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8th Grade Science Syllabus: Legends of Scientia

8th Grade Science Syllabus
Ray D. Corbett Junior High
Mrs. Jennifer Lynn
Welcome, my young friends!! Welcome to Legends of Scientia!!
Journey Requirements:
Composition Book
2 pocket folder
Pencil pouch with pencils, pens, highlighter
Dry Erase Marker
Colored Pencils
Tape or glue
This class is designed as a multiplayer game. We will cover the required 8th grade science content
in this game format.
Class time will be divided between defeating domain monsters (unit exams), battle training
(quizzes, notes, etc.), gaining battle experience in boss battles (whole class reviews), allying with
other clans to overcome the Legendary Monsters (fall and spring benchmarks and semester
exams), and completing Quests (classwork, homework, projects, etc.…).
At the beginning of the year, everyone in the class will create and name their avatar. (Must be
school appropriate!!) We will affix it on the front of your Travel Log (composition notebook)
when we put them together. You may choose your Guild members, up to 4 members. Each Guild
will be composed of one member from each of the following character classes:
1. Mage
2. Warrior
3. Healer
The 4th Guild member may choose any character.
Grading Policy:
SCUC grading policies will be followed. You will begin on the first day of class as a Level One
avatar. Your level will be determined by the experience points (XP) you earn throughout the realm.
You gain XP by defeating monsters, completing quests, training for battles, etc. The highest level
that can be achieved is Level 18. (In development)
Below are some ways to gain XP.
 Solo: Read and summarize a science article. (Written, 1 paragraph to 1 page, 50 XP)
 Solo: Present your article to the class. (25 XP)
Raid: Guild reading presentation. (1 lesson from current textbook chapter, 75 base
Pick-Up Group: 2-player reading presentation (150 base XP/player, CANNOT team with
fellow guild member
Developing clever strategies to defeat presentation mobs can increase XP gained by up to
100 additional XP. (See Raid Strategies below)
Guild: Complete 1 vocabulary activity from Lingo Farm. (25 XP/member, up to 12
different farm activities)
Solo: Complete 1 Lesson Review from current chapter in textbook (50 XP)
Solo: Complete Task Card set over current content (100 XP)
Solo: Complete Hour of Code at Code.org (125 XP, can complete only once)
Solo: Successful completion of 5 Battle Trainings (250 XP, 5 quizzes)
Guild: Defeat Boss Lieutenant (50 XP/member in winning guild in each round, unit review)
Solo: Help defeat Domain Monster (200XP, unit exam, all clans unite)
Guild: Complete 2 webquests (50 XP/member)
Solo: Complete 2 webquests (100 XP)
Solo: Interactive Notebooks are current, neat, colorful, and complete (150 XP)
Solo: Class attendance, must be in seat and ready when the tardy bell rings. (5 XP/day)
Extra Credit for early completion of assigned projects (10 XP)
Solo Farming: Create vocabulary flashcards (1 XP/ term, each domain will spawn new
Guild: Peer Review Secret Ballot (Extra Credit. 0-100 possible XP as follows:)
 Project Leader: 100 XP
 Raid Leader: 75 XP
 Solid Guild Crafter: 50 XP
 Apprentice: 25 XP
 Beggar: 0 XP
Solo: Help defeat Legendary Monster (400 XP, Benchmark or Semester Exam)
Grading is rigorous. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation must be proofed. Writing must be
neat and legible or typed. Total XP will suffer otherwise.
Remember: The listed amounts of XP are the Maximum. Quality and completeness of work will
determine amount awarded.
Raid Strategies:
As noted above, clever raid strategies can increase the amount of XP awarded for defeating
presentation mobs. As in any MMO successful raids are built upon the attempts of others. Your
basic slideshow/poster presentation where you read off the slides/poster like some tired professor
will only qualify you for the base number of XP. Other methods such as videos, contests,
performances and of course games are encouraged.
Attendance and Conduct:
Attendance will be taken and counted as one daily grade for each quarter. You are expected to be
on time. Tardies will not earn any XP points. Tasks (assignments) are due at the beginning of class
on the date it is due. Late tasks (assignments) will fail to achieve the highest amount of XP for that
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are governed by school policy. In a word: DON’T
Classroom Conduct:
We will be following CHAMPs procedures for the various activities. Participate with respect.
Respect others, even those who hold views different than yours.
Absentee Policy:
When you are absent, a member of your Guild will complete a “While You Were Out” form that
details the missed work. They will also staple any worksheets or handouts to the back. The packet
will then be placed in your folder. It is the student’s responsibility, not the teacher’s, to collect
this work and see that it is handed in. It is also recommended that the student check in with the
teacher to ask any questions about the missed work. Students have one day for every day that they
were out plus one extra day to make up the work. Missed battles (tests) and battle training
(quizzes) must be made up within five school days.
Extra Help:
Adventurers may get extra help during Pride Time. If additional help is needed, adventurers may
stay after school or see me before school. Students will need to arrange for their own transportation
Retake Policy:
If an adventurer has concerns about their grade, they should discuss with the Game Master
(teacher) the reason(s) behind their current average and the necessary steps to take. Tasks (any
work for this class) may be redone to indicate improved mastery of the subject matter. Only the
higher grade will be recorded. So, if you are defeated in a Battle or Battle Training you can
resurrect and try again for a better grade!!! Note: Resurrection of avatar requires that you come
in for 2 training sessions (tutoring) with the Game Master for a minimum of 30 minutes each. This
will assist you in being victorious!!!! You must complete the retake within 5 school days.
Classroom Rules and Discipline Policy:
1. Be respectful
2. Be safe
3. Be on time and come prepared
4. Do not touch anything that you do not have permission to touch
5. Listen
Your presence in the game is vital for everyone. Please!! Adventurers behave properly at all times.
Failure to do so may result in a verbal warning, earning a “Training Infraction Notice”, parent
phone call and or conference, detention, or referral to the office.
Lab Activities:
A good portion of the Scientia Journey involves hands-on lab activities. Adventurers and parents
are required to read and sign the Laboratory Safety Contract. ANY inappropriate behavior
CANNOT be tolerated for the safety of everyone in the room.
Class Web Site:
Adventurers and parents are encouraged to visit this site regularly for announcements, homework
assignments, calendar of events, helpful documents, and other important information. Bookmark
(or add to Favorites) the page below the first time you go to it:
In addition to the class website, I also like to contact parents on a regular basis about student
progress and classroom participation. Please fill out the information sheet on the next page so that
I may contact you as easily as possible.
Please keep this syllabus for future reference and return the last page to Mrs. Jennifer Lynn.
Contact Information:
Jennifer Lynn
Ray D. Corbett Junior High
210-619-4150 or (210) 619-5796
*E-mail is the best way to reach me. I will do my best to return all e-mails within 24 hrs.
Student Name
Home Phone #
Parent/Guardian Name #1
E-mail address
Work #
Cell #
Parent/Guardian Name #2
E-mail address
Work #
*Please put a star next to the best way(s) to reach a parent/guardian during the school day.
Is there a computer available at home?
Are you able to log-on to the Internet?
Do you give permission for your child’s picture (with no name) to be used on the class website?
Is there anything that would be helpful for me to know?
I have read this syllabus with my son/daughter and we have discussed and understand all of the
policies and procedures.
_________________________ _________
_________________________ _________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature