negotiation
Requirements specification
System modeling
Requirements validation
Requirements management
Systems Specifications
We develop a system that run on all system and device.
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
The important information to record includes.
Our website support all these system specification Operating system processor speed memory and
Ram, graphic card.
Existing System
The Residential Palace does not exist. We develop a system that doesn’t have Existing
System. We develop a system like zameen.com.
Organizational Chart
In organization chart we will provide a facility for the customer. This is a better way if a
customer wants to buy a home or a home for rent.
Scope of the System
It is a web-based application which gives different facilities to customers who shifted in a
new city.
The Residential Palace have different plots/luxury home and home on rent. These are all available
in certain areas. Some homes are post for sale. If anyone wants to buy building material or home
we also provide it. The customer can be register on our site. The constructions services will be
buy through our website. The services include from house map to setting furniture.
Summary of Requirements: (Initial Requirements)
We require some of major things for requirements.
 It is a web based application.
 The Internet connection is must be available to visit our site.
 Any person contacts us through call.
 Any person will be able to view all building materials.
 Different type of home is available in certain location.
 Single room also available for students.
Identifying External Entities
In this external entities all the information about homes, plots, home for rent and room
are clearly describe. Through our website customer will able to see where the plots or a luxury
homes located.
The Identification of External Entities is done in two phases.
Over Specify Entities from Abstract:
Our project work like zameen.com in this phase we will provide building material.
Perform Refinement:
Luxury home, plots and home for a rent and a single room available for customer.All the
related detail are describe.
Context Level Data Flow Diagram: // 0 level diagram
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Capture "shall" Statements:
Functional requirements always describe in the form of shall statement.
Allocate Requirements:
Allocate the requirements in the use cases.
Prioritize Requirements:
We will provide al luxury home room and plots. Any new customer sign in with our
website they will be able to see all the services that we provide. They can get constructions
services like Building material, mason, labors, carpenter, painter, plumber & election.
Requirements Trace-ability Matrix:
Anyone wants only building materials, will also be available for them. That up todate system also gives home on rent without losing resource and time. If any student comes
to a new city and visit this website, he can easily find out a single room on rent. He can get a
room on reasonable price.
A person views the all type of land information via residential palace website. Either anyone
wants to buy a luxury home or a house for rent or wants to build his own home. It also helps
him to provide all these facilities. They can get constructions services like Building material,
mason, labors, carpenter, painter, plumber & election.
Business Organization Chart
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Scope of the System
Phase I
Phase I includes following business areas:
 User satisfaction.
 Order Processing
 Have a good interface
Phase II
It satisfies the user requirements.
People easily see all the detailed for each plots and home.
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Summary of Requirements:(Initial Requirements)
The purposed system must fulfill following requirements as follow:
Supplier Department Requirements
Order Management
Any customer will see all our service that we provide any customer will order anything
like a plots, home and a room for rent
Product Inventory
When a new home or plot are available then the office manager will updates all the new
product in the website. The Admin will be able to view, search and modify the Plots home and
Consumer Dealing Department Requirements
It explain how we deal the people and provide service .dealing involve
Product Stock Maintenance
Deal with. Searching ,updating are included in this paragraph
Over Specify Entities from Abstract:
On the basis of the Abstract, one might identify the following entities from the Green Wood case
 Customer
 Payment
 Order
 Account
 Order Product
 Credit Card
 Product
 Request
Perform Refinement:
After over specifying the entities, you have to refine them on the basis of your Business
Logic. For example, in this example we found the following entities more related to our Business
 Include Customers
 Include Inventory
 Include account.
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Capture "shall" Statements:
Initial Requirements
Customer can sign up and register himself.
Manager add the product
Manager update the plots home and room
Manager shall change the product or delete.
System “shall” update the customer’s Request
The system save customer record
A customer “shall” view his details for verification purposes
Any customer shall able to search any type of plots..
System “shall” search any customer details
The system shall palace the order
Customer “shall” make payment through a credit card
Notification well b send to each register customers
It help the customer how to use our website
The system show the status of the product
Customer can login by email and password.
Allocate Requirements:
Para #
Initial Requirements
Use Case Name
Customer shall login with valid email and UC_login
A customer “shall” register himself to the system
The system “shall” provide two types of UC_Place_Order_Request
registration process, normal and privileged
CA “shall”accept, reject and temporarily waive UC_Process_Customer_Request
the requests on the basis of credentials provided.
A customer “shall” login to the system and can UC_Login
change his password
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Chap 4:- Third Deliverable For Object Oriented Approach.
System Sequence Diagram
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Sequence Diagram Add Medicine
Sequence Diagram Delete Medicine
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Sequence Diagram Update Medicine
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Collaboration Diagram
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Class Diagram
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
State chart diagram
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Chapter 5: 2nd and 3rd Deliverable For structured Approach
Analysis & Design Model for structured approach must contain following artifacts:
Entity Relationship Diagram
Data Flow Diagram (Functional Model)
State Transition Diagram (Behavioral Model)
Architecture Design
Component Level Design
Entity Relationship Diagram:
Data flow diagram (Functional Model)
Context Level DFD
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Level 1 Diagram
Level 2 Diagram
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
State Transition Diagram
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019
Department of Computer Science – UOL Sargodha Campus
Project Proposal – The Residential Palace
Component Diagram
Version: 1.0
Date: Feb, 27, 2019