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01 02 Inro to bonding

Name: ___________________________ Period: ______
Regents Chemistry: Guided Notes, 5.3
Date: ___________________
Today’s Objective: SWBAT identify ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds in terms of element classification and properties.
Discussion: Types of Bonding
Bonding occurs between elements to create to create _________________________________
__________________ are composed of atoms of one kind
Atoms of distinct element bond chemically to form ___________________________
Types of Bond
Ionic occurs between _________________ and ____________________
Large difference in electronegativity
__________________ of electrons
Create a ________________________ and ___________________________
Type 1
Covalent Bond Occurs Between ______________________ and __________________________
Small difference in electronegativity
Both nonmetals = High electronegativities
Sharing of ___________________________, overlap_______________________________
Type 2
Metallic occurs between _________________________ and __________________________
_______________________ difference in electronegativity
Both metals = Low electronegativities
“Sea” of electrons, metals ______________________________
Type 3
1.Ionic Compounds
________________ melting and boiling points
Form _________________, “__________________ solids”
Hard and _________________________________
2. Covalent Compounds
____________________________melting and boiling points
3.Metallic Compounds
Electrons are __________________________, conduct ____________________ and ____________________
****Conductivity (the ability or power to conduct or transmit heat, electricity)
Ionic bonds _________________________________
Covalent Bonds ________________________________
Metallic Bond____________________________________
Check for Understanding:
1. An ionic bond can be formed when one or more electrons are
A. equally shared by two atoms
B. unequally shared by two atoms
C. transferred from the nucleus of one atom to
the nucleus of another atom
D. transferred from the valence shell of one atom to the valence shell of another atom
2. Which kind of bond is formed when two atoms share electrons to form a molecule?
A. ionic
B. metallic
C. electrovalent
D. covalent
4.Which substance contains positive ions immersed in a sea of mobile electrons?
A. O2(s)
B. SiO2(s)
C. Cu(s)
D. CuO(s)
What type of bond will form between the following pairs of atoms? (Ionic, Covalent, Metallic)
H and F
Na and O
Cl and Cl
Fe and S
Si and O
Mg and O