Fatima tuz zehra 02-111162-255 BBA 5D Inside out This story revolves around the girl named Riley who experiences a range of emotions during her teen age period. This movie has a lot of psychological concepts that are discussed further. Emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence is understanding of our own feelings and those of others. Riley couldn’t understand her emotions when she shifted and all of that lead her to take a wrong step. We culturally tend to value certain traits & emotions over others – but all are meaningful. . As we age, our emotions become more complex and expansive. 5. Emotions guide our perception of the world Multiple intelligence Kinesthetic intelligence It involves motor abilities Riley was good at playing ice hockey Stress management Stressors are the factors or events that causes stress. Stress can really harm physical and mental health. Riley was being submissive to her mother by displaying happiness though she was not. She should have been assertive so that aggression would not have caused her to run away from home.