Brittannia Perdomita

I was having an frantic conversation with Salvius. I was regrettably telling him of Cephalus’
failure to kill the king, until a slave entered and hurried over to us. As soon as I heard
Cogidubnus I felt my soul sink and tremble with fear, with that heavy feeling sinking deeper and
deeper, filling up with terror upon hearing that Cogidubnus was coming with armed men.
Salvius, with anxiety in his voice, suspected that Cogidubnus was coming for vengeance. Of
course I will help Salvius, for the fact that I failed killing the King and might lose my chance of
Holding a piece of paper, King Cogidubnus claimed that Salvius trapped him, and Cephalus
wrote him a letter that revealed everything. When I heard what he said, I was like “Oh no!”
But soon I calmed down, because I got a good idea. I started saying that Cephalus is dead right
now, and acted like that I didn’t know anything about the whole thing. King Cogidubnus,
however, thought that Cephalus was a great man, and the truth is what he appealed. Therefore,
I told him that the letter is false and the slave who delivered it was a liar.
By telling us that even though the slave have been tortured, he kept the same words, King
Cogidubnus said that I was the liar, and he will dismiss me from the care of the baths.
Wait! I can’t be dismissed from the care of baths! The king was definitely crazy! This was so
Salvius, in spite of trembling so hard at this moment, confronted the king saying that the king
had been demanding to much; and even though he received the highest honor from the
Romans, he never satisfied. Also it was emperor Domitanious who ordered Salvius to take over
the kingdom.
HAHA! Salvius’ confrontation worked! The king got so mad, as he shouted that Romans are the
most treacherous, he told Salvius to send an announcement to the emperor that they conquered
him and Brittain, left slowly through the door.
Story by Isabella Hunter, Elaine Wu, and Tommy Yuen
Salvius was having a conversation anxiously with Memor. A slave, having entered, ran to
Isabella: 3-15
Slave: Master, King Cogidubnus is coming here. The king is wearing a splendid toga with a
purple border. He is leading a great number of armed men.
Memor: The king is coming here? He is wearing a toga with a purple border?
Salvius: Cogidubnus, we, having suspected, headed for revenge. Memor, I need you to help
me. We are for the Romans, Cogidubnus is a barbarian.
Cogidubnus enters. He holds a letter in his hand, having been written by Cephalus.
Cogidubnus: Memor, you have prepared a trap for me. You ordered Cephalus to obtain poison
and kill me. But Cephalus, your freedman, revealed everything to me.
Memor: Cogidubnus, as you said, is absurd. Cephalus is dead.
Elaine: 16-32
Cogidubnus: Cephalus was a man of great prudence. He doesn’t trust you. He obeyed you
unwillingly. As soon as you gave him those orders, Cephalus wrote a letter in which he revealed
everything. A slave, sent by Cephalus, brought this letter to me.
Memor: The letter is untrue, the slave is such a liar.
Cogidubnus: You, not the slave, is a liar. For the slave, having suffered much torture, remained
the same opinion.
Salvius: King Cogidubnus, why are you leading those armed men?
Cogidubnus: I have now dismissed Memor from the care of the baths.
Memor: What did you say? You dismissed me? I am the one who is innocent. Salv…
Salvius: King Cogidubnus, what did you do? You, who is a barbarian, dare to dismiss Roman
diviner? You dare too much! You, having received the highest honor from us, are never satisfied.
You have been annoying us too much.
Tommy: the rest
Salvius:​ Having entered with the armed man, you are displaying your treachery openly,
Emperor Domitian, having suffered for a long time from your arrogance. recently sent a
letter to me. In this letter, he ordered me to take over your kingdom. I order you,
therefore, to return to the palace at once.
Cogidubnus:​ So this is Roman justice! So this is loyalty! Nobody is more treacherous
than the Romans. I have been very stupid because I trusted the Romans until now. I
betrayed my friends I lost my kingdom. Once, having been deceived by Romans, I
accepted the decorations and honors of the Romans. Today these decorations, having
been given to me by the Romans, I throw on the ground. Salvius, send a message to
that Emperor, "We finally have conquered Cogidubnus. Britain is conquered."
The old man, having said this, left slowly through the door.
I was having an frantic conversation with Salvius. I was regrettably telling him of Cephalus’
failure to kill the king, until a slave entered and hurried over to us. As soon as I heard
Cogidubnus I felt my soul sink and tremble with fear, with that heavy feeling sinking deeper and
deeper, filling up with terror upon hearing that Cogidubnus was coming with armed men.
Salvius, with anxiety in his voice, suspected that Cogidubnus was coming for vengeance. Of
course I will help Salvius, for the fact that I failed killing the King and might lose my chance of
Holding a piece of paper, King Cogidubnus claimed that Salvius trapped him, and Cephalus
wrote him a letter that revealed everything. When I heard what he said, I was like “Oh no!”
But soon I calmed down, because I got a good idea. I started saying that Cephalus is dead right
now, and acted like that I didn’t know anything about the whole thing. King Cogidubnus,
however, thought that Cephalus was a great man, and the truth is what he appealed. Therefore,
I told him that the letter is false and the slave who delivered it was a liar.
By telling us that even though the slave have been tortured, he kept the same words, King
Cogidubnus said that I was the liar, and he will dismiss me from the care of the baths.
Wait! I can’t be dismissed! The king was crazy! This was so unbelievable!
Salvius, in spite of trembling so hard at this moment, confronted the king saying that the king
had been demanding to much; and even though he received the highest honor from the
Romans, he never satisfied. Also it was emperor Domitanious who ordered Salvius to take over
the kingdom.
HAHA! Salvius’ confrontation worked! The king got so mad, as he shouted that Romans are the
most treacherous, he told Salvius to send an announcement to the emperor that they conquered
him and Brittain, left slowly through the door.