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Historical Thinking Sentence Starters

Historical Thinking
Sentence Starters
- One must consider that there were multiple causes when __________________
- The immediate effects included _________________________
- The long-term effects included ______________________________
- Both economic and political factors played an important role in _________________
- All of these factors contributed to the ______________________
Through Their Eyes
- Another side of _________________’s personality showed that
- It is important to consider the time period when making judgments about _________.
- We are able to hear the voice of ______________ by reading her journal.
Turning Points
- ________________________ was a turning point in ________________________.
- The ___________________ brought about a dramatic change in __________________.
Differing Perspectives
- This version of events shows/portrays ____________________________________.
- The different perspectives of the _________________ shows that _______________.
Using the Past to Explain the Present
- In comparing _______________ and __________________, one finds that _______________
- Their history sheds light on how the _________
Change and Continuity
- One can see that in the past ___ years much has changed/little has changed in terms of
- In order to better differentiate between ________________________________
- Today, in _____, the question of __________________ is steadily gaining ground in _________.
- Though the number of __________ in the United States during the _____ was in decline, __________
- In evaluating the actions/motives of _______________________________________
- A thorough examination of ______________ might lead one to believe __________________
- When assessing ________________________, it is clear that __________________
- The effectiveness of the ____________________ is portrayed by___________________.
- When determining the degree to which ______________________________.
- When examining ______________________________________________
- Historians seem to disagree about whether _____________________________
- One could argue that ____________________________
- In defense of ________________________________________
- When examining the bias of the author, ___________________________________
- The reader should be wary of ____________________
- One can corroborate evidence from several sources that shows _________________________
- These comments should be taken lightly given that __________________________
--What happened next remains uncertain and has been the subject of much debate amongst historians. ___
________________________________ has much been debated amongst historians.
- Just as the argument over ___________ had divided the nation’s _______, it had also created two
factions _________
- This event changed a decade of power struggles that _____
- One might predict that _____________________________
- One can see a trend ________________________
- Over time one sees a pattern that developed which included _______________________________
Historical Context
- When placing this event in the context of the time period, one discovers _____________________
- There were several factors that influenced _________________________________
Posing a Question
- The question to be answered is ___________________________
- The question one must ask is _____________________________
- One must wonder whether ____________________________
- The question to ponder is _______________________________
- The question to be evaluated is _____________________________
- When considering this historical tragedy/travesty, it is clear that _______________________.
- We have a moral obligation to make sure that the voices of the ________________ are heard in history.
-The ________________ remains significant in history because_______________.
-The importance of the ____________________ can not be underestimated.
-In death, __________ had accomplished what he/she had been unable to do while alive