GROUP ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET STUDENT DETAILS Student name: Nguyễn Ngọc Trúc Linh Student ID number: 31181023008 Student name: Quách Trầ n Phương Linh Student ID number: 31181023147 Student name: Nguyễn Thi ̣ Thiện Minh Student ID number: 31181025126 Student name: Đỗ Hoàng Cao Ngân Student ID number: 31181023752 Student name: Nguyễn Quố c Hạnh Nguyên Student ID number: 31181020062 Student name: Đặng Phú Student ID number: 31181021859 UNIT AND TUTORIAL DETAILS Unit name: ACADEMIC SKILLS Lecturer or Tutor name: Unit number: FOU101 Mr. Alan J Hartnett, Ms.Gabriel Adderley ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Title: HOMEWORK - SESSION 2 Length: Due date: 26 October 2018 Date submitted: 25 October 2018 DECLARATION I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged. I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment. I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in another (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer / Tutor / Unit Coordinator for this unit. No part of the assignment/product has been written/ produced for me by any other person except where collaboration has been authorised by the Lecturer / Tutor /Unit Coordinator concerned. I am aware that this work may be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking). Student’s signature: Student’s signature: Student’s signature: Student’s signature: Student’s signature: Student’s signature: Multicultural Diversity Cultural Diversity: External factors have more significant effects on one’s personality than internal factors in a multicultural enterprise Team One DH44ISB04 20/11/2018 Alan Joseph Hanrtnett Gabriel Adderley Multicultural Diversity 1 Cultural Diversity: External factors have more significant effects on one’s personality than internal factors in a multicultural enterprise “Multicultural enterprises” is no longer a strange phrase when a topic about working environment of companies is being discussed. This is a result of globalization which has been a trend for over a century and this popular idea of people working different cultures and countries working with each other affect people personality traits all over the world because of two factors: external and internal ones. External factors are things outside of a person’s traditional thoughts. On the contrary, internal factors are what the old habits, thoughts resulted from a long history of studying in a monocultural environment. This essay strongly agrees that the effects outside are stronger than ones inside in a development of an individual’s traits. The writers will argue how communication with people from other cultures, competitive workplaces and the need for adaptation might change one’s personality, even though keeping things in the old ways may also has an effect. People’s personality is changed by communicating with many other people from various cultures. The traits are said to be changed by absorbing knowledge from another culture through a technique in communication called “ framing”. Framing is an ability to understand or share the feelings of the communicator (Gudykunst & Kim,1984). By performing this method, a member of Team Europe Connect stated that he did his work entirely different than before after learning how designers and researchers need and expect (Gibson & Maneul, 2003). Moreover,the knowledge that people gain from learning another language and culture more or less affects the way they think and judge everything around them (Lauring, 2009). Therefore, the more diverse an enterprise, the more its employees might change the way they work and think. To be able to communicate in a multicultural company means that a person might have to learn a foreign Multicultural Diversity 2 language. A study found that one might have different personality when speaking a language other than his/her mother tongue (Esparza et al, 2004). Nicola Prentis – an award-winning writer of English Language Teaching materials wrote an article about this subject and asked a Russian – American immigrant how she felt speaking the 2 languages. The immigrant said she felt “guarded, reserved, uncomfortable” when speaking Russian, but “free and outgoing” when speaking English. Competitive environment also plays a part in affecting people’s personality in a diverse workplace. On the one hand, employees can put in more effort in their work, be more willing to change themselves and achieve positive results if they are motivated by competition among themselves (Staw et al, 2017). Such rivalry improves physiology and psychology of a person, which can stimulate one’s mind and body to work better and carry out better performance (Scott & Cherrington, 1974). Therefore, a multicultural environment enables people to overcome and change themselves by competing with each other. As a result, people might change more dramatically when striving in a diverse workplace because their opponents come from various cultures. On the other hand, competition can cause fear which will induce people to backstab their own teammates in order to survive in the company (Rosen, 2007). Thus,there may be scenerio when a kind, trustworthy individual might want to knock the top employee down to take that position in an ugly, dishonorable way. External factors like a competitive workplace can transform one’s traits in either good or bad way, but in a multicultural company, efficient leaders will have stratergies to change their employees positively in order to make their business more successful. On the other hand, internal factors like childhood experiences and habits can also influence personality traits. Firstly, according to Costa and McCrae (1994), one’s personality is Multicultural Diversity 3 formed mainly during childhood and remains almost stable later in life. One of the main reasons is that experiences in this life period define one’s belief and perception, therefore shape his actions. (Fuster & Bressler, 2015). A prominent example is the case of children suffered corporal punishment in childhood. They later become aggressive and are likely to fall for violence to manipulate people (Grogan-Kaylor, 2004). Difference between students from countries also represent an example of how education in early years can whittle our process of information. Researchers found that East Asians tend to pay attention to the environment, the contexts and relationships whereas Americans choose to focus on the objects and details (Goode, 2000). These traits once set in stone can rarely be modified, regardless to the environment. Secondly, habits play an important role in determining people’s personalities and even shape who they are, as Will Durant (1926) wrote, “these virtues are formed in man by doing his actions; we are we repeatedly do”. A numerous of small habits together form a day from what time people sleep to what they eat, from how they work in a team to how they express their ideas. Because the brain stops focusing on the tasks after the patterns are created, these chains of actions are hard to change and actually never fade out, as researchers of MIT reveals, “ they’re encoded into the structures of our brain” (Duhigg, 2012). A significant part of daily routine is the habits formed by one’s culture. As a social norm in most cultures in Asia, people usually hand over cards and documents with both hands to show their respect whilst Europeans do not pay much attention to this gesture. The latter tend to say exactly what they mean meanwhile the former’s communication style is relatively indirect, which means they care more about protecting another’s honor and self esteem (CT Business Travel, 2015). As long as these customs don’t hinder their work, people want to maintain them, because “ people have pride in who they are and where they came from” (Sonnenschein, 1999). Multicultural Diversity 4 Finally, despite keeping cultural habits might change one’s personality, interaction with multiple people from many cultures in an intensively competitive environment forces them to adapt in order to thrive. A study illustrated, “the increasing internationalization of business emphasizes the ability of employees to work effectively in different cultural environments, adapt to new cultural and social circumstances” (Procedia Economics and Finance 34, 2015,p.664). In a monocultural environment where cross-ethnic and cross-cultural communications are limited, an individual’s abilities are restricted compared with other one who works in a multicultural enterprise. On the other hand, in a multicultural environment, the type and range of cognitive elements that guide social interactions are likely to increase. According to Berry (2002), the process of adapting to a new culture, known as acculturation, requires cultural and psychological change resulting from contact with non native cultures. As a result, employees working in a diverse office has more likelihood to learn new languages, cultures and working styles than those who do not. Consequently, each person’s self-awareness is motivated to change due to the interaction with multiple people from various cultures in a mixed-race company which is improved by trying to absorb new knowledge and techniques in order to adapt to the environment. In conclusion, external factors like interaction among multiple people from different countries, dog-eat-dog workplaces and a motivation to survive in a multicultural company outweigh the idea that keeping traditional thoughts and habits can have an impact on people’s personality traits. Globalization has been a trend for a long time and probably will not stop in the near future. Therefore, the outward effects might have an even bigger and stronger influence on people’s minds in years to come. Multicultural Diversity 5 References Lauring, J. (2009). “Managing cultural diversity and the process of knowledge sharing: A case from Denmark” Scandinavian Journal of Management. Retrieved from: d_the_process_of_knowledge_sharing_A_case_from_Denmark Esparza, N.R., Gosling, S.D., Martinez, V.B., Potter, J.P., Pennebaker, J.W. (2004). Do bilinguals have two personalities? A special case of cultural frame switching. Retrieved from: Gudykunst, W.B., Kim, Y.Y. (1984). Methods for intercultural communication research, international and intercultural communication annual, vol 7. Beverly Hills: Sage. Gibson, C. B., & Manuel, J. A. (2003). Building trust: Effective multicultural communication processes in virtual teams. Virtual teams that work: Creating conditions for virtual team effectiveness, 59-86. Staw, B.W., Kilduff, G.J., Elfenbein, H.A. (2017). Academy of Management Journal, Vol.53, No.5. Retrieved from: Scott, W. E., & Cherrington, D. J. (1974). Effects of competitive, cooperative, and individualistic reinforcement contingencies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Rosen, E.(2007). The culture of collaboration. Red Ape Publishing. Multicultural Diversity 6 Grogan-Kaylor, A. (2004) “The effect of corporal punishment on antisocial behavior in children” Social Work Research, 153–164. Sonnenschein, W. (1999). The diversity toolkit: How you can build and benefit from a diverse workforce. Lincolnwood, Chicago. McGraw Hill Professional. CT Business Travel. (2015). Business Etiquette Around The World. Retrieved from : Duhigg, C. (2012). The power of habit: Why we do what we do in life and business. Random House. Durant, W. (1926). The story of philosophy.New York. Garden City. Fuster, J. M., & Bressler, S. L. (2015). Past makes future: role of pFC in prediction. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 639-654. Costa Jr, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1994). Stability and change in personality from adolescence through adulthood. Goode E. (2000). How Culture Molds Habits Of Thought. The New York Times. Retrieved from: Procedia Economics and Finance 34 (2015). Business Economics and Management 2015 Conference, BEM2015: Impact of multiculturalism on the industrial enterprises management. Retrieved from: Multicultural Diversity Berry, J. W., Poortinga, Y. H., Segall, M. H., & Dasen, P. R. (2002). Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications (2nded.). 7