Brain Frame Cerebellum Cerebrum Medulla Oblongata Diencephalon Lobe Lobe Coordinates voluntary muscles, maintains balance and muscle tone Frontal Lobe Prefrontal cortex Involved in memory, problem solving, & conscious thought Premotor area Primary motor area Help plan complex movements Provides conscious control of skeletal muscles Thalamus Hypothalamus Parietal Lobe Broca’s Area Plans the sequences of muscle contractions in the tongue, larynx, & palate to form meaningful sentences Primary Somatosensory area Somatosensory association area Where impulses from the skin, such as touch, pain, & temp are received Integrates somatose nsory input with memories to identify physical sensations Amygdala Hippocampus Occipital Lobe Temporal Lobe Auditory Association area Auditory Receiving Area Interprets the sounds Detects sound impulses transmited from the enviroment Pineal Body Wernicke’s Area Functions in speech recognitio n and meaning of the words Pituitary Gland Visual Association Area Interprets the impulses into a mental picture Visual Receiving Area Collects sensory information from the retina such as brightness and color RAS Pons Corpus Callosum