Bronze Silver Gold - platinum My writing is mostly legible I have chosen suitable words for this type of story I use full stops to mark the end of most sentences and commas sometimes for lists. My story has a beginning and ending My verbs and tenses are mostly correct I can write legibly I have chosen some powerful vocabulary for this genre I have used conjunctions to extend sentences e.g. so, while, therefore, as, I can organise my work into paragraphs with some adverbials to link them. E.G. Later that night… Before I left… In the distance… I can use full stops accurately and commas for some clauses I can write legibly and fluently and maintain this throughout My ideas are developed with imaginative details and include a wide variety of ambitious vocabulary accurately for this genre I can use a variety of conjunctions: e.g. however, although, I have used a variety of adverbs and adverbials throughout to make links between paragraphs and sentences. Both grammar and punctuation are used accurately including commas to mark clauses. E.g. , ‘ “”- () : ;… My story planning guide Beginning: Ideas: where will my story take place? Set the scene. Introduce your characters and begin to build up the tension Middle: What will happen at this point? Have your characters got lost? How? Where are they? Do they sense someone is following them or not? You could include speech here Ending: How will your story end? Will you leave it on a cliff hanger? Will something dramatic happen? Will you build up an anti-climax? Think carefully, you must not lose interest from your reader