Cell Biology: Microscopes, Cells, and Organelles


Cells are the smallest unit of life, they are the building blocks of living things.

A microscope is an instrument used to view small objects. It provides a magnified image for us to view.

You are going to be shown 10 images taken by an electron microscope

Your job is to guess what the image is

Please list the numbers 1-10 in your workbook

Introduction to Cells

Microscopic World

Smallest Periodic Table

Using pg 34/35 of your textbook fill in the worksheet on cell discoveries. Then glue this in your workbook.

Electron microscopes

Instead of light, an electron microscope uses tiny negatively charged particles called electrons to create its images

There are two types of Electron


~ Transmission Electron Microscope

(TEM) show the internal structure of cells

~ Scanning Electron Microscope

(SEM)show images of the surface of specimens

Golgi Apparatus

Mitochondrion of a heart muscle cell


Soybean Cyst Nematode and its egg

Deer Tick


• E.g. Magnifying glass

• Uses one lens to magnify and isn’t very powerful


• Uses 2 or more lenses and is more powerful.

• You can see microbes and cells that make up living things


• Single eyepiece

• Images formed by focussing light through an object


• Two eyepieces

• More expensive

• 3D images

• Light reflects off the specimen

Label your microscope diagram using the picture

Multiply the objective lens number by the eyepiece magnification.

This will give you the overall magnification of the microscope.

Use two hands when carrying

Place on a flat surface

Use one eye

Always remove the slide before packing up

When finished make sure you leave the shortest objective lens in place

-Place the slide onto the stage

-Start with lowest objective lens

-Start with the coarse focus and wind towards yourself

-Turn the fine focus to make the image clear

-Sketch what you see

Use pencil

Keep diagrams simple

Do not attempt to draw everything

Large diagram

Label what you can identify

Record date, name of specimen and magnification

An organism may be made up of one cell (unicellular) or many cells


Inside cells are small structures called organelles, they have a job within the cell and function together to keep the organism alive.

Organelle s

• Cell membrane: Thin layer which provides structure to the cell and gives it shape. Controls what enters & leaves the cell.

• Cytosol: Jelly-like substance which fills the cell.

• Cytoplasm: Term used to describe the cytosol & all the organelles within it.

• Ribosomes: Microscopic factories that produce the proteins used by the body for growth & repair.

• Mitochondria: Powerhouse of the cell, releases energy from food.

• Lysosomes: Garbage disposal units that get rid of waste from the cell.

• Golgi body: Stores & changes complex molecules.

• Nucleus: Contains DNA & is the control centre of the cell.

Controls what the cell does & when.

• Endoplasmic reticulum: Creates pathways that allow materials to move quickly & easily through the cell.

• Cell wall: Helps support the plant & give it shape, like a skeleton keeps your body supported. Made of cellulose

• Chloroplasts: Plants make their own food using a process called photosynthesis. This takes place in the chloroplasts which are found in the green parts of plants.

• Vacuole: Stores water inside the plant.

• Most cells contain a nucleus and are known as eukaryote cells.

• Cells without a nucleus are called prokaryotes and were the first type of organism to appear on Earth.

Blood Cellscarry food and oxygen around the body and fight off infection, made in the bone marrow

Muscle Cells-

Long and elastic, give movement

Nerve Cellssend messages from the brain to the muscles and from the nerve receptors to the brain, star shaped

Skin Cellscover body and provide a barrier for infection, flattened shape

Bone Cellssupport the body and protect internal organs. Surrounded by calcium.

Adipose (fat) Cellsinsulate the body and store energy

Sperm and Egg Cellscombine to produce a new animal

Epithelial cellsline nose, windpipe and lungs.

Square shaped with cilia on the end.

Guard Cellscontrol the movement of gases into and out of the leaf via pores called stomata. Kidney shaped

Xylem Cellsform tubes, which carry water from the roots to all parts of the plant.

Root Hair Cellsabsorb water and minerals from the soil. They have small hairs on their surface

Phloem CellsForm tubes, carry food made in the leaves to all parts of the plant.

Epidermal cellsflat shape like tiles, form an outer skin for the plant and provide protection.

Leaf cells (palisade cells)-

Usually green and full of chloroplasts as they need to photosynthesise.

1,2,3,4 pg 53

1,2,3,4 pg 55
