SCHEME OF WORK: 2019 SUBJECT: SCIENCE Grade: 7 SEMESTER: 1 13thJanuary – 9th May-16 week First Term Topics Second Term Topics Week No. of Periods Topic 1 5 2 Complete Week No. of. Periods Topic Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements 1 4 Systematics and Biodiversity 5 Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements 2 5 Cell Structure and Organisation 3 5 Kinematics 3 5 Biological Molecules and Their Importance 4 5 Dynamics 4 5 Plant Nutrition 5 4 Dynamics 5 5 Plant Nutrition 6 5 Mass, weight and gravitational fields 6 5 Germination and Pollination 7 5 Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements 7 5 Germination and Pollination 8 5 Sources of Energy and Transformation of Energy 8 4 Transfer of Thermal Energy 9 5 Matter 9 5 Transfer of Thermal Energy 10 5 Kinetic theory 10 5 Measurement of Temperature 11 5 Atoms, Molecules, Mixtures and Compounds 11 5 Light 12 5 Matter , Methods of Purification and Analysis 12 5 Electricity 13 4 Acids and Bases 13 5 Electricity 14 5 Atmosphere and Environment 14 5 Magnetism and electromagnetism 15 4 Water 15 5 Magnetism and electromagnetism 16 4 Revision 16 5 Revision Strand: Physics Complete Strand: Physics Sub strand: Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements Week 1 No of periods Outcome Students in groups are asked to list down physical quantities they know about. Teacher designed task and test Teacher observation Thinking Critically and Creatively b) Expresses some derived quantities in terms of fundamental quantities. Discuss how some of these are basic and how some are formed using the base ones Teacher designed task and test Teacher observation Discussion and display on system of units. Thinking Critically and Creatively c) Explains the metric system and the International System of Units. Portfolio Self and assessment d) States some base quantities, their units and symbols. Group work on conversion between units. Self and assessment Questioning 3 PH1.1: Categorize physical quantities as fundamental (base) and derived quantities and describes the systems of unit. 1 Thinking Critically and Creatively a) Classifies physical quantities as fundamental (base) and derived quantities. 2 PH1.1: Categorize physical quantities as fundamental (base) and derived quantities and describes the systems of unit. 1 Indicators 1 PH1.1: Categorize physical quantities as fundamental (base) and derived quantities and describes the systems of unit. 1 Key Competencies 4 PH1.1: Categorize physical quantities as fundamental (base) and derived quantities and describes the systems of unit. Thinking Critically and Creatively e) Uses the conversion formulae for some derived physical quantities. Learning resources activities and Assessment methods/ tools Integration with other strands, sub- strands peer peer Strand: Physics Sub strand: Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements Week 2 2 2 No of periods 1 2 3 Outcome Key Competencies Indicators PH1.2: Measure physical quantities such as length, mass, time, temperature and volume. Relating to People a) Expresses the measurement of the physical quantity and SI units. Different measuring instruments used and described to find length, mass and time Teacher designed task and test Teacher observation Portfolio PH1.2: Measure physical quantities such as length, mass, time, temperature and volume. Relating to People b) Describes and measures the length of an object using ruler/measuring tape. Different measuring instruments used and described to find length, mass and time Self and assessment Questioning peer PH1.2: Measure physical quantities such as length, mass, time, temperature and volume. Relating to People c) Explains and measures the mass of given objects. Different measuring instruments used and described to find length, mass and time. And showing time measurement using stop clocks Self and assessment Questioning peer Doing textbook activity 1.1 and 1.2 Teacher observation Using Technology and the Media Using Technology and the Media Using Technology and the Media d) Measures and explains how to measure time using clocks and stopwatches 2 4 PH1.2: Measure physical quantities such as length, mass, time, temperature and volume. Relating to People Using Technology and the Media e) To measures temperature of a body using thermometers. Learning resources activities and Assessment methods/ tools Integration with other strands, sub- strands Strand: Physics Sub strand: Kinematics. Week No of Outcome Key Competencies Indicators Learning resources activities and Assessment methods/ tools Integration with other strands, sub- strands Relating to People f) measures volume of given objects. Measuring the solid and the liquid with appropriate instruments Self and assessment Questioning g) Measures the volume of liquids and objects (regular and irregular) using direct and indirect methods. Using formula to regular objects and immersing the irregular object and finding the difference in volume to find the volume of the object. Teacher designed task and test Questioning periods 3 1 PH1.2: Measure physical quantities such as length, mass, time, temperature Using Technology and the Media peer and volume. 3 2 Relating to People PH1.2: Measure physical quantities such as length, mass, time, temperature Using Technology and the Media and volume. 3 3 TB Act.1.3 PH1.3: Recognise that Relating to People physical quantities can be classified into scalars and vectors. Thinking Critically and Creatively a) Defines vectors and scalars and gives examples of vectors and Identify scalars and vectors. TB act.6.1 scalars. b) Explains the difference between distance and displacement and classifies distance as scalar and displacement as vector. Activity to show the net effect of forces changing with the direction of forces. Teacher designed task and test Questioning 3 3 4 5 PH1.4: Investigate Relating to People speed and recognise the Thinking Critically and Creatively a) Defines the terms speed and velocity and differentiates between difference between speed them. and velocity. b) Derives the formula to find speed and velocity. PH1.4: Investigate Relating to People speed and recognise the Thinking Critically and Creatively difference between speed and velocity. c) Calculates speed. Introduce the term speed and velocity and explain with simple examples Teacher designed task and test Questioning Problems based on speed is given Teacher designed task and test Questioning Strand: Physics Sub strand: Dynamics. Week No of Outcome Key Competencies Indicators Relating to People d) Defines terms instantaneous speed and average speed. Learning resources activities and Assessment methods/ tools periods 4 1 PH1.4: Investigate speed and recognise the e) Plans and carries out an investigation to find the speed of a moving object. difference between speed and velocity. 4 2 Understanding and Managing Self PH1.5: Explore the meaning of force and investigate forces. Group activity to find various speed. Teacher designed task and test Questioning Relating to People Thinking Critically and Creatively Using Technology and the Media a) Identifies force as an agent resulting from the object’s interaction with another object which changes or tends to change the state of rest, of uniform linear motion and physical condition of a body. Portfolio Questioning Activity to find how speed changes with force Integration with other strands, sub- strands 4 3 Understanding and Managing Self PH1.5: Explore the meaning of force and investigate forc Relating to People Thinking Critically and Creatively b) Uses phrases such as speeding up, slowing down and change in direction of motion of an object in everyday conversation and relate them to force. Activity to relate different types of forces in everyday life Teacher designed task and test Teacher observation Using Technology and the Media 4 4 Understanding and Managing Self PH1.5: Explore the meaning of force and investigate forces. Relating to People Thinking Critically and Creatively Using Technology and the Media c) Identifies different types of forces such as force of friction, gravitational force, applied force, magnetic force, electrostatic force, Portfolio Concept mapping Activity to discover different types of forces up thrust or buoyant force, weight, tension, force of reaction and air resistance. d) Observes and investigates the effect of forces on a Text book Act.6.2,6.3 (i) moving object and (ii) stationary object. Examles with daily life for stationery and moving obects