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Hecate: Greek Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft

Greek goddess of Magic and
She was the daughter of the Titans Perses
and Asteria, and she was honored in the
households as a protective goddess who
brought prosperity.
Hecate was a chthonic goddess that
preceded the Olympians, and it seems that
she was highly worshipped in Thrace. She
was also closely associated with the spiritual
world, ghosts, and the dead.
She is sometimes seen as a protector of
those who might be vulnerable, such as
warriors and hunters, herdsmen and
shepherds, and children. However, she's not
protective in a nurturing or motherly way
instead, she is a goddess who will exact
vengeance upon those who cause harm to
people she protects.
She was very relevant in the times of ancient
Greece which was between 800 B.C. and
500 B.C.