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GGR252S W2019 Assgn1-2

GGR 252H1S - MARKETING GEOGRAPHY (Snow 2019 - Swales)
This assignment addresses retail activity in Toronto. It requires that you visit two different
types of retail to assess their character, market orientation and location. First you will make
field observations in the two retail areas, then you will compare and contrast the two types
of retail using the information you collected. Do not interview anybody or use census data
in conducting this assignment; your answers are to draw from your own field work
observations. Read textbook chapters one, two and nine for terminology and context.
Chapter nine has a typology of retail supply, including retail strips and ancillary retail which
you explore in this assignment. There is no need to use any other secondary sources.
Read all of this assignment before you proceed.
PART A: Field Observations of Two Retail Areas
Select an underground ancillary retail area and retail strip according to the following
Underground Ancillary Retail: Select an underground ancillary retail area according to
the first letter of your surname (last name): A-M the downtown underground PATH
ancillary area somewhere north of King Street; N-Z the underground PATH ancillary area
somewhere south of King Street. Navigate your ancillary retail system. The best time to
walk the system is on a weekday, either at midday or at the close of the work day.
Retail Strip: Select the retail strip from the list below according to the last number of your
student number (no exceptions!). Visit the retail strip and note the retail uses along it
beginning at the assigned intersection.
Bloor Street west from Bathurst Street (last number of student number 0-1)
Yonge Street north from Price Street (last number of student number 2-3)
Harbord Street west from Spadina (last number of student number 4-5)
Spadina Avenue south from Dundas Street (last number of student number 6-7)
Dundas Street west from Spadina Avenue (last number of student number 8-9)
All are easily accessible by the "red rocket"!
Create a map of each of the retail areas that should include:
 45-50 stores
 Name of each store
 Type of store/outlet (female fashion, shoes, dental office, etc.)
 Ownership (retail chain or independent)
 The nature of the land uses above the ancillary retail and adjacent to the retail
strip (just note these, no need to draw them)
***For both the maps above, create a scheme (legend) that concisely portrays the name,
type and ownership of the stores. Keep each of your maps to a manageable size - no
larger than 8.5 x 11 paper.
Conduct a pedestrian count over 15 minutes in each of the retail areas - note on
the maps above the location, time and date, and number of the counts.
Create a table to concisely compare the two retail areas in the following
- How many (and what %) of the stores are retail chain and independent stores?
- What was the pedestrian count for the 15 minutes for each retail area?
- Estimation of the demographic composition of the “shoppers”. What is your
- Where do you think the shoppers (market) for this retail come from?
- Are all the people you see shoppers?
- What is the nature of the street or mall “furniture” (benches, lamp posts, flower
beds, signage, etc.) you observe?
- Is this planned or unplanned retail?
- Is this public or private space?
***The table component of this assignment should be approximately one to two typewritten pages, 12-point font, single spaced.
Note: you may use Google street view (or something similar) and retail-area websites
to begin the data collection, but you will still have to visit the retail areas to “ground
truth” the information you have collected to ensure currency, accuracy and to get a
better sense of the places. Your information must be current.
PART B: Discussion
Using the information you generated above, compare and contrast the two types of
retailing activity. Among other things that you think important, this discussion should
address the location, accessibility, market orientation, degree of specialty and design and
composition of the retail. Using specific evidence from your observations, also compare
the extent to which the two areas are controlled/managed environments. Do the retail areas
have a distinctive sense of place?
***The discussion component of this assignment (exclusive of maps and table) should not
exceed six type-written pages, 12-point font, double spaced. Staple, do not bind your
NOTE: Your assignment must be handed in during the first ten (10) minutes of
your tutorial as per the tutorial schedule otherwise it will be considered late. Late
penalty: up to one week late 20%; not accepted thereafter without documented good
Academic Misconduct: Read carefully the guidelines on academic misconduct:
http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/osai/The-rules/what-is-academic-misconduct. It is
essential that you avoid plagiarism and consequential penalties including failing the
course. Otherwise, have a productive and enjoyable experience with this assignment.
Stephen Swales